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I'm using it on a lvl 10 dwarf cleric right now: worships Gorum,
Relevant domain abilities:
Destructive smite - +5 on a single melee attack.
Rage - +4 STR and CON

Feats: Channel Smite, Versatile Channel, Vital Strike, Furious Finish
Weapon: Greatsword

Damage: 2d6 + 2d6 vital strike + 5 destructive smite + 7 strength and a half + 5d6 Channel negative energy.

Tip: Buff with divine power and righteous might first before raging, +2 str and con and +3 luck gives you another +4 on damage.

Tip2: If you don't think you can hit the enemy's AC, go for touch attacks by casting inflict critical and then channeling smite; 4d8 + 4 or 5d6 is still a pretty brutal 2 round combo, especially against an opponent built to not get hit instead of soak up damage.

I think its useful in a fight, but my group tends to fight things a lot higher CR than normal for party, so are tactics get different as a result.