Sandpoint Devil

Polevoi's page

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MurphysParadox wrote:
Also, who decided monks can't be turned into Werewolves? Stupid immunity to diseases. He got bit like 8 times during the adventure!

It's not a disease, it's a curse (curse of lycanthropy), which a monk's purity of body wouldn't do jack against.

just sayin ;)

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Carrion Crown and Prince of Wolves spoilers follow

It's revealed in the campaign that Lucinean Galdana is a distant blood relative to Tar Baphon, which brings up some questions regarding A.A's plan:

In David Gross's Prince of Wolves we find out Lucinean has a sister (who has a son Casomir that Lucinean has adopted as his heir). Is Lucinean's sister still alive? If so could A.A. use her for his plans or does she have a different mother or father than Lucinean? Could A.A. have targed Casomir for his plans?

I'm guessing Lucinean's age is anywhere between early 40's to late 50's and his description in Rule of Fear seems to portray him as a rake and a ladies man, isn't it likely that there are at least a few bastard's of the counts out there and if so wouldn't it be much easier for Adivion to just nab one of Lucinean's bastards?

I know I'm the DM (GM) and can do whatever I want but i'm curious to know what other's thoughts/speculations/ideas on this are.

Maybe Lucinean isnt in to the ladies; in fact maybe he and Prince Aduard III, who I think is in his mid sixties, both dont have any offspring for the same reason...