
Nehemiah Czerka's page

1 post. Alias of rooboy.


Auto-function Intermediary Medical Emergency Assistant

The woman finally lowers her hand, and turns over her palm, offering it to Parker.

I can show you the place where the generator was installed. It would be a pleasure.

Auto-function Intermediary Medical Emergency Assistant

Aimea seems to take no notice of Marvin, while smiling at Gwernach

I'm sorry I do not understand your reference. I am forbidden from entering that place. I...cannot... agree to accompany you.

Something seems to affect the woman's demeanor, a slight twitch flickers across her left cheek

The twitch last for several moments, and then stops

If you are in need of medical assistance the ship's primary care facilities have been restored to a limited functional condition and I may be able to render aid if you wish to accompany me. I'm afraid that all of the ship's supplies that would be of use in first aid of triage parameters have been exhausted or have exceeded their expiration limitations and I would not be allowed to use them to help you, but basic diagnostic and recuperation equipment is functioning.

Auto-function Intermediary Medical Emergency Assistant

The woman looks pleasantly surprised

Oh, is that what you are looking for? It was removed from the ship a very long time ago. The Red Mysterion determined that it would be dangerous, and could better be put to use in a safer location. It was moved,

She raises her right arm until it is parallel with the ground and with one finger points back across the bridge.

It was taken there. To the vault, I understand. I am not permitted to enter that place, and I have no information about it, other than that the Red Mysterion has on many occasions returned from there in a highly damaged state. It is a place of strange mazes and terrible monsters, but it is where the red Mysterion goes to find inspiration. The generator, and all of its associated control devices, was moved there, for everyone’s safety.

Auto-function Intermediary Medical Emergency Assistant

Welcome, strangers. My name is AIMEA and I was told you have questions that were troubling to our Urandulurn homesteaders. I want to assure you that you are in no immediate danger from myself, our homesteaders, or the ships damaged systems in any way, however, it is not safe for you to remain. I speak on behalf of my Mistress, the Red Mysterion. She would not be pleased with your intrusion here, and I can assure you that when she returns she will most likely order an attack against you, unless you have already left the area. I would be delighted to help you with any questions you might have, but I do have other responsibilities so I cannot tarry long. How can I help you today?