Duchess Weneschia

MP Punk's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

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So, I know it's early for feedback, but I have a horrible memory and really like this idea. For Paladins I would like to keep the Lawful requirement, but the good/evil/neutral alignment would depend on the god worshiped. In my opinion this is a good compromise between people who want paladins of any alignment and people who don't want them to change overmuch. So, if a person wanted to be a Paladin of Abadar, then they'd be LN. If they wanted to be a Paladin of Asmodeus, they'd have to be LE, and if they wanted to be a Paladin of Desna, they'd have to be LG.

The Lawful aspect would represent their intense devotion to the ideals their deity represents.

You could also just fold the anti-Paladin rules into the Paladin class, and bam, rules for evil Paladins.