The Adventures of Robin Hood -- in Greyhawk! (PF1, Recruiting)


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Ready for Adventure? I'm recruiting for the Adventures of Robin Hood, Greyhawk edition.

In the Duchy of Ulek, there is the Silverwood. The Silverwood, besides being a haunt of wood elves and grugach, is also a haunt of Robin and his merry band!

Adventure in the Duchy of Ulek, around the Silverwood. Link to a map here.

Create a character based on the famous outlaw and his band. Friar Tuck, Little John, Alan-a-Dale, Will Scarlet, and others are up for grabs. Or create an entirely new character. You have the freedom to choose any class (or race) you like for your character.

* Abilities: Point buy, 20 points.
* Level: 1.
* Traits: 2.
* Drawbacks: none.
* Wealth: 1st level, roll for it.
* Alignment: try to choose good or neutral.

Play with the RAW. No Elephant-in-the-Room.

Pathfinder Resources: Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, and Advanced Class Guide. I also have a number of Pathfinder Player Companions and Pathfinder Campaign Setting books on my hard drive. Ask about a Companion or Pathfinder Campaign Setting book you want to use to clear it with me first. Also, you may choose any Archetype you desire from these books.

Classes Available: PFCRB: Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard. APG: Alchemist, Cavalier (I suggest only one of these in the party, if you want to play Ivanhoe), Inquisitor, Summoner, and Witch (not recommended, though). UC: None. Ninja and Samurai would be found only on the Isle of Nippon, which hasn't been discovered yet. UM: Magus. ACG: Swashbuckler.

Greyhawk Resources: I suggest going to Drivethru and picking up both Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins and the Greyhawk Player's Guide. Both 2e. These two are the only ones you're going to need. If you want more information on the Uleks (Duchy of Ulek, County of Ulek, and the Principality of Ulek); you can pick up a copy of the Greyhawk Campaign Setting (circa 1983) or the Living Greyhawk Guide (circa 2001). Both from drivethru.

Sorry for so much information, and have fun.

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ooo im in, would be fun to play Nazir the moor Cavalier swordsman from the Holyland, who was with Romin



Atm Kitsune ranger

I'm considering. On the one hand, I would love to play Friar Tuck! On the other hand, I'm a 2e guy now and have no idea about Greyhawk.

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I really want to submit something for this, if I can find the time to brush up on Oerth and put a good build together.

I have a few ideas floating around in my mind since Ninja is off the list as is Vigilante, so fighter, ranger, cleric, brawler, Alchemist ideas are floating around.

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GM_Panic wrote:
ooo im in, would be fun to play Nazir the moor Cavalier swordsman from the Holyland, who was with Romin

Nazir would be Baklunish.

Ellioti wrote:
I'm considering. On the one hand, I would love to play Friar Tuck! On the other hand, I'm a 2e guy now and have no idea about Greyhawk.

Just see if you can get the two books I listed. I can provide you Drivethru links in a pm if you are still interested.

Ouachitonian wrote:
I really want to submit something for this, if I can find the time to brush up on Oerth and put a good build together.

Awesome, I hope you find the time!

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Colour me very interested. Cool concept and Greyhawk to boot.

Will have a mull on which of the merry band piques my interest.

Thinking of Little John at the moment :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to have to try an unMonk of St. Cuthbert. That's just too good for a Robin Hood game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

yes, Baklunish works great. :)

image here

Would it be possible to take bolt ace but convert it to bows instead?

I like the idea of trickshots with a bow. It feels thematic

Seth86 wrote:

Would it be possible to take bolt ace but convert it to bows instead?

I like the idea of trickshots with a bow. It feels thematic

Maybe. I'll have to look over your bolt ace to bow ace before I approve it.

I've pretty much narrowed the ideas down, though I think I should run them by the GM first.

Kinda wondering about the Nobility, as one idea has former attachments to that level of society....
That and possibly curses.....

Oh another source for Greyhawk is the D&D Gazetteer (3e).
It gives the basics, and not as in depth as Living Greyhawk Guide but it is another source for some basics.

How about an Inquisitor from The Church who is investigating why King John isn't sending over the taxes?

Phillip Gastone wrote:
How about an Inquisitor from The Church who is investigating why King John isn't sending over the taxes?

Which church?

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