
Dominecus's page

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Remember back in Life's Bazaar in the Malachite Fortress there was an entrance to the Underdark (check out the map of that dungeon)? That is where my campaign has all these underground dungeons Karran-Kural and the Fiery Sanctum) branching out from varying in distance and direction from each other. Well, except for the kopru ruins since they are marked on the map. We all know the Underdark is vast so many such places could exist down there.

I used DC11 + Caster Level. The caster level of the ring is 15th. So...DC 26. I hope I'm right. Freija was one of the Cagewrights in Thirteen Cages right? I didn't use her in my campaign.

Sounds like everyone (and their mothers) is interested. OK, I don't usually jump on bandwagons but count me on the idea as well.

Well, if you don't think of a solution (like my party) just let the mutha burn!!! No seriously, after the party cleric (and the one with teleport) was killed by Nabthatoron (the glabrezu at the end of the module) the party kinda forgot about Redgorge.

Another complication with Jzadirune and the Malachite Fortress is that an Underdark entrance is connected to them! In my game the city converted Ghelve's Locks into an armed post where the Underdark entrance is diligently guarded...although you can get in with the right amount of coin and/or connections!

This is a cool NPC for sure. He fills a very specialized niche. I could plant him in the Cusp of Sunrise. That is where all the illicit herbs have been sold in my campaign. I think I brought this up in another thread. Oh well, now that my campaign's party (and sounds like a bunch of stoners I will sign off.

Just say no kids!!!

James Jacobs wrote:
In any case, it's really cool to see how the Stormblades are being used in the various Cauldron campaigns! Anyone else have any Stormblade stories to share?

Stormblade stories eh?

For my players it went like this...

PCs: You guys are so snobby! You're trying to goad us into a fight and could you stop trying to steal our jobs (adventures). Get off our kool-aid!

Stormblades: (with a snobby laugh) Yes, I think I understand your street slang well enough. We will leave for now but remember we are very influential in this town. You won't operate here for long. This is our town!

So this went on for a while. The PCs joined the Cusp of Sunrise and had an enlightening, mind-expanding experience with the Stormblades (also members).

PCs: What is this stuff? You called it the house Leaf?

Stormblades: Yes. Now that you are adventurers of marginal wealth you can enjoy some of finer things in life.

PCs: (After much wine and much of this "leaf") Man, I feel funny. Also, I see this little ball of light and its talking to me. Is that normal?

Stormblades: Totally.

So, after many nights of hanging out at the Cusp and with some shared intelligence and experiences, my party is allied with the Stormblades. My party's rouge, Therival, is romantically involved with Annah Taskerhill. Both parties are wanted by the government and are fugitives. But together, they are a powerful force.