Event organized by Paizo Event utilizes official Pathfinder content Pathfinder Society

#5–23: Cairn of Shadows

All Day • Washington Ballroom

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

The innumerable cairns and burial mounds of Barrowmoor in northern Nidal contain untold treasures and terrors, and the local taboos and Nidalese theocracy are typically enough to keep any but the boldest from exploring the site; however, when the Blakros family informs the Pathfinder Society that their shared enemy is in pursuit of a dangerous artifact, the PCs must brave the shadow-stricken region to keep this object from falling into the wrong hands.

Content in “Cairn of Shadows” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Andoran and Cheliax factions.

3 tables of this scenario are scheduled during this time slot.

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Event # 43668
When PaizoCon 2014:
Where Seattle Airport Marriott
Washington Ballroom
3201 South 176th Street
Seattle, WA 98188
Category Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Society
Age Rating 13+

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