The Harbingers

Game Master Nimon

Based in Golarion, players will take on the role of Azlanti pure bloods who are part of an orginization known as The Harbingers. They set off attempting to rewrite history and bring forth the Age of Glory.

I probably will not post until later in the Evening(MST)On Saturdays.

Some Campaign points-

The Harbingers are lead by Lady Arodeth, they are based in Absolam, but have many followers in Golarion. Harbingers are considered quacks at least, or with outright hatred by some. Keeping your association with them secret is the best course. There is a secret "cant" within The Harbingers simular to that of thieves, mechanically it works the same.

Azlanti Purebloods- You are a part of a very rare, and sought after race. Many belive your blood alone holds many magical properties and might attack you based on this alone.

Nex/Geb/Mana wastes are important places in the first part of the campaign, but I plan to span as much of Golarion as possible.