Gallu Demon

Phiktional's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts (43 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Horizon Hunters

Okay, so I have read through the Oradin Guide. And I am building the character outlined in this post. My question is for the guide though. In the equipment section, he marks a couple of items as "FREE UNLIMITED ALL DAY HEALING FOR EVERYONE EVER". How exactly do these items work? From what I can tell, they give you Fast Healing 1, which is not enough to make up for the HP lost due to Life Link. I don't understand how either of these items can give "unlimited all day healing for everyone". Any explanation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :D

Horizon Hunters

Hey everyone, I recently got into a game that is in progress. The starting level is 8 with a 25 point build. I want to play a Human, Wildshape focused Druid with an animal companion. I would prefer to be a Dire Tiger with a Tiger AC. My biggest issue with creating characters above 1st level is the equipment. Dragonhide is not readily available. I have to actually acquire it in game through story. I know that that is something that I will want with a Wild Enchant on it.

One more thing, the only books are available are Core and the Bestiaries.

Horizon Hunters

Hi everyone,

I plan on attending PaizoCon this year. This will be my first time going as I just started playing in PFS about a month ago. I was looking over the schedule for the day that I plan on attending and noticed one seminar that I am extremely interested in going to, but it is full. My question is, will they allow me in in the case that there is a no show?

Horizon Hunters

I have started to play a Wolf Shaman Druid in PFS. I want to build him to be primarily a striker type with spells that can buff him and his, his animal Companion, and his summons. I am definitely taking Spell Focus (Conj) and Augment summoning to buff the summons. I was told that getting Dragonhide Armor is really hard in PFS so what should I go for then as far as gear is concerned. And what feats are a must for Wolf Shamans?

Thats his Character sheet.