
Ade's page

* Starfinder Society GM. 33 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Is it just me, but does the pregen Ufi lack a class feat from Natural Ambition? They gain the Deadly Simplicity from the Warpriest doctrine, but Natural Ambition gives nothing.


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The game rules can be found at Archives of Nethys for free (approved by Paizo). At least as long as you are considered a 'beginner', nobody's going to give you hard time for not owning the books.


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As a capstone boon, does that mean if you get the seasonal boon, you cannot get any of the faction capstones for the same character?


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Trr'fm'krrk (aka Fim of Triaxus, shirren mechanic) is a nature documentarist specializing in the mating habits of exotic aliens. That his productions are very popular in the seedier sections of the Pact Worlds' infospheres is completely incidental.


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Yeah, I think LT3 is an SRO by the very definition.


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According to this [[http://paizo.com/starfindersociety/additional]] most of the Pact Words book is already sanctioned.

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Starfinder Core Rulebook:

Professional's Tools (a type of Tool Kit) 20cr -- +4 to one profession

Professional Clothing 5cr -- +1 to earn a living with the appropriate profession