
technolust's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Bringin Mordeth wrote:
technolust wrote:
Is there a character sheet for Reepazo? I noticed that the other Goblin promos have been added to the character sheet packages for their base sets, but Reepazo doesn't have a sheet included in the package for Mummy's Mask.
I guess the month delay qualifies as a no. I had the same question. I tried looking at an old epay listing for the stats, but when i hit the picture, I was shown a bunch of ads.

Thanks, I came here today to try to give my post a bump. I've also checked My Downloads; sometimes in the past, files have just been updated without a preamble, but that hasn't happened yet either. Hopefully it'll happen at some point.

Is there a character sheet for Reepazo? I noticed that the other Goblin promos have been added to the character sheet packages for their base sets, but Reepazo doesn't have a sheet included in the package for Mummy's Mask.

I'm anxiously awaiting the Oracle Character sheets as well.

Happy New Year!

I checked the Resources and Downloads page and, unless I'm missing something, the character sheets for the Druid class deck are still not available. Please confirm.

Thanks for the confirmation.

After reading your sticky post about the Golem sale, I understand why my order status is still "Pending". But under Payment, there's a note that it'll expire on Saturday. What does this mean? Is that from your end or my credit card bank? What happens if you don't ship before Saturday?