Paladin Lancer's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge

As I was reading the starship combat rules I found a section that confused me. On page 317 in the section (Helm) in states that the pilot with the lowest resukt goes first then the next lowest goes next and so forth.
Is that right? it seem to me that they meant to say the highest not lowest.
Does any body know if this statement is rigt ?

Shadow Lodge

Thanks for this information guys, since I am running the entire emerald spire, and in a few weeks will be hitting level 10 (magma level. So my question is doe fire resistance that tieflings have also stop heat damage. Ran into this question in tyranny of the winds part 1 last month, does anybody know?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I am working on a core character to play in PFS. I am wondering if any of the character types that are in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide are available to play.