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Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


73. Trying to avoid a fight. Cast prestidigitation to make your hand glow and say, "Slay Living..." menacingly.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

One of my players got a magic Glaive. Its a two handed weapon. He wants to put a little knock on the top of his shield and slide the glaive onto it so he can use it with the shield. Like they were doing with spears in the movie Troy.

I looked in the Pathfinder rulebook, and there is nothing about using a two handed weapon this way. First of all, can you? If you can, would there be some kind of penalty?

If he takes the Phalanx Solider Archetype of a fighter he can use a two handed polearm or spear of his size one handed while wearing a shield of any type.