how would you make martial=casters

Homebrew and House Rules

Just curious if anyones really, seriously tackled this?

at low levels honestly casters feel weak and martial feel like nice meat and potatoes, not flashy but effective.

however getting to level 10 or so you see a massive shift in power.

This is almost entirely because of the spells the casters get, combined with the relatively/substantially weaker feats/abilities martials get (imo)

This is further exasperated with movement restrictions on full attacks.

Also the many steep feat requirements for certain feat lines (TWF looking at you!)

I can show everyone what my playgroup has told me they have implemented, and see if it needs more.

MOVEMENT: You can move up to half your movement and full attack
THOUGHTS: i love this change, mainly because i love monks and have wanted to love TWF style of play. at 10 as a monk with this i can still move 30 feet and flurry of awesome

FEATS: they have condensed many feats so that they "automatically" progress without taking up a feat slot, depending on your stats/bab/level. Examples are things like TWF, weapon fcus, weapon specialization, all imp feats like grapple, feint, etc. This means instead of spending 3 feats on TWF, imp TWF, and greater TWF, you spend one feat, and it naturally gets better as you level up.
THOUGHTS: love this change too, saves so much bloat, and lets you select more flavorful or thematic feats you wouldnt normally have room for.

FEATS continued: They went a step further and took many feats that were basically considered "Taxes" and made them baseline for the game. everyone has them, its just a matter of whether you use them. This is things like power attack, piranha strike, weapon finesse, etc
THOUGHTS: love this too, just goes that extra step to allowing you to pick the fun feats.

now, my question is, is this enough? would we need MORE? none of this is explicitly designed in itself to buff martials, just make them game a bit less...well...gamey. casters still get save or suck spells and world altering abilities.

My thoughts lay not in the feats, wich everyone gets, but hte unique abilities/resource mechanics martials can get.

rage powers
fighter only feats

These imo, need to be SUBSTANTIALLY more powerful, some at least, maybe not all.

I use all of the above plus the chance to use called shots as a standard action (not a full round), to let martial to do a little debuff if they want (when they have to move too much to make a full attack).

I give monks the chance to spend 1 ki to consider BAB = HD for one round (for a simple full attack with more accuracy than a flurry or a called shot and move).

Advanced rogue talent that let the character flank with himself if he succed an acrobatics check against enemy CMD as part of the attack action.

Pounce as a 8° level fighter feat (that, with the chance to make full attack and move half speed anyway, is useful when you want to charge but not essential to a fighter build).

This has never been discussed before. Ever.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Given that 95 percent of most campaigns end at 12th level or earlier, it's hardly a problem.

Campaigns above that level are so idiosyncratic, there is neither a uniform problem, and hence no universal answer.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

This has been discussed before, loads of times in 200 page threads. Even all those suggestions have been mentioned with some varying levels of success.

For the most part, it's been concluded that martials will never be as powerful as spellcasters because spellcasters have many more options for solving problems. This isn't necessarily a terrible thing as we've had games that tried to make spellcasters and martials on the same level with some bland results. However, you can make martials more fun and viable by offering more options and quality of life changes.

Silver Crusade

I have to agree that there's a massive imbalance in magic and mundane, mostly because problems that can be solved by mundane methods can often also be solved by magical ones, which is not true in reverse. So the issue, like Cyrad mentioned, is giving mundane things to do.

I mean you could tone down magic a bit, make them specialize more, cap spell levels to...6th level spells, but even 3-4th level spells are pretty crazy with what they can accomplish.

Scarab Sages

The only answer you are ever going to have where everybody agrees everyone else is equal is to make all character identical.

Anything less, somebody is going to point and scream, "why can he do something I can't."

Melee characters are better at flat out killing things. They can do so an unlimited number of times per day. They never need worry about running short of attacks to do so.

Generally they do so while enjoying the benefits of better AC and more hit points.

There's a current thread on this already

lot of naysayers in here, well im too optimistic for that

however Cyrad mentioned something that struck a coord with me.

How would we go about giving martials more options for solving problems?

what are the specific things a caster can do that a martial cannot replicate in any way shape or form

then either try to figure out a way for said martials to solve those things and/or give them something they can do that casters cannot

w01fe01 wrote:

what are the specific things a caster can do that a martial cannot replicate in any way shape or form

Cast spells that reshape reality to their whim.

Artanthos wrote:

The only answer you are ever going to have where everybody agrees everyone else is equal is to make all character identical.

Anything less, somebody is going to point and scream, "why can he do something I can't."

Melee characters are better at flat out killing things. They can do so an unlimited number of times per day. They never need worry about running short of attacks to do so.

