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Small but Fierce


This is probably the best installment yet of a very good series. Which makes sense since it's about Kobold Press' namesake.

The pdf is 32 pages long. There's 1 page for the cover, 1 table of contents/copyright page, 1.5 pages of legal text, and 1 page for the back cover. That leaves 27.5ish pages of Kobold goodness.

Advanced Races: Kobolds starts talking about the Kobold mindset and life cycle. Basically an overview and ecology of the race. This information is specific to the Kobolds of Midgard, but should be very familiar to any Kobold fan. This is followed by a couple pages of text talking about Kobold religion. A lot of this section is Midgard specific, though it shouldn't be difficult to file the serial numbers off. Then there's another page or so talking specificity about the Kobolds from three different regions of Midgard, Zobeck, Mharot, and Lillefor. This section provides a good overview of the race as a whole and really helps explain why Kobolds are the way they are.

Then we start to get to the meaty parts. There are 10 new traits with very flavorful names: Gearcobble, Ghostsnare, Lumpback. Each one can be used for a trait bonus and an added sobriquet. Each trait/sobriquet also has a list of alternate names, so you can get the same bonus but with a different sobriquet to help make your Kobold unique. There's a very neat table for rolling up a random Kobold name and sobriquet. Simply roll a few percentiles and get your very own Kobold name. There's 7 new alternate racial traits. Each has a good background explaining why a particular Kobold might have this trait. Finally there are 26 new feats. Most of them are Kobold only(Small but Fierce), but there are a few that are open to Dragonkin(Climbing Claws) and others, and a few that are open to anyone(Bank Shot). The feats are very flavorful and fit the sneaky, “use any advantage you can” style of the race.

Next are the Archetypes. This is probably my favorite part of the pdf. In general I've never been a huge fan of “Racial” archetypes. I don't like the idea of restricting them to a specific race. Though I can understand the reasoning. These archetypes, however, are very good and not all of them are Kobold only. The Arcanomechanist is an Alchemist archetype that uses cobbled together magical devices to do what elixirs do for the normal Alchemist. This is a great take on the Alchemist and makes them really feel more like an Artificer then an Alchemist. (Also the picture for the Arcanomechanist might be my favorite in the book.) The Bravado combines the rogue with deeds from the gunslinger. The deeds are great, and the ways to get extra bravado points are prefect for Kobolds. The only problem with this archetype is that the deeds only go to level 10 and I don't see what rogue abilities get replaced. The Clockwork Alchemist is another Alchemist archetype. This one is similar to the Arcanomechanist except it uses clockwork devices/constructs instead. The Grudge Rager, Barbarian archetype focuses on channeling the rage of being an oppressed race into getting even. The Scrap Warrior is a Fighter archetype that can can temperately build and repair weapons/items and even magic items from scraps. The Spike Monk focus on using Monk powers on Kobold Spikes, a new shuriken like weapon. Finally the Tunnel Harrier, Rogue archetype is a master at guerrilla hit and run tactics.

There are 11 new spells with some great names: “I am a Rock”, “OgreKobold”. My favorite, “Illemark's Kobold Slingshot” throws a friendly Kobold forward where they can make a free charge attack. These spells also make me wonder what Illemak's story is. There are several pages of new equipment. This section specificity focuses on a lot of new traps. Finally there are 6 new magic items culminating in a new artifact, the “Gnomeskull of the Kobold Kings”. Which has some nasty side effects if the user isn't careful.

In conclusion, this is an amazingly well done pdf. I can't recommend it enough. It should be a must buy for any Pathfinder Kobold fan, especially if they use the Midgard Setting. It does a great job of putting the life of a Kobold, adventurer or not, into perspective. You can't help but feel sorry for the little guys and gals. Though in many cases they're their own worst enemies.
