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Adam