
Greyneth's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I'm relatively new to Pathfinder and mostly lurk on these forums. I specifically logged into my account today after receiving the "Rulebooks Lite" notification email to say THANK YOU to the team at Paizo for drastically increasing the value of my purchase of the PDFs, encouraging me to purchase more of the books I'm missing in my collection.

Thanks again for considering your customers' needs and improving your product so significantly even after my transaction with you had completed months ago. Paizo has proven itself time and time again to be a firm worth supporting.

Good Morning All!

So today's the big day. My first adventure is being run tonight; I'll be running my small gaming team through character creation/review, might swing by our local gaming store to buy fancy new dice, and then start Black Fang's Dungeon.

I own the BB in both physical and digital formats, as it seems to me that having a digital copy helps for things like iPad use and to be able to print out maps and things like that for ease of display to the players during the game. To that end, I had a couple of questions regarding how experienced GM's handle the use of digital content in their games:

1) I'm assuming it's within my rights to print out pages of that digital file in the manner described above as part of my purchase. I'd like to KNOW that it's within my rights vs. merely assuming and thought the community might be able to shed some light on this.

2) Assuming the answer to Question 1 is "Of course you can print this stuff out for use in your game", here's my REAL question: There's quite a bit of AWESOME art that's in these books that I'd like to show my player(s) (say for example the picture of the Pillar on Page 10), but I'm stuck trying to awkwardly show this picture while covering up all of the GM-only text. Is there a way to LEGALLY extract images from these PDF's for printing to display while running the game?

I don't want to do anything outside of what's appropriate, but if there's a way to do this that's approved by Paizo, I'd love to show this material off during my game to enhance my players' ability to visualize the environment they are exploring.

Thanks for your time.

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pharmboy23 wrote:
I now own the Bestiary, GameMastery Guide, and Core Rulebook plus several adventure modules and the first part of Rise of the Runelords. :)

I'm heading down the same road. Even before my first session (scheduled for Thursday), my brother's expressed an interest in some options not available in the BB. So now I'm the proud owner of the Core Rules as well.

The "BB as a gateway drug" strategy seems to be working as intended. :)

Thanks for all of the help guys! Great stuff here. I made the right choice going with Pathfinder.

I'll make sure to post to let you know how the 1st session goes!

Hello all,

I've been a longtime lurker on these messageboards, former D&D 2nd Edition player as a kid, and recent purchaser of the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Despite the fact that many of the posters here tend to view the BB as "rules lite for ease of introducing a new generation to RPG's", I love it for the reason that it's also "rules lite for people that were intimidated by the time requirement to learn the full game" like me. I'm getting close to running my first adventure in 20 years with me as GM and my brother as my lone player for now (one more player hopefully inbound by April), and was hoping to get some advice from the team about planning out out "learn the ropes" adventures:

  • Given the fantastic additional support it looks like RotRL will be receiving in June (Hardcover Edition, New NPC Cards and a Monster Pawn Set), I'd like to work my brother the solo adventurer toward potentially running that path when it re-releases. Am I safe to assume that if I keep him in/around Sandpoint as described in the BB I'll not conflict with the RotRL story?
  • Second Question Omitted -- I think you guys have done a nice job of giving "To run solor or not" advice to another poster recently and I don't want to be "that guy" asking the same question. My assumption is that if I use the advice in that thread I should be able to adjust fire with the AP based on a more limited number of players.
  • Although the back pages of the BB material hint at "what's next" as players like me transition from the BB to the Core Rules, there doesn't seem to be an obvious list of the major rules differences that exist between BB and Core Rules. Does such a list exist anywhere or are the differences just too numerous? Perhaps this request is silly; I guess I was hoping for something like "Ok the major differences in combat are the addition of (for example) Combat Maneuvers, found on p.210 of the Core Rulebook, the other changes are really mostly additional options like more classes, more races, more spells, more equipment options, etc. so add them in as you want".

    Ok I guess that's it! My first post here with hopes for many more experiences with this community!

    Thanks for your time.