☃December New Release Shipping Information☃

Customer Service

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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update 12-13-13: Standard shipping International customers: your confirmation email may have stated an incorrect transit time for your package of 3-10 business days. Your shipping confirmation will have the correct time frame for your location.

It's the beginning of a new month and time for a breakdown of subscription shipments.
November's Great Golem Sale was more popular than anticipated and our warehouse is still chugging along shipping orders from that sale. I'm currently investigating how that will affect the December shipment. Note, there was not Paizo subscriptions shipped out during November so if you are a comics subscriber there will be a total of 5 issues (plus variant covers if you have a deluxe subscription) with your upcoming order. I've added dates into the information below. We aren't going to be able to do the order spawning tomorrow, we are still pretty loaded down with sale orders. I'll be revisiting these dates again on Monday to update if there are any changes.

Paizo & Comics New Releases

  • Products
    Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles
    Player Companion: Magical Marketplace
    Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex
    Flip-Mat: Thieves Guild
    Flip-Mat Wastelands
    Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge
    Cards: Wardens of the Reborn Forge Campaign Cards
    Cards: Reign of Winter Face Cards
    Card Game: Adventure Deck Hook Mountain Massacre (plus 2 promo cards)
    Comic: Pathfinder #12

  • Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: December 10th11th (evening)
  • Begin Shipping Estimate: December 13th
  • End Shipping Estimate: ESTIMATE December 31st

↬If you have anything in your sidecart that is ready to go when we run the order spawning process, it will be shipped with this subscription.
↬If you want to add anything to this subscription order, you have until the authorization date to add it to your sidecart. If it is after the authorization date, make sure you choose to ship with the pending order number.
↬If you add an item to a pending subscription order and the added item has a "should ship from warehouse estimate of longer than 2-10 days, your subscription shipment will wait until that new item(s) arrive before it can be shipped. This may delay your subscription shipment!
↬If you need to make changes to the payment method or shipping address, you can make changes to the subscription until the authorization date, if it is after the authorization date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.

❆✿❄If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.❆✿❄

Thanks, Sara. Please reassure me Wardens of the Reborn Forge was an accidental omission from that list.. :(

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks, Sara. Please reassure me Wardens of the Reborn Forge was an accidental omission from that list.. :(

Whoops! Thanks for catching that! Added to the list.

Yay! Thanks.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Rather annoying that subscriptions are being held back by that sale. especially since the reason given for the sale was that there were no new Paizo products in November due to being delayed by Gencon (Seems subscribers are getting the short end of the stick more and more recently.)

Liberty's Edge

Happy Holidays to our Care Bears in Redmond, WA!!

How are the prospects looking so far of getting our subscriptions in the hands of subscribers by Christmas this year? If there's still a good chance, I want to gift my nephew with one of those cool Pathfinder Message Bags. He's only 11, but he's quickly become one of Pathfinders biggest fans.

If things continue to look dire, I'll probably buy it for myself at least and just get him his first Pathfinder Bestiary on Amazon with my Prime membership.

Either way, keep the hot cocoa flowing for everyone!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Brutal Ben wrote:

Happy Holidays to our Care Bears in Redmond, WA!!

How are the prospects looking so far of getting our subscriptions in the hands of subscribers by Christmas this year? If there's still a good chance, I want to gift my nephew with one of those cool Pathfinder Message Bags. He's only 11, but he's quickly become one of Pathfinders biggest fans.

If things continue to look dire, I'll probably buy it for myself at least and just get him his first Pathfinder Bestiary on Amazon with my Prime membership.

Either way, keep the hot cocoa flowing for everyone!!

Even before delays from the sale Paizo were saying don't rely on the December order for Christmas stuff, so with a potential delay it's probably wise to go with your alternate plan

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Wow, January is starting to look pretty expensive. That is going to be an exciting month of reading though!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Brutal Ben wrote:

How are the prospects looking so far of getting our subscriptions in the hands of subscribers by Christmas this year?

