
Marcus o' the Green's page

62 posts (154 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Well, I really didn't expect to vote the way I think I'm going to vote.
I so wanted it to be Kevin because I thought his last two rounds were OUTSTANDING.
And I still might vote for him.
But the adventure proposal- Dragonrest- hmm. I just couldn't get into it.
Haven't particularly been a fan of Neil's, though god knows he's super-talented - though I actually like his adventure over Kevin's, though I really *disliked* the theater lair last round.

But frankly, I stopped reading both proposals pretty early on, because I just couldn't into 'em. (Ditto Boiling Beast, though it had some great bits.)

Honestly, I think I like Mammoth Lords the best- though I 100% agree with the judges- way, way, too much is going on for a 32 page adventure, and I didn't much like the opening hook. But the frozen giantcraft funereal boat- oh, how I do love that! And many other bits beside. Yes, too much is going on- but if you kept it more giant-focused, perhaps- I liked all the stuff pertaining to the giants the best...

I liked Vashkar well enough- and I really did love dude's Hecataeus lair- so- we'll see.

Jury's still out.

Either Eric or Kevin though. (And I'm sure Neil will get RPG writing gigs out of this contest, regardless...)

I'll post my official vote later...

Me likes (in no particular order):
