
Kaylee Abandon's page

33 posts. Alias of AdamWarnock.

Full Name

Kaylee Abandon




Fighter 1 HP: 10/10 | AC: 17/14/13 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +1 | Resist: acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5 | Init: +6, Per: +1 | Arrows: 36



About Kaylee Abandon


Kaylee Abandon
Female azata-blooded aasimar (musetouched) fighter 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 22, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . gladius +3 (1d6+2/19-20) or
. . longsword +3 (1d8+2/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +3 (1d3+2 nonlethal)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1/day—glitterdust (DC 14)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits reactionary, talented
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +5, Diplomacy +4, Knowledge (nature) +1, Perform (sing) +9, Perform (wind instruments) +8, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perform (sing), +2 Perform (wind instruments)
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ attached
Other Gear studded leather, arrows (40), dagger, dagger, gladius[UC], longbow, longsword, backpack, bedroll, blanket[APG], flint and steel, Flute, mess kit[UE], trail rations (5), waterskin (2), 7 sp
Special Abilities
Attached (Sister, Kylee) If your attachment is threatened, -1 Will & -2 save vs. fear
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.

Fluff Questions:

-Where is your character from?
Caelde's Hollow, a town nestled between a small oak forest and the foothills of the Velm Mountains.

-What was her childhood like?
In a word, horrible. Both Kaylee and Kylee are touched by other planes, and thus abominations in most people's eyes. At best, they are treated a little better than the orcs or goblins. Most of the time, they are treated worse.

-What was her family like?
Kaylee was abandoned on the porch of the town's orphanage by her mother when she was an infant. The only true family she knows is her twin sister, Kylee, though she was raised by Alizia and Tria at the orphanage.

Kylee - Kaylee's twin sister, the two of them appear identical save the color fo their eyes and the sheen of their hair. Kylee's hair shines with deep-red highlights and her eyes are the color of dark rubies or garnets. She's much like her sister in temperament, though more given to emotional outbursts. The two of them have helped keep each other from falling into despair. Kylee's the fiend-touched twin, though she's as kind and goodly as Kaylee thanks to her influence.

Alizia - She's the only "mother" the twins have known. Alizia is a capricious woman who'd have quietly gotten rid of Kaylee and Kylee if she hadn't already recorded their arrival before learning of what they were. She has her favorites that she pampers and her favorites to pick out for her cruel punishments. Kaylee and Kylee were her favorites for the latter until they got old enough for her to sell them to a band of hunters that patrols the routes in the foothills of the Velm Mountains and into the range itself.

Tria - While still attractive in appearance, her personality is anything but. She's a jealous woman and despises anyone who has had more luck than her with finding suitors. She especially hates Kaylee and Kylee, both of whom are very attractive and, if the rumors are to be believed, will remain so well after she's died a withered crone.

-Name one secret that your character knows.
There's a small grove of trees that is home to a few goodly fey in the foothills of the Velm Mountains.

-Name one thing your character is deathly afraid of.
She was deathly afraid of losing Kylee, her only family and the only person she trusted. Now that her sister seems to be gone, she's not afraid of much any more.

-Name one thing your character hates with a passion.
Someone blowing on the back of her neck.

-Name a quirk your character has.
If she's in a safe place, she takes a bit to fully wake up. Until then, she's more akin to a sleepy puppy than an experienced and capable archer.

-Name one thing your character can’t help but love.
Cute furry things, especially puppies and kittens.

-Name someone your character knows and is on good terms with.
Slip McGee, an informant in the city of Eaudet, where the expedition is setting sail from. It was he that helped put in a good word for Kaylee in exchange for a favor later on.

-Name someone your character knows and is on poor terms with.
Vlak Grigorsen, the leader of the band of hunters that patrolled the Velm Mountains that Kaylee and Kylee were a part of, until she killed one of Vlak's favorite rookies.

