Dungeon Crawl Classics: Saga of the Rat King (1E) PDF

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This adventure module uses 1E rules.

One of the most notorious villains returns in this long-awaited compilation! The Rat King and his progeny have brought danger to the town of Silverton. First, in Idylls of the Rat King, the heroes must explore an abandoned silver mine to put down threats to local caravans. A new bridging adventure, The Scourge of Silverton, then leads them into new dangers, where they eventually face The Revenge of the Rat King! This series of three adventures will take newborn heroes to approximately sixth level.

This adventure module was originally designed for Gen Con 2008 as a 1E adaptation of the legendary 3E modules.

Rules Set: 1E
Writers: Jeff Quinn, Harley Stroh, and Jon Hershberger
1E Rules Conversion: Jon Hershberger
Cover Art: Jeff Dee
Editor: Ken Hart
64 pages

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An RPG Resource Review


Written for Gen Con 2008 and presented in the traditional 'three rounds' format of a competion scenario, this is based on some of the D&D 3e releases in the Dungeon Crawl Classics product line, but sufficiently original that it's just about playable by those who have encountered them. Presentation is very traditional as well, as anyone familiar with AD&D scenarios will agree.

The first part is called Idylls of the Rat King, and is largely based on the D&D 3e adventure of the same name, with details changed to accommodate the AD&D ruleset. The main thrust of the adventure is the exploration of four levels of an abandoned (at least by its original owners) silver mine, and you are given several ways to entice the characters to go there. There's plenty of support for the DM, including detailed background and well-organised encounters; while all those encountered in the mine have reason to be there and lives to lead... if only they weren't being interrupted by pesky adventurers! It's a good solid dungeon crawl in the classic mould.

The second part is an original adventure called The Scourge of Silverton, and draws characters back to the site of the previous events - perhaps quite swiftly, as the first part is designed for 1st to 3rd-level characters (those starting as 1st-level will reach 3rd during it) and this bit is for 3rd to 4th-level ones! The mining town of Silverton has begun to recover quite nicely after that abandoned mine was cleaned out, but news of their growing prosperity has brought more unwelcome attention to the area. There's the added twist that if you are using this as a follow-on to the earlier adventure, this newcomer has a reason to seek revenge on those who cleaned out the first abandoned mine... and he has, of course, taken up residence in a different disused mine! Here he plays a game of cat-and-mouse with the characters, testing their strength and resolve: and they thought they were there just to rescue some hostages. The end of this

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