Either way, keep the hot cocoa flowing for everyone!!
Even before delays from the sale Paizo were saying don't rely on the December order for Christmas stuff, so with a potential delay it's probably wise to go with your alternate plan

Enlight_Bystand is correct. Do not rely on subscription shipments making it by Christmas. Some may, but even if we had not pushed things back I wouldn't have recommended it. A large chunk of people probably will see stuff by Christmas (based on their chosen shipping method and their location) but there are definitely going to be people who's packages will arrive after Dec. 25th and I can't even come close to guessing who will be in each category.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Brutal Ben wrote:

How are the prospects looking so far of getting our subscriptions in the hands of subscribers by Christmas this year?

Either way, keep the hot cocoa flowing for everyone!!
Even before delays from the sale Paizo were saying don't rely on the December order for Christmas stuff, so with a potential delay it's probably wise to go with your alternate plan
Enlight_Bystand is correct. Do not rely on subscription shipments making it by Christmas. Some may, but even if we had not pushed things back I wouldn't have recommended it. A large chunk of people probably will see stuff by Christmas (based on their chosen shipping method and their location) but there are definitely going to be people who's packages will arrive after Dec. 25th and I can't even come close to guessing who will be in each category.

So if I'm going to be out of town for a week around Christmas, should I send you guys an email to get my shipment delayed until after I get back?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:

... Do not rely on subscription shipments making it by Christmas. Some may, but even if we had not pushed things back I wouldn't have recommended it. ...

Since Paizo are STILL not shipping orders placed in nearly 4 weeks ago, have made no effort to communicate the fact, and are failing to answer emails concerning the status of orders, I would not get your hopes up for receiving ANYTHING in December.

I suspect that there is no-one in the warehouse and that they are not shipping anything.

Your creative staff are being let down by poor communication and a REALLY poor order processing system from the customer facing side of your business.

Why are there two promo cards shipping with the PACG deck?

Steve Geddes wrote:
Why are there two promo cards shipping with the PACG deck?

ONe is the usual Promo (Birdcruncher Crown), The other is a promo for the Magazine GTM (Dance with a Squealy Nord) that are including in the pre-order for us guys so we can get it too.

Ah. Thanks. :)

Paizo Store items:
Marvel Super Heroes RPG: Cosmos Cubed + Ragnarok and Roll + The Left Hand of Eternity

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Hi there,it's Alessandro from Italy here...i'm really interested in all the 3 items in the subject,but i need to know if they are new and sealed,or used.

Please let me know,it's really important!

Thank you!

Kevin Mack wrote:
Rather annoying that subscriptions are being held back by that sale. especially since the reason given for the sale was that there were no new Paizo products in November due to being delayed by Gencon (Seems subscribers are getting the short end of the stick more and more recently.)

I was going to say the same thing.

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I placed an initial order on 10 November, combined a second order on 14 November and admittedly have added more items to the order on two separate occasions: the 26th and the 28th of November. I was assured by Customer Service combining and adding orders would not effect my place in the queue.

None of it has shipped and as near as I can tell, orders placed on the 9th haven't shipped yet. I'm hopeful my 40-item order will ship this week but have no expectation of receiving December's shipment by Christmas.

I understand they're busy and whatnot, but it seems pretty obvious to me that the warehouse is understaffed and has been since just prior to GENCON.

I'm not canceling my subscriptions or anything like that. I love Paizo and will continue to support them for as long as they produce quality products and maintain their exemplary customer service. Just expressing my concerns about the four-week backlog of order processing.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Shadar Aman wrote:
So if I'm going to be out of town for a week around Christmas, should I send you guys an email to get my shipment delayed until after I get back?

If you're going to be out of town for a week, you should probably have the Post Office hold your mail until you return. You can even place the request online.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Tamago wrote:
Shadar Aman wrote:
So if I'm going to be out of town for a week around Christmas, should I send you guys an email to get my shipment delayed until after I get back?
If you're going to be out of town for a week, you should probably have the Post Office hold your mail until you return. You can even place the request online.