Generally they do so while enjoying the benefits of better AC and more hit points.

They can't do it an unlimited number of times per day, because hit points are still a resource.

The Exchange

Come, fellow veterans of thousand-post-martial-vs-caster threads! I say to you: let some new voices recite the ancient, ritual arguments! We who have fought in this endless war already should go. ;)

Scarab Sages

w01fe01 wrote:
what are the specific things a caster can do that a martial cannot replicate in any way shape or form

There is nothing a caster can do that a commoner with a high UMD cannot.

Scarab Sages

Athaleon wrote:

They can't do it an unlimited number of times per day, because hit points are still a resource.

Martials tend to have a higher AC and more hit points. Some martials also have far better saves and the ability to evade damage. Yes: you can build a character that is capable of standing in the middle of a battlefield all day while taking little to no damage.

If your avoiding taking damage, hit points are not an issue. If you cannot avoid taking damage, the casters tend to fall down first.

Artanthos wrote:
Athaleon wrote:

They can't do it an unlimited number of times per day, because hit points are still a resource.
Martials tend to have a higher AC and more hit points. Some martials also have far better saves and the ability to evade damage. Yes: you can build a character that is capable of standing in the middle of a battlefield all day while taking little to no damage.

Your DM is doing it wrong, then. Martials have more HP and better AC than casters, but they will take more damage without caster support.

And a Commoner is only UMD'ing his way to caster status if he has unlimited WBL and easy access to magic shops with a wide selection.

Miss Chance, mobility, and saves have far more to do with survivability than AC or HP. A level 4 wizard spell can make wizards incorporeal for hours/level, making them immune to mundane attacks and still only taking 50% from all non force, something martials have basically no access to (the ghost rager barbarian can deal with it).

Spells provide epic survivability that will last basically all day, not to mention the kinds of defenses you can throw on with contingency. One of my personal favorites is their ability to very quickly remove themselves from losing battles. Once martials get into battle with a lot of creatures they're pretty generally fight or die unless the martial is faster.

Scarab Sages

Athaleon wrote:
Artanthos wrote:
Athaleon wrote:

They can't do it an unlimited number of times per day, because hit points are still a resource.
Martials tend to have a higher AC and more hit points. Some martials also have far better saves and the ability to evade damage. Yes: you can build a character that is capable of standing in the middle of a battlefield all day while taking little to no damage.

Your DM is doing it wrong, then. Martials have more HP and better AC than casters, but they will take more damage without caster support.

A martial built to survive will take little damage and heal himself. UMD is not always a requirement for this, depending on class and build.

And a Commoner is only UMD'ing his way to caster status if he has unlimited WBL and easy access to magic shops with a wide selection.

You omitted the statement above mine that I was responding to.

w01fe0 wrote:
in any way shape or form.

Any martial can carry a selection of scroll/wands for usage in a pinch. He's not going to stand and cast all day, but does not need to do so. UMD means you have options when needed.

Hint: For incorporeal creatures, I know quite a few players that have low-levels characters with Ghost Salt arrows. No magic required.

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Miss Chance, mobility, and saves have far more to do with survivability than AC or HP.

AC = miss chance. 95% miss chance. It also stacks with concealment/displacement granted by item or potion.

Bad new for you on saves. Martial classes tend to have better. Sometime much, much better. Monks and Paladins blow casters out of the water on saving throws. Barbarians can have even higher saves than a monk with a two level paladin dip.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
One of my personal favorites is their ability to very quickly remove themselves from losing battles. Once martials get into battle with a lot of creatures they're pretty generally fight or die unless the martial is faster.

One thing I will grant you.

Caster's are better at surviving by running away.

Is that what you mean by unequal? You want martial characters to be better at running away?

Artanthos wrote:
Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Miss Chance, mobility, and saves have far more to do with survivability than AC or HP.

AC = miss chance. 95% miss chance. It also stacks with concealment/displacement granted by item or potion.

Bad new for you on saves. Martial classes tend to have better. Sometime much, much better. Monks and Paladins blow casters out of the water on saving throws. Barbarians can have even higher saves than a monk with a two level paladin dip.

One thing I will grant you.
Caster's are better at surviving by running away.

AC is only miss chance on normal attacks. Several spells will target touch, often much lower, and several spells can be used to negate dex bonuses.

Miss Chance pretty much outright takes the form of concealment nowadays, negating all sneak attack. It works against all forms of attacks, and even more than that, casters can meld into walls, can become incorporeal. Shall we even mention windwall, which while bypassable, is not the easiest thing in the world for an archer to deal with. I do so love 100% miss chance to beat the common 95% miss chance.

