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Hello, I was invited to start a new "Rise of the Runelords"-game. We are playing with three players, one of them making a Master Summoner, the other making a Vanilla Bard. I think what they are missing is a strong Breaker on the frontlines. With all the support I'll be getting (Flanking buddys, Enlarge Person, Haste, Inspire Courage) a melee character could truly shine. But what class/build could be the most useful/powerful in this setup?

We have 25 Point Buy and are allowed to use all rulebooks (even Advanced Race Guide). Thank you for any advice :)

I'm a DM from Germany so please excuse any bad language ;)

Me and my group are huge Kingmaker fans. We finished part 6 with a TPK similiar to the one FallOfCamelot described in the Obituaries-Thread. The Characters (Three were left, with an NPC, one Player moved during Book 4) went on to their respective gods and sometimes we dig them out to make some kind of Afterlife-Arena, where they face some high-level enemies. The TPK happened in June.

So I was thinking about a second Kingmaker campaign specifically designed for them. So from now on it's spoilers ahead:

The campaign shall play at least 100 years in the "future". Brevoy changed of course, civil war, return of the Conqueror, something like this. The Stolen Lands disappeared without a clue, just bare wasteland left. Nothing does anyone know about Nyrissa or the link to the first world. Nyrissa, wounded but not defeated, returned into the higher ranks, now a more powerful, dark fey-goddess.
Then, all of a sudden, the Stolen Lands reappear. They are just "there" again. The time in First World and under the influence of the fey-gods has twisted the land, and the players new characters are hired as an expedition team, to find out what happened. Meanwhile the river nations move their armies to the borders and send in their own teams for investigation.

I'm hoping to bring up old NSCs, places the players created and old enemys, but everything in a new, twisted way. While the characters explore the stolen lands (once again) hex for hex they shall find out, what has happened during the last hundred years and finally need to ressurect their old characters to their sides and face the new Nyrissa once again, to free the Stolen Lands from it's connection to the first world forever.

What do you guys think about this? Do you have any good ideas how I should proceed from here on, so it will become a playable campaign for my players?

My thanks in advance ;)