Tremor Fireheart's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


The paladin and the other crusaders. to understand what they might give out as a nick name, wouldn't you have to understand them a bit more? Your android , his personality quirks and their response to that is how you determine a nickname.

I have multiple work shirts that are all black and slacks which are black. I have enough so that most weeks I come in black on black. In addition to that for a while I had transitioning eyewear that made it look like I was wearing shades when I came in from outside. my nickname was based on a famous musician johnny cash.

I'm usually quite around the office, and this tends to cause me to startle people when I come up to ask a question. combine that with the fact that there was a perception of me having looked at the American ninja website I was called the office ninja.

so what did your android do while everyone was breaking camp at the end of the day. did something happen on the first night he took watch? did he over react to something common. how did they feel about the fact that he had dark vision and never needed to sleep? did your android spit out some manufacturing serial code and they shortened to something else. When the team first offered him food, what did he do? Did he roll a critical failure on his first ride check and someone had to rescue him from his run away horse? any of the above could give him nicknames. nick names are easy once you understand the interactions between two characters and the predisposition of the one coming up with the nickname.