sjsobota's page

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Ok, thanks.

Just wondering as the additional feat for humans is not a physical or inherent magical trait, just due to versatility which can be taught by adopted parents, I would believe.

Would appreciate any feedback.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

1) It's a touch-range spell.

2) By using Spell Combat, the magus can cast arcane mark and use the free attack from Spellstrike to make an extra weapon attack to deliver the arcane mark.

3) As a cantrip, the magus can cast it every round.

Thanks for the feedback, but I am still unsure of the effect that the arcane mark has on the target. According to the spell, it places a mark on the object/creature but not sure what else or how that affects the combat.

Thanks for any clarification.

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I am building a Magus character and had seen several references to how Arcane mark can be used in combat. I am not sure how this works, as there is nothing in the spell description about combat applications.

Would appreciate any insight.



Sorry if this has been asked before, but will there be more race specific items? There weren't as many as I had hoped in the Advanced Race Guide, so I'm hoping there will be more new ones in this volume?

Mr. Jacobs,

Is there any plan to add any feats to the two weapon fighting feat tree such as Oversized Two Weapon fighting or Improved Two weapon Defence from 3.5 ? I was wondering as I hoped to get more options(for classes such as the paladin)other than the increased number of attacks from the other feats in the tree.

Thanks for any input.


I was trying to help increase damage on my two weapon wielding paladin, and since I am not able to use a 1 handed non light weapon in my second hand without the penalty (see post on 1 handed question, GM won't allow 3.5 rules), I was looking to find a way to increase the damage.

In 3.5 there was a similar spell to Gravity bow in the Races of Stone book called Earth Hammer (p. 162) that increases the category of 1 weapon in size increment (for purposes of damage). As my GM won't allow for 3.5 rules, is there something similar a dwarf paladin could use, either in feat, or some 3rd party Pathfinder compatible supplement?



blackbloodtroll wrote:
You could easily just use them as is in Pathfinder.

The problem is that my GM is opposed to using the 3.5 rules, so he says there was a reason Paizo didn't bring those feats in. If it is only because those particular feats weren't covered by the open gaming licence, then maybe I have an in. If it was due to rules balance, I probably wouldn't.

Anyone from the Paizo side able to comment?


I was wondering if there were any plans to add to the Two Weapon fighting feat tree to include some of the previous feats from 3.5, such as Oversized Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Two Weapon Defense? These two feats added a lot to my previous character in 3.5, and with the current tree, you seem limited to only pursuing feats to get additional attacks from Improved and Greater Two Weapon fighting, without the other options.

I would appreciate any input.



I am playing a dwarf paladin with the two weapon fighting feat. In a recent encounter, I had to fight a succubus who had DR10, so I had a time trying to get past it with my warhammer (d8) and off hand battle aspergillum (d6).

I know about the chain of feats for two weapon fighting, which allow for multiple attacks, but that wouldn't seem to help with the DR issue.

I want to be able to use a 1 handed weapon in my off hand, but get a lower penalty than the -4/-4 for using Two Weapon fighting.

Is there a feat to allow for using a 1 handed weapon (not light) in your off hand and reducing the penalty?

If not, my proposal would be to create one that would require the Two weapon fighting feat as a prerequisite, a 17 dex (as in the Improved Two Weapon Fighting), plus a strength of 17 (to allow for using the 1 handed weapon ).

I would appreciate your input.