Thanks, that will be useful. Unfortunately, I think I've ordered enough stuff this time that it might be shipped by UPS.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Antony Walls wrote:

Since Paizo are STILL not shipping orders placed in nearly 4 weeks ago, have made no effort to communicate the fact, and are failing to answer emails concerning the status of orders, I would not get your hopes up for receiving ANYTHING in December.
I suspect that there is no-one in the warehouse and that they are not shipping anything.
Your creative staff are being let down by poor communication and a REALLY poor order processing system from the customer facing side of your business.

We have 5 warehouse staff who are shipping as fast as they can and 3 customer service folks (including myself) who are trying to respond to things as best we can. We've looked into sending a targeted email to outstanding orders, but unfortunately that's not something we've done before and it will require new code which isn't something we can currently do as there are some bug fixes that take precedence.

I understand that folks are frustrated at the length of processing time. We are going at as fast of a pace as we can at the moment.

Thanks for you patience folks!

Sara Marie

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Okay, I'm getting a tad bit confused when it comes to my subscriptions. My currently pending order is still showing:

order details:

1x Pathfinder #9 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.19
1x Pathfinder #10 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.19
1x Pathfinder: Goblins! #2 (paizo.com Exclusive)
1x Pathfinder: Goblins! #3 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.19
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zarongel~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck (Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 2), $15.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Path #74: Sword of Valor (Wrath of the Righteous 2 of 6) (PFRPG)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Path #75: Demon's Heresy (Wrath of the Righteous 3 of 6) (PFRPG), $15.99

All of which I have already gotten.

I have this also sitting in my currently pending:

1x LEGO—Star Wars: MINI TIE Fighter, $1.00
1x Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Absalom (OGL) Print Edition, $6.00
1x Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond—A Guide to the Multiverse (OGL) Print Edition, $6.00
1x Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory (PFRPG) Print Edition, $3.00
1x Paizo Product Catalog~
1x Munchkin Pathfinder: Gobsmacked! Expansion, $5.06

But I haven't gotten any of that yet.

I have this in Payment method authorized: Tomorrow, but saying it isn't going to ship until 1/3:

1x Pathfinder #11 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.19 (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Special #1 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.99 (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder: Goblins! #4 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.19 (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder: Goblins! #5 (paizo.com Exclusive), $3.19 (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Dance with Squealy Nord~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Birdcruncher Crown~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: The Hook Mountain Massacre Adventure Deck (Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 3), $15.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles (Wrath of the Righteous 4 of 6) (PFRPG), $15.99

So....what am I getting next....how much it the bill going to be...when are you going to ship it?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

TClifford wrote:

Okay, I'm getting a tad bit confused when it comes to my subscriptions. My currently pending order is still showing:

** spoiler omitted **...

The first part is a display error with the My Subscription page. On your order history page it correctly shows that part of the order shipped and part is pending. I've moved the pending items into their own order which should resolve the display issue. on your My Subscription page. Its currently set to ship as soon as possible and if the order is still pending by the time we do subscription spawning it should combine the orders.

Please note the end date that is currently set for December subscriptions is a "Should ship by: January 3". That is my best guess at this point for when ALL subscription shipments will be finished up.

sara marie

So about PACG subscriptions - Is there anyway that subscriptions through FLGSs might help you guys out AND get subscriber content out faster? It sounds so far like subscribers are getting their shipments later than retail purchasers and that Paizo is having trouble keeping up with shipments. Would it be possible to organize subscriptions with FLGSs so that you only have to ship out expansions and Promo cards to them (along with the extra expansions that you're already sending). I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love the idea of the subscription service. I am a new subscriber and will gladly subscribe either directly from Paizo or through my FLGS, BUT I'd prefer my FLGS to get a cut of the pie as well by buying from them, my subscriptions to be available to me as soon as they are to everyone else and also get the promo cards. I know that asking for a lot but it sounds (in my head) like it would be easier for the Paizo staff as well. Anyway...just food for thought...

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Antony Walls wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

... Do not rely on subscription shipments making it by Christmas. Some may, but even if we had not pushed things back I wouldn't have recommended it. ...

