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Mosaic and John. and are the two main wikis with world information. The sourcebook is set during around the same time period as the first. The second has the advantage of showcasing more recent writing from me in terms of setting, but the ifnormation won't necessarily match what you'll find in the book given the setting is about 1500 years in the future.

Howdy, aforementioned co-author here.

I understand concerns about sock puppetry. That said there is I think sufficient information about Avlis fluff out there (at least) to give some idea of the setting itself, and let people make a decision on whether or not they want to check out the setting book. We have setting wikis for both incarnations of PW Avlis. I stand by both Josh and my work on the setting as a whole, and I also think there's plenty of it available for free for people to make a judgment.

As for the crunchy bits, I hope that we can get some more concrete reviews from the samples given out by Josh.

I appreciate that people are willing to take the time to chime in on this discussion at all.