-Name an organization (large or small) that your character is associated with.
The Band of the Hawk, the band of hunters that Kaylee was a member of until she killed one of the younger members in a fit of rage and ran off to the north.

-Name someone/something that your character does not know, that is relevant to his personality/backstory.
Kaylee and Kylee are bastard children. Their father is a nobleman that is quietly trying to hide his indiscretions as he courts a young heiress of another family by having his former lovers and illegitimate children killed.

Kylee also survived the accident that Kaylee thought she'd died in. Vlak Grigorsen found her at a farm where the farmers had pulled her battered body out of the stream. Vlak had nursed her back to health and was planning on using her as a tool to torment Kaylee. She managed to escape, however, and is now looking for Kaylee.


Alizia grumbled as she shuffled for the door. It was a cold, stormy night and she had finally begun to relax under the covers of her warm bed when the knock had come at the front door of the orphanage. She flung it open, fully intending to give the fool who was disturbing her at this late hour the tongue=lashing they so richly deserved. The words died in her throat, though, when she threw open the door and found no one there.

The matron of the orphanage looked about, a fierce glower on her face, before she stepped back inside and made to close the door. A cry stopped her, a cry that came from near her feet. There, in the meager protection offered by the porch was a large, battered basket that held two infants bundled in ragged blankets. Their skin was as white as porcelain and their hair a deep black. There was no note, no clue as to who these children were. She called for her assistant, a spinster in the making named Tria, and bade her to take one of the two twins inside.


The two of them, their clothes torn and their bodies battered and bruised, stood before Alizia and Tria. One of Kaylee's sapphire eyes had swollen shut from where she'd been kicked in the face. Both of Kylee's ruby eyes were open, though her cheek now sported an ugly black bruise that showed clearly on her fair skin.

"You both know the rules," Alizia stated, her voice hard and uncaring. "There is no fighting under this roof."

The two sisters didn't say a word. They'd learn years ago not to fight back when the children ganged up on them, but the two of them had left a bruise on another girl's cheek when they had tried to get away. The girl, a brat named Gilessea, was a favorite of Alizia and it was no secret that a noble couple was seriously considering adopting the girl as a playmate and companion for their youngest daughter, and that they were planning on stopping by this day to talk to the girl themselves. Now she had a bruise, noticeable if not nearly as bad as the ones Kaylee and Kylee now had.

"Yes, and you also know the punishment for fighting," Tria said, not even trying to hide the pleasure she was going to get from make these two suffer. "This is the second time this month. I'm supposed that even a couple of half-wits like you two haven't begun to learn."

All the two sisters could do was bite their tongues and take the abuse. They were convenient targets for everyone in the orphanage. They were despised, so much so that their own parents had not named them before abandoning them here. No one cared at all what happened to them.

No one at all.


"Kylee," Kaylee whispered softly as she slide into small hiding place beside her sister, "Kylee, please don't cry."

Kylee's sobs quieted, but the sniffles and tears continued. The once fine dress she wore was now little more than rags. It was the one time either of them had gotten anything new, much less something as nice as a dress from one of the more popular tailors in town. It had been a gift from a traveling priest who'd seen the threadbare and ragged clothing the twins were normally given, and received no replacements for until it was almost literally falling apart. Kaylee hadn't begrudged the gift. In fact, she was positively giddy at how pretty Kylee had looked in it.

"Why? No one cares about what happens to me," Kylee croaked in a sob-hoarse voice, burying her face in the arms she had on top of her knees.

"I care," Kaylee replied, pulling her sobbing sister into a sidelong hug. "I care what happens to you."

Kylee gave in, unable to hold back the sobs any more, she cried on Kaylee's shoulder for a long time until the tears were dry and she no longer had the strength to sob.

"You didn't even get to wear it," she mumbled into Kaylee's shoulder.

"No, but I doubt it would have looked half as good on me," Kaylee said, bringing a Kylee a chuckle. "That's better. We'll get through this."

