The Feral Lands

Game Master Lahasha

This is a bit of a blend of the world of Golarion and my as of yet unnamed continent, known as the Feral Lands by the more 'civilized' cultures of the world. I am using Thornkeep as a base setting for this module, but the dominant population is an empire of kitsune with humans, elves and other core races as a rare(and often unwelcome) minority among them.

The Feral Lands Homepage

Four ancient countries dividing one great continent

Honvolloua, strange and mysterious land of deep enchanted forest

The open country of the Vestinsians who value freedom and family above all else.

The powerful Senillion empire ruled from the peak of Mount Menarud

And finally, Hennervawa - filled with fearsome beasts and the the proud, nomadic warriors who hunt them

These are the Feral Lands, where humans are the stranger creatures from far away. Mistrusted and misunderstood, only the strongest try to carve out their names in these vibrant, exotic kingdoms.

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Any race is open to be played in this game, with the only real restriction being none of the core races can be locals of Thornkeep. All humans, elves, dwarves etc., have essentially been imported - usually by the Pathfinder Society, as they tend to have the best resources and political access to fund expeditions to such wildly foreign places.