Savage-Tongued Ghoul Head

Smiling_ST's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I played in Rise of the Runelords and I've GM'ed Savage Tide and Jade Regent. We finshed Jade Regent about two weeks ago.

I'm now preparing to do Legacy of fire.

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I have a subscription to the adventure path and my order for the 5th part of the jade regent AP has been pending since januari 13th.

I read about the weather problems in seattle and the effect on shipments, so I understand that the shipment was delayed. I live in Europe (belgium) however so this means that I will have to wait about three more weeks before I actually have my AP here.

I am running a campaign that I began when the first volume of jade regent came out and we play about every 2 weeks. Up until now this meant that I had to run the first session of a new volume from my Ipad, which was made possible by the fact that the subscription includes the pdf. (for which I am most grateful and this was one of the main reasons I subscribed to the AP).

Today the pdf version of the 5th volume of jade regent was made available for purchase. I didn't receive it in my downloads however. I understand that the downloads are only added for subscribers when the shipment is sent, but seeing as how the normal shipments were delayed this means that I will not be able to run the ap this weekend. Subscribers like me who actually use the pdf's and rely on them to some degree have to wait longer than normal customers who could gain access to the pdf today. (And yes I realise that I could buy the pdf again today, but I will not buy the same product twice).

So when can I expect my shipment and when will the pdf version be made available to me?

With thanks,


I have created my own adventure for halloween. I'm currently running the Jade Regent AP, we have just finished night of the frozen shadows and my players are still lvl 6 so they can use some extra xp.

I'm placing the adventure a week or so after they have left Kalsgard.
If you want to check it out: