Enga Keckvia

Jerald Schrimsher's page

Organized Play Member. 116 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Do you stack hexcrafter (magus) levels and witch levels for the purpose of hex effectiveness? I can't find it anywhere, but I think it *should* be allowable. I can't see any way this could potentially break anything, or is there something I am missing?

Liberty's Edge

The characters are as follows
Elf Wizard-Evoker
Human Inquisitor
Human Bard
Human Rogue
Human Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light archetype)
Half-orc Barbarian

The wizard never played a wizard before, the Barbarian, Wizard, Inquisitor and Paladin have never played 3/3.5 before. Not sure about the Rogue. Most are experienced gamers in other systems, but I am wondering if Carrion Crown will beat them down and leave a bad taste in their mouth. It took a while for me to get them to agree to play PF and I want to keep them playing it. Any advice?

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone had any luck running an Old West game using the D20 or True 20 rules? I have a desire to run a few games and a few people who say they are interested in playing, but I am not sure where to start. I would appreciate any help or suggestions anyone could offer.

Liberty's Edge

I know these boards may be biased, but I think there are some level headed folks here who could give me some advice.
March 25-27th 2011 I have conflicting needs/desires. There is an academic conference in St Loius, MO in my discipline that is the yearly migration for most of my department. I am a grad student approaching my dissertation and I have been "encouraged" to present my research at a regional conference (I already did one, but it was smaller and less known). On the same weekend, Monte Friggin' Cook will be at my favorite Con in Memphis TN. So, my question to you, should I go for personal and professional development, placating my advisor and potentially becoming more visible to potential employers or should I meet a gaming figure who was a major player in developing an improved version of my favorite game, which has directly lead to the creation and proliferation of many more new favorites (M&M, Pathfinder). What to do?

Liberty's Edge

I was just wondering if anyone on these boards was playing the Green Ronin DC adventures/Mutants & Masterminds 3e. The system looks solid, and I am scheduled to run it at a convention in a few weeks, but I have not been able to get my group at home to break from our regularly scheduled game to help me see any game play issues before I arrive at the con. I was hoping that someone here could help me out.

Liberty's Edge

As I look at the long (and growing) list of APs, Pathfinder modules, and Pathfinder Society Scenarios, I am coming to the conclusion that I may never get to all of them. The I read a post from someone who has an awesome idea for a homemade campaign and I am further saddened by the fact that if I focus on the published (excellent) material that I may never get the chance to "pathfinderize" my homemade campaign world that I have been working on and in since 2nd edition. I seldom ran published adventures or used a published setting before, but the Pathfinder/Golarion stuff makes me want to! And I haven't even gotten my group to do RotRL yet! How do we make the time to get through all the stuff we want to do, and still hold a job or go to school?