Baron Galdur Vendikon

Legion Taelmanas's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello everyone!

The group I play with is looking to get started with Hell's Rebels/Vengeance once we finish our current campaign (a few months at least).

Knowing how those two campaigns relate to each other, I found myself wondering where best Council of Thieves would fit in. Would it would well as a prelude or would it for better as the third part? And I'm not referring to the official timeline, but the story events themselves. I find myself looking forward to a Cheliax Trilogy!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In our home games, I've noticed that my group doesn't necessarily follow what I imagine to be the proper timeline, so-to-speak. Other than the WotR AP, we haven't paid too much attention to the actual years, but I have noticed, through characters made and occasional flavor bits thrown in by whomever is GMing, that we've established our own timeline.

I thought about it one day, and - for the most part - I can piece together the order of things as we have them, forming our own little overarching story of several families (occasionally we play related characters across campaigns, which helps me figure out the order of things) spanning across several major events in Golarion. We haven't played any sequel APs yet (such as Shattered Star to Rune Lords), so that hasn't been an issue.

So, I was curious how many other did this. Do your games take place apart from the other APs, aside from the sequels? Or do your games cross into each other and form a unified timeline?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Strangely none of the links are working for me

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, yes, those I know about. I'm aware I can't just power nap throughout the day to recover my spells several times with that ring.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hmm... I'll make note of that. I thought you personally had to know the spell to be able to craft with it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just to make sure I'm not missing anything, you're talking about getting my rest, spell preparation, and then my craft session for that 24 hour period, all without hindering my group, correct?

Or is there more that I haven't picked up on

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Adamantine Dragon wrote:

While a ring of sustenance can help by freeing your character up from sleeping, it mostly helps to allow your character to craft while adventuring. The rules for what you can craft restrict what you can do in a 24 hour period, so if you are not adventuring, it doesn't help much.

But while adventuring, the ring of sustenance is standard gear for most crafters I've seen.

Of course the ring of sustenance is standard gear for most adventurers I've seen anyway. It's like adventure party potato chips. No party can stop at just one.

I guess I'm the only one in the small group I play with that appreciates the item. Most of the time, my character is the only person wearing one.

I don't expect much if any downtime, so I'm pleased this works. Just need to make sure my character has the proper tools before he's introduced when the group starts up again.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day about crafting times when I had an idea. Supposing a character had a Ring of Sustenance or something similar allowing players to forego (or lessen the required amount of) sleep without penalties.

Would said character, assuming he had the proper tools and such, be able to sneak in a session of crafting each night without hindering the adventure?

Or would the average GM frown at me for suggesting such a thing?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There's the email! :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No email yet, but the money HAS been taken out of my account. I'm going to be anxiously checking every buzz of my phone for the rest of the day.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's now listed as "Unavailable." Dare I say.... does this mean my group should start preparing?