Miniature Madness!


Liberty's Edge

I've recently started purchasing miniatures for my gaming group. I get detailed descriptions of their characters and I search around until I find a miniature that suits them best. At the moment I've found four out of five minis that fit the PC's in my party and I'm going to continue to search for minis that will match major NPCs and villains.

It's been a long process but has been worth it. So I figured to make my search and other searches easier for my fellow players, we could work together in this thread to find those miniatures that fit your characters just right!

I'll go ahead and give a big thanks to those who help me and my fellow miniature enthusiast out!! =D

Reaper has a fairly sophisticated search feature... don't know much about the other companies that offer minis though.

Liberty's Edge

Gruuuu wrote:
Reaper has a fairly sophisticated search feature... don't know much about the other companies that offer minis though.

I've searched through most of the miniatures one Paizo at the moment. And I gotta say, I love Reaper so much! I've found a perfect mini for each character in my party from them. I'm only waiting for the Half-Orc Pirate to become available and I'll have a mini for each member of the party.

This forum is here for anyone who is having a particularly difficult time finding one they want on this site or any site for that matter to voice what they need and hopefully someone will know where to find one or have a good idea where to look

Sovereign Court

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List of mini manufacturers, I probably missed some.

Paizo's Storefront

Plastic Models Napoleonic and light horse arabian type minis Undead and Orc Dwarfs and Elves, some chaos dwarves. Napoleonics Napoleonics Napoleonics and Celts and Romans Orcs, Persians, Amazons etc..

Metal Models D&D figures, dragons, monsters, pathfinder minis Lots of classic minis inspired by D&D artists (Elmore, Easley, Parkinson) and George RR Martin's Game of thrones Classic D&D figures, giants, etc... Badass dwarves and orcs
Pirates Sci fi stuff, and orcs and goblins Fantasy Monsters Heroes and Villians Celts, Romans and a sci fi game Infinity Historical and Weird WW2 Sci Fi Stuff historicals and sci fi Fantasy and Sci Fi Maulifaux, sort of a victoriana fantasy steam punk game.

Resin Models Big big monsters. A few minis (wolf, giant boar) but lots of heads and bits. Again mostly add on bits, and wolves Post apocalyptic and orcs Sci fi and fantasy Greek mythology, sci fi and steam punk.


Privateer Press Warmachine and Hordes and the Iron Kingdom RPG. Warhammer

Sovereign Court

Don't forget Elfsera. They do some neat pre-painted as well as unpainted minis.

Don't forget Iron Wind Metals. They have a lot of the Old Ral Partha Fantasy catalog.

And there's always Ral Partha UK.

Sovereign Court

Found another one.

Sovereign Court

*kicks Robert Hawkshaw*

Don't forget the Pathfinder paper minis!

Sovereign Court

Callous Jack wrote:

*kicks Robert Hawkshaw*


Don't forget the Pathfinder paper minis!

I'll have to start a paper \ token list when I am at a real computer not a phone.

Another prepainted mini manufacturer was the now defunct Rackham - you can now get their minis for half price at Paizo also had them on sale a year ago or so but I think they are out.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Paper Minis

Fiery Dragon Tokens

Battle Studio Paper Minis

There have to be more token / paper minis out there... I recall a deadlands cardstock cowboys product..

Sovereign Court

Two more companies to add:

Tale of War - spanish, and seem to do pirates, and general fantasy

Sovereign Court

Werner Klocke's store (he does a lot of work for reaper).

Sovereign Court n_lady

New resin griffon rider for 30 euro.

Just wanted to point out that the Perry Brothers have a number of lines, including some metal and some plastic. Among their plastic creations are now some War of the Roses sets, one of which I purchases recently.

Sovereign Court

Good eye! They also have some samurai, Korean, and crusades figures, so good for jade regent and cavaliers etc...

They seem to be slowly expanding their repertoire of plastic figures, but they don't have any yet for their crusade line, unfortunately.
It was apparently something of an experiment for them to even try to make series of plastics, but so far it's been a resounding success so the impression I have is that they are continuing to work on them. This isn't their day job, after all, since their main job is working for GW.
It's also interesting seeing how the process is different for making plastic and metal minis in general. The plastics are injection-molded and one consequence of this is that the molds are made using a pantograph. So the sculpt (green) is three times the size of the finished mini. This is one reason they can get really good detail on the plastics. I haven't tried painting them yet, and I am somewhat worried that they will be extremely difficult, but I'll find out, I suppose. And really, getting forty minis for about $30 is a pretty amazing deal :)

Sovereign Court

Cipher Studios has some interesting minis, for example, this alchemist mini: =36_43&products_id=496&zenid=eb7b23fb0b9fb29b31480abadd87623a

Center Stage Minis seems to be buying up old molds of fantasy monsters:

Enigma also has some really nice minis.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

darlos04 wrote:

Enigma also has some really nice minis.

Unfortunately, the languages which I can read, English and French, they seem to only have barely finished the Website--some in English and almost none in French. The miniatures do look gorgeous though.

DeathQuaker wrote:
darlos04 wrote:

Enigma also has some really nice minis.

Unfortunately, the languages which I can read, English and French, they seem to only have barely finished the Website--some in English and almost none in French. The miniatures do look gorgeous though.

I found out about these through a HobbyTownUSA nearby, and they have a section dedicated to those minis. They are a little pricey, but definitely nice.

Sovereign Court - Plastic minis.

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