Since Paizo are STILL not shipping orders placed in nearly 4 weeks ago, have made no effort to communicate the fact, and are failing to answer emails concerning the status of orders, I would not get your hopes up for receiving ANYTHING in December.

I suspect that there is no-one in the warehouse and that they are not shipping anything.

Your creative staff are being let down by poor communication and a REALLY poor order processing system from the customer facing side of your business.

I have not made a fuss about my order from June that hasn't shipped due to back order (2611999), because I know that it is not the fault of Paizo staff but rather limited supply of the item. It helps to know whats going on with a company you purchase from regularly.

A) I see this is one of several such posts you have made in different threads, do you have a thread of your own with customer service?
B) You are under no obligation to buy the products from Paizo online, personally its something I do to support the company as much as I can. Your FLAGs, Amazon, and Hastings carry products as well if shipping time and availability are your priority rather than price.
C) It honestly hurts me to hear you bash so hard on a company that I frankly love.

Apologizes if this post is out of line, but I mean all if it with all due respect.

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Derfmancher wrote:

C) It honestly hurts me to hear you bash so hard on a company that I frankly love.

I generally agree, but for how much we spend a month with this company, getting the push-back because of a yearly inventory cleanout super-sale is (to me) a bit bogus. We (the subscribers) are the bread and butter of this company, we are the income they bank on month after month to pay their bills; so to have us get our orders pushed behind the "ZOMG $3 BOOKS" crowd sorta hurts.

I'm a Paizo fanboy; I hold Paizo in very high regard. I have no problems sending them a lot of money every months for their goods, however what makes good companies great is getting feedback like this from their core customers and seeing how they evolve their business procedures from this.

Im bent that my order is getting pushed back, but it is what it is yanno.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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I've updated the dates to reflect our updated plan of attack! We've decided to push the authorization/order spawning back until Wednesday, December 11th. Our warehouse crew will be pumping out as many orders as possible over Tuesday and Wednesday and I will be starting the subscription generation process when they are done shipping for the day on Wednesday (roughly 7pm).
Thursday, Customer Service will be powering through any requests for changes to subscriptions or last minute cancellations and on Friday we will begin shipping out December's New releases in conjunction with any remaining Great Golem Sale orders. While the bulk of the subscription items should be shipping over the next two weeks, I've listed the "should ship by" date for subscriptions as December 31st, 2013. We've also got crews planned for overtime this weekend both in customer service and in the warehouse, as well as some extra folks over the next few weeks to get as many of these orders out as possible as quickly as we can.
Additionally, we've made the decision to push the street date back to December 26th, so we can get more orders to customers and stores before the release date hits.

Holidays and holiday shipping can be a stressful time and I want to thank you all for your continued patience.

Additionally, we're in need of another helping hand in Customer Service, so if you or someone you know is interested in joining the Paizo Customer Service team, make sure to check out the job posting!

Thanks, Sara. Your cast of minions grows with each passing month. :)

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would jump at the job posting if only I lived in Seattle :(

Silver Crusade

taking out the garbage


"No-I mean, YES!"

is shot

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

"Assemble the minions!" :-)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I plan on starting order spawning around 7pm so we can get as much shipped as possible from the warehouse. Because I'll be doing this in the evening, I won't have Gary or Christopher here to help resolve issues if something goes sideways. So while I am pretty confident everything will be fine, this might bleed over into tomorrow if there are any issues.

Mikaze wrote:

taking out the garbage


"No-I mean, YES!"

is shot

I almost wish I could say I didn't get that reference...

Really looking forward to this month's shipment. Also next month's, though my wallet is looking at that one and crying uncontrollably...

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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Okay folks, here's how I expect things to go down, though best laid plans of mice and customer services...

Will (warehouse manager) is clearing out the last of what his team could get shipped from the queue. As soon as he does that, I'll start up the Spawning Day festivities. I'll let it run for a few minutes. Stop, check orders. If things look good, run it for a few more minutes, stop and check orders again. Rinse and repeat until a good representative sample has shown to be spawning correctly and then let the process run overnight. You may not see your order spawn for a while yet depending on how things go and where your account comes up in the process.