"I know," Kylee said, "just promise me you'll keep looking out for me."

"I promise. Just promise me you'll do the same."

"I promise."


Kaylee woke with a start. She'd somehow managed to not drown and was now clinging to a massive stone slab on the banks of the chilly mountain stream. She didn't remember how she had gotten there, only that she was supposed to be on an assignment given to them by Vlak Grigorsen, their master. They were technically apprentices, but in fact they were slaves in all but name, and they'd been sent to scout out a little used trail in the Velm Mountains to track some kind of monster.

Slowly she hauled herself out of the water. Even in the summer, there was a definite nip in the air this high up in the mountains. Between that and her soaked clothing, her teeth were chattering. Still, how she wound up in this predicament was coming back to her now. There was an old, rotted rope bridge and their master had ordered them across. The bridge had fallen away and...

"KYLEE!" Kaylee screamed over and over again as she searched for any sign of her sister. There was none. Still, the desperate young woman rushed about looking. She was still looking when a slightly older man came from upstream.

"Damn, guess I lost the bet. I had been betting on both of you drowning," he laughed.

"Where's Kylee?" The young woman asked the question in a tone that was thin and dangerous. A tone that the man missed.

"Dead if we're all lucky," he laughed again.

That proved to be the final straw. Kaylee and Kylee had been treated as something less than human, even less than the goblins and orcs that were often enslaved by the humans, all of their lives. This man had just snapped the last restraints on Kaylee's rage.

"And if she's not," the young woman asked, almost growled.

"Well, wouldn't be the first time a nothing like her got a slit throat careening down a stream," the man laughed again, failing to register the simmering rage in Kaylee's sapphire eyes. Before he could react, indeed before he realized how dangerous the ground he trod upon was, he was staggered by the pommel of Kaylee's sword. The blade then plunged deep into the man's right lung, but though the wound was mortal, Kaylee's wrath was not yet spent. She ripped the blade of her sword free then swung it at the man's neck with a primal scream of fury. The young man's head flew from his shoulders, and Kaylee's rage receded.

She'd killed him. She'd killed him and that act had made it a certainty that if she went back, she'd be killed. Quickly if she was lucky, slowly and only after enduring Vlak's sadistic punishments for a long time if she wasn't.

She did the only thing she could do. She took off the necklace that carried the insignia of the band of hunters she had been with and dropped it on the fast cooling corpse of the man she had killed. She took a chance to search for her sister a little longer, but there was no sign of her, and it was likely that the man was indeed correct. Kylee was dead. Now, she had to run. Had to get as far as she could. North, she decided. She would head north.


Vlak showed his teeth in what even the most charitable would hesitate to call a grin. They'd found Jarko dead by the stream about a half-mile upstream, and some tracks leading away to the north, but he'd decided to continue searching the stream for the other brat that'd fallen in. There was only one set of tracks and he had a hunch. Those hunches were usually right, and it pleased him to see that this one was right as well.

The young woman two of his hunters were hauling out of the water had, somehow, managed to avoid drowning. She'd been unconscious, hanging pecariously on a tree that'd fallen into the stream. Now, though, she seemed to be coming to, and that pleased Vlak. The burly trapper was not in a good mood, and though this one had nothing to do with the murder, beyond being related to the one he's sure killed Jarko,


Her eyes glowed blue as she kept the watch. She'd agreed to help the fishermen smuggle some goods around Dromulus' Labyrinth in exchange for passage north. That, and the last few gold she had was enough to convince them. It was calm on the water. The wind barely left a ripple and sky was clear with a vast canopy of stars overhead. Maybe it'd be different. Maybe she'd be jugded for her actions, rather than the blood running through her veins. She hadn't told anyone much of why she was running, and they hadn't asked. Runaways were not so rare after. She had to hope, anyway. Hope things would be better.

Secretly, she wondered if she hoped in vain.