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RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Star Voter Season 9

All I know, is after reading a few of these - I felt a lot better about my item.

Then I read more and realized I fell into an exposition trap.

Wish I'd heard about the contest earlier so I could have read up on advice from past participants and fixed it. Nuts.

Star Voter Season 9

The rules weren't that hard. Really.

So... Maybe I shouldn't be - but I'm honestly flabbergasted by how many people completely missed the template thing. And the don't make artifacts rule. And the... *facepalm*

I haven't seen any over the word limit yet - but I've seen references to those that were a bit too verbose on the forums.

I imagine mine won't make it through the first cull - too much backstory, too little item. But a girl can dream, eh?

My players went with "Phoenixa" for the name of the new nation (their adventuring company was called Phoenix Rising) and their capital is called "Ryvendale", for the hin barbarian party member who fell (literally) at the battle for the Stag Lord's fort.

They've also named a settlement "Stockton" because it was founded as a place for their stinky stockyards. A blood feud between ranchers and uppity "townsfolk" has erupted a few times there; one of our paladins keeps threatening to roll through with the armies if they don't keep it together. Lawful Good, my hiney ;)

I'm late to the party it seems. I inherited this game when the previous DM exploded IRL and left us after just two sessions, but we're now 12 sessions in and the players are having almost as much fun as I am :)

Its a big party though, so I've scaled the difficulty at times:

Gavriil Matav - LG Human Fighter (5) - noble-born, military-bred, devout Abadar-worshipper, youngest son of a minor branch of a major House. Recently hired a non-combatant hireling priestess as a spiritual guide - after all the bandit-killing and whatnot, he was worried he was losing his grip on being a good man.

Lexi Novokovsky - LG Human Paladin of Sarenrae (5) - noble-born, tiny little firecracker of a holy warrior. Presently involved in a love affair with the party's tall, statuesque Druidess.

Erin Anson - LG Human Cleric/Paladin of Iomedae (1/4) - handsome holy man who wants to be noble. Presently courting a prominent nobleman's daughter in Restov, but the fighter's hot hireling (a young priestess of Abadar) is tempting his dedication.

Zehavah Lighteye - NG Druid of Erastil (5) - tall, voluptuous self-described "savage". Has adopted (and left under the care of a friend/NPC in Restov) a group of orphaned children from a side quest; is presently engaged in a love affair with the lady-paladin, Lexi.

Rachel Azarova - NG (N?) Dual-Heritage Sorceress (5) - quiet, contrary, and argumentative sorceress. The character has a few cool hooks in her background, but the player doesn't seem to respond to prompts in-game.

Ryvin Wanderwood - CG Halfling Barbarian (5) - wild, muscular, oiled little warrior who rides into battle on a wolf (originally, a pony, then a riding dog). He suffered from a brief case of lycanthropy after an encounter with a werewolf, but thanks to a mooncaller's ritual, has since been cured.

Honorable Mention: Ava Blue-Elk Kozik - NG Human Ranger - copper-haired hunter left her family's remote ranch to get help from the capital city after bandit's threw her family into the cold. They couldn't/wouldn't help her so she joined the Charter in hopes of making money enough to hire help... I got to play her 2 sessions, then - since I was DMing suddenly - she broke her leg and has spent the last four months convalescing at Oleg's Fort while her friends level & explore.

So far, we had 3 deaths, but as it was my first session as a DM, I twisted it into a weird fae-induced nightmare and the party remained whole with its original members. Of course, the repercussions of that whole thing are still playing out all this time later. :D