If you have a order that's still pending, theoretically, the spawning system will add your subscription and sidecart items to it and should not affect any sale prices.

May the orders be ever in your favor.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I shall magnanimously volunteer to go first with the subscription orders. :)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I let it run for 10 people and all 10 orders look good and normal. Next up: checking someone with pending golem sale items.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

While its not going to create any bugs, the people with pending sale items from November don't appear to have subscriptions added to the sale order, but instead creates a normal separate order. I can't tell if its just that I happen to be looking at orders where there's no shipping discount for combining them or something similar or if its just not combining them out of spite.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I'm voting spite at this point FYI.

Wasn't the whole point of the Great Golem sale that they couldn't ship with subscriptions?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

The point of the sale was that orders for sale priced items couldn't be delayed for subscriptions. We wanted to make sure the workflow for this sale was spread over November and didn't affect the subscription shipments. Theoretically all the Great Golem stuff was totally going to be shipped well before subscriptions needed to start.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

We did not expect *at all* to still be shipping stuff from the Great Golem Sale this far into December. I remember asking Gary when he was coding the parameters for the sale, to make sure that if by any chance there was a customer who would place an order on like, November 30th, and it didn't ship until like, December 2nd, that they wouldn't loose the sale prices. We thought orders like that would be rare, if any.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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Revving up the engines and starting to spawn orders!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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Estimated time remaining: 564 minutes, 46 seconds


Got my first email. Now for the worst bit - waiting until shipment....

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Got my first email. Now for the worst bit - waiting until shipment....

The 'my credit card got bushwhacked' moment isn't the worst bit for you? Lucky man.. ;-)

When do you authorize payments for subscriptions? Also when do you charge me for my order that shipped yesterday? It's hasn't yet shown on my credit card?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Got my first email. Now for the worst bit - waiting until shipment....
The 'my credit card got bushwhacked' moment isn't the worst bit for you? Lucky man.. ;-)

I find it psychologically helpful not to pay attention to my credit card during such times.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

TjRuLz wrote:
When do you authorize payments for subscriptions?

The authorization/order spawning date changes each month depending on when we plan to start shipping. Its *usually* Auth/Spawn on a Thursday and Start Shipping on Monday (can be thrown off by postal holidays). This month is highly unusual in that we are authing on a Wednesday night and starting to ship on a Friday morning and plan on shipping through the weekend (very rare). The next estimated auth/order spawning should show up on your My Subscription page and I try to have a thread like this with a breakdown of shipping new releases each month. Things can change pretty quickly though due to a late product or other issue and so all those dates should be considered " best estimates" until we actually start the process.

TjRuLz wrote:
Also when do you charge me for my order that shipped yesterday? It's hasn't yet shown on my credit card?

Your order that shipped 12/11/13 has been successfully charged on our end. Your credit card company may not have processed it yet though. Sometimes they take a day or two to show the charge online.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

The authorization/order spawning goes one person at a time so there is a lag between when I start and when the last person finally goes through. Historically its been about 1-2 days for everyone's subscription orders to spawn, but our tech team did some updates and it looks like this one will take about 10-12 hours. In about 15 minutes or so I'm headed home and leaving it running so if it times out, I won't be able to restart it until tomorrow morning. I'm hoping it will finish successfully though.

Silver Crusade

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checks e-mail


Hi there - I just checked my subscription progress and at the bottom it has the following:

Payment method authorized: January 9
Should ship by: January 24

1x Pathfinder Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles (Wrath of the Righteous 4 of 6) (PFRPG), $15.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Path #77: Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth (Wrath of the Righteous 5 of 6) (PFRPG), $15.99

Estimated Subtotal* $31.98

This information was different early this morning (I'm in Australia, so times are different due to timezones) when each of these items was in its own separate section with a different processing/shipping date.

Can someone confirm for me when the PF AP is meant to be processed/shipping and why mine seems to want to be coming to me in January rather than in December??

Many thanks for the help :)

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