Martials have "better saves." Depends on the martial. Not to mention, casters have many spells that negate all offensive spells of a certain level or lower.

Lets not forget, much of this is not part of a build. The true disparity of casters vs martials is that martials have to build their characters for challenges. Yes casters run away but bad news. Next day martials have the same builds. Casters can have completely altered both defenses and offenses with ease.

Artanthos wrote:
Thomas Long 175 wrote:
One of my personal favorites is their ability to very quickly remove themselves from losing battles. Once martials get into battle with a lot of creatures they're pretty generally fight or die unless the martial is faster.

One thing I will grant you.

Caster's are better at surviving by running away.

Is that what you mean by unequal? You want martial characters to be better at running away?

Nice sarcasm, but you missed the best part. Losing fight means death for a martial. Not so much for a caster. Yeah they can run away. They can run away and return 8 hours later with a new arsenal of spells tailored to blowing the crap out of whatever they fight.

You hit something with a stick. You get to target AC, CMD, and the occassional fort save.

Magic users target AC, flat footed AC, touch AC, CMD, and all saves. They can bypass any elemental resistance and all forms of DR.

In every way a competent magic user that flees a fight can return with every inch of his character fully tailored to defeating this one creature. He can do this each and every single day.

A martial can buff more and more and more. But his abilities come from his class and his feats. And those can't be changed on a day to day basis.

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:

AC is only miss chance on normal attacks. Several spells will target touch, often much lower, and several spells can be used to negate dex bonuses.

Not all martials have low touch. All casters have a lower BAB.

The spells negating Dex bonuses are either avoidable or allow saving throws. I doubt Mr. Barbarian with a 30+ save is going to give an opponent a second change to realize their mistake.

Is your complaint that only ~half the martial classes don't completely blow casters out of the water on save? If so you're not pushing for equality. You're pushing for superiority.

Caster's have exactly two advantages over melee.

  • If wizards or clerics know what is coming they can tailor their spell list (Sorcers & Oracles, not so much).
  • They can run away.

When it comes to standing and fighting an unknown opponent. Your martial players not only deal the damage, they give the caster's time to do their job.

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:

Nice sarcasm, but you missed the best part. Losing fight means death for a martial. Not so much for a caster. Yeah they can run away. They can run away and return 8 hours later with a new arsenal of spells tailored to blowing the crap out of whatever they fight.

That's not sarcasm. Right now the focus of your argument is: casters are better because they can run away.

You hit something with a stick. You get to target AC, CMD, and the occassional fort save.

I hit something for an average of 400 points of damage a round. Every round. My target falls down dead. No saving throw. Does it matter what I targeted?

Magic users target AC, flat footed AC, touch AC, CMD, and all saves. They can bypass any elemental resistance and all forms of DR.

Not all at once. You have to know what you are fighting. What its weaknesses are. And, you need to have the right spells prepared to take advantage of that knowledge.

Easy if your playing Schrodinger's wizard. Not easy when you have to write your spells down in advance.

In every way a competent magic user that flees a fight can return with every inch of his character fully tailored to defeating this one creature. He can do this each and every single day.

A martial can buff more and more and more. But his abilities come from his class and his feats. And those can't be changed on a day to day basis.

A well built martial does not need to. He's knows what defense he's opposing and prepares for it. Am I aiming for AC? I make sure my attack bonuses are high enough to hit any AC. That simple.

No different than a caster that focuses on raising the DC of one type of spell.

Artanthos wrote:
Thomas Long 175 wrote:

Nice sarcasm, but you missed the best part. Losing fight means death for a martial. Not so much for a caster. Yeah they can run away. They can run away and return 8 hours later with a new arsenal of spells tailored to blowing the crap out of whatever they fight.

That's not sarcasm. Right now the focus of your argument is: casters are better because they can run away.

You hit something with a stick. You get to target AC, CMD, and the occassional fort save.

I hit something for an average of 400 points of damage a round. Every round. My target falls down dead. No saving throw. Does it matter what I targeted?

Magic users target AC, flat footed AC, touch AC, CMD, and all saves. They can bypass any elemental resistance and all forms of DR.

Not all at once. You have to know what you are fighting. What its weaknesses are. And, you need to have the right spells prepared to take advantage of that knowledge.

Easy if your playing Schrodinger's wizard. Not easy when you have to write your spells down in advance.

In every way a competent magic user that flees a fight can return with every inch of his character fully tailored to defeating this one creature. He can do this each and every single day.

