Hariel's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I was wondering if I got a Headband of Charisma and Ioun stone that also works for charisma would they stack to get both bonuses. I don't think they would but I figured it wouldn't hurt to get another opinion.

Yes it did but, what if it is the other way where everyone else is lvl 12 and my character is a 11. Would I be able to GM those games or will I also hold onto the chronicle sheets until my character gets that high.

Me and a group of people have been doing Pathfinder Society every Saterday for awhile now and I have run into a problem and would like some help on how to resolve it. My character is about a lvl 12 and the other players are at about 11, so the problem is can I GM giving credit to my lvl 12 character for scenerios with the lower lvl group or do I need to create a whole new character and start over. Thank you in advance for the help.

The biggest thing that is confusing me is that the core book gives you prices to buy an intelligent item, so why wouldn't you be able to buy one. To me it seems no different than buying a magical item that you choose the abilities

I was wondering if you could buy an intelligent item in Pathfinder Society. I was thinking of buying something in the line of an intelligent amulet or some other item that has no offensive purposes. The purpose of the item is more to assist with languages or reading magic.

i was thinking of making a intelligent amulet to help with reading languages or understanding languages. i didn't plan on a weapon or anything to use offensively.

Does anyone know if you can buy an intelligent item in Pathfinder Society