kiligir's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I would have rolled an opposed Ride check to her Acrobatics, maybe required a melee touch Attack to make sure she actually grabbed him.

Update: The hide/unhide thing totally works, but not for characters who have their initiative linked to another. I'm wanting to put in several common summons from the party god/wizard so that I can just unhide them rather than recreating them every time.

Here's yet another feature request to add to your long list of feature requests (you only get so many because your program is amazing):

When I run my games, I connect a second monitor to my laptop and maximize the initiative window on it. When I update the names of characters, it doesn't update them on the window. Also, hiding/hiding characters isn't reflected in this either. I'm thinking a re-initialization of the window every time the turn is passed would fix this with very little issue. Maybe you can think of a better way to do it.

Also, if the initiative window could remember where it was when it was last closed and re-open there if possible. (Here's a stackoverflow post about it, assuming you use C#: he-same-monitor-on-dual-monitor-setups)

Thanks again for everything!