
Dorgyn Angylaxe's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sovereign Court

After much deliberation, and more than one threat from opposing sides of the table...

Besmara's Judgement

Sovereign Court

Excellent ideas!

My crew is just about to embark on their journey, and these custom impositions will be very helpful to them along the way.

Keep 'em comin'!

Sovereign Court

Although any group of adventurers should be well rounded, we found that the need for any one class isn't neccessary with Skull & Shackles. I would say let the players choose what they want to play, and let the group evovle naturally.

For healing, they have Sandara once they meet and befriend her, and she can accompany as an effective NPC even if they leave the ship.

Sovereign Court

Request sent.