Count Lucinean Galdana

Doomfield's page

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I thought it would be fun to speculate what a typical settlement will look like in PFO. What buildings will be available? Will Chartered Company Halls be available and what functions will they have? Are personal homes something people would be interested in? Will we be able to pick cobbleb, brick, or dirt roads?

I'm extremely curious about settlements and members of this forum seem to have a strong grasp of the game design philosophy. Can't wait to hear what you guys think.

Hoping to be a tracker/bandit and spend my time defending my settlement from npc/pc's, claiming bounties, and robbing rich caravans.

The line between greifer and bandit needs to be more clearly defined. That being said bandits should have bounties on them often, and they make obvious targets for Bounty hunting CC's. Hopefully the reputation hit you take from being a bandit is more on the evil/good access and less on the lawful/chaotic so that it is an optional style of play for players who which to choose it.

I think race/class balancing will come from diversity of activities rather than any heavy handed attempts at "fairness" from GW. Just for an example lets say an Elven wizard might be better at large scale warfare because of his/her attribute increase to train faster while the same is true for a Dwarf in smaller skirmish battles because of durability. I do believe that there will be a best build and race/class combination for specific tasks, but hopefully they are only slight and easily overcome.