
bluemoosy's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Jimbles the Mediocre wrote:

In the final encounter of Incident at Absalom Station, the PCs fight a Garaggakal. The Garaggakal's stat block on pg. 36 indicates that it will attempt to flee if reduced to a certain number of hit points, and later in the Development section of that encounter, it says

Incident at Absalom Station > Part 3: Phantom of the Drift > D9: Starship Grotto wrote:
If the garaggakal managed to escape the PCs, it might stow away on the Sunrise Maiden, hoping the ship eventually returns to the Drift. The next time the ship enters the Drift, the garaggakal can emerge from hiding to attack the PCs — this time in its corporeal form — when they least expect it.

(Emphasis mine.) Is the garaggakal ever established to have an incorporeal form? I know it has the Phase Through ability, but that only lasts for a few seconds. Perhaps this is a bit of confusion related to the driftdead from encounter D4, which is incorporeal in the material plane and corporeal in the Drift.

If my PCs have a difficult time with the garaggakal, I would love to surprise them with it during a quiet moment during Drift travel after they've gained a level, just so they can feel good blasting it to pieces. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything about how its abilities may change between one plane and the next.

(As an aside, the garaggakal reminds me strongly of the "demigorgon" from Stranger Things, which is some cyclical referencing if I've ever seen it)

Did anybody ever provide an answer to this? Sorry, not a forum expert, but I haven’t seen anybody address this question yet and I’m about to run that part of the Adventure!

Xenocrat wrote:
It's not possible.

Could you explain why? Is there something about androids that sets them apart from computers in a way that makes them 100% immune to hackers?

I'm running the Dead Suns adventure path, and a Player Character wanted to use his Computers skill to control an android NPC. Provided the PC uses a datajack to plug directly into the android, is this a valid attempt? If so, what are the implications? Can androids get mods and countermeasures just like a regular computer?

Or, should I treat it like a Diplomacy check and leave it alone?