AlEcyler's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


... and this was the thing that is going to get me.

I had a cool item. Doing a little research I found out it was a SIAC, however it worked slightly differently and had a flavorful and interesting drawback.

Unfortunately it just so happened that the idea I had mimicked a 9th level spell. Asking some people I decided it was different enough to work. But I ended up using that 9th level spell as a guideline for pricing and came up with a value of almost a quarter million gold.

Thinking back now I should have went with my gut and priced it much less as by the book it's a quarter million gold, but it has a pretty constant drawback (while you could in theory use it continuously, in practice it becomes a bit difficult).

I should have dropped the price considerably.

Eh oh well. If that's enough to get it rejected, then that seems like my problem.

I still think it's an extremely cool and flavorful item with solid mechanics. I just had a bit of trouble with the pricing.

I can't be the only person who noticed it, but I felt the need to call attention to it.

The FAQ for the RPG Superstar 2011 ( has a lot of dates wrong, specifically they're all 2010. I don't know about the other guys, but I don't have a time machine to submit my idea in December, then go back in time to January so I can submit round two.