A martial can buff more and more and more. But his abilities come from his class and his feats. And those can't be changed on a day to day basis.
A well built martial does not need to. He's knows what defense he's opposing and prepares for it. Am I aiming for AC? I make sure my attack bonuses are high enough to hit any AC. That simple.

On the other hand. 4TH LEVEL INCORPOREAL. How many martial builds do you see with ghost touch? Oh just about... BARBARIAN. With has very solid defenses all around but generally very little versatility. Get outside of his range and wait for him to lower rage.

Your spells will last hours and you can watch and wait with ease. He can't keep rage up forever. Then you strike.

Edit: And casters are quite capable of dealing large amounts of damage too. I made a blaster that dealt a base of over 900 FORCE in dpr (No saves). True martials can beat that but you really don't have to. At that point its whoever wins initiative and who do you think wins initiative.

The guy 400 feet away invisible and flying or the guy looking around for threats, even with flight and sense buff spells (which ironically mostly have much lower ranges on them thanblaster damage)?

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:

In every way a competent magic user that flees a fight can return with every inch of his character fully tailored to defeating this one creature. He can do this each and every single day.

Yep. Your complaining about inequality because casters are better at running away.

On the other hand. 4TH LEVEL INCORPOREAL. How many martial builds do you see with ghost touch? Oh just about... BARBARIAN. With has very solid defenses all around but generally very little versatility. Get outside of his range and wait for him to lower rage.

In PFS, in my area.

I see quite a few fourth level characters with Ghost Salts. It's considered standard equipment. They point and laugh if you don't have ghost salt arrows by fourth or 5th level. Too many wraiths and shadows to go without.

The smart barbarian won't rage until he's ready to hit you. Why would he rage before then? Or, he can just pull out his strength bow and shoot you.

Artanthos wrote:
Thomas Long 175 wrote:

In every way a competent magic user that flees a fight can return with every inch of his character fully tailored to defeating this one creature. He can do this each and every single day. [/quoted]
Yep. Your complaining about inequality because casters are better at running away.

On the other hand. 4TH LEVEL INCORPOREAL. How many martial builds do you see with ghost touch? Oh just about... BARBARIAN. With has very solid defenses all around but generally very little versatility. Get outside of his range and wait for him to lower rage.

In PFS, in my area.

I see quite a few fourth level characters with Ghost Salts. It's considered standard equipment. They point and laugh if you don't have ghost salt arrows by fourth or 5th level.

The smart barbarian won't rage until he's ready to hit you. Why would he rage before then? Or, he can just pull out his strength bow and shoot you.

If he's not raging he doesn't get his bonuses to saves. Aka he has no better saves than a fighter. So unless he's actively sweeping for invisible creatures you're gonna jump him and he's never going to get those bonuses.

Dilema: Either he's already raging and has epic saves, or the caster can surprise him with some save or sucks. If he's always got them up he runs out of rage real fast. If not, enjoy the save or suck cause your saves suck now.

Since a full caster can be hidden all day (incorporeal lets you meld with walls and earth elemental as in elemental body lets you earth meld) and still be able to sense his enemies (hello familiar, bird/tiny animal/spider). If your gm is ruling that a feeling of "threatened" isn't an emotion that your familiar can share with you, you've got other issues.

Oh and final note, the incorporeal spell, when you are "killed" in this form you simply return to your body stabalized at -1 hit point. Return the next day ready to fight in this form again. Eventually he will lose initiative.

Regardless we've reached the inevitable you're crying schrodinger's wizard despite the fact I've pointed out you can RETREAT and prepare new spells, which makes this argument moot enough for me to need to get ready to sleep for another 3 am shift.

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Dilema: Either he's already raging and has epic saves, or the caster can surprise him with some save or sucks. If he's always got them up he runs out of rage real fast. If not, enjoy the save or suck cause your saves suck now.

Either the encounter was in range or the barbarians turn or not.

If in range: attack and rage.
If not: ready action.

This is a question that's been around as long as D.D., 3.0 especially, how do you make classes feel equal yet unique.? It's not an easy question. Creative magic users are always going to be better than creative martial character. Magic users have many, many class features, that is what their spells are. Martials on the other hand have fewer class abilities.

I have found as long as your having fun, you are doing it right. But in my group, we tend to encourage the more experienced or the people more inclined to optimization to play martials. Those players tend to find a niche and enjoy. Those who are less inclined to optimization or are less experienced are encouraged to be full casters, spells give you an instant set of ideas of what you should probably be doing to he the group.

At higher levels, the game is a little bit untenable, at level 14 and higher magic users can really bend reality around them, they can be anywhere they want pretty much at anytime. Martials just need to be used to it if you are taking a character to that high of a level, just like magic users need to prepare to die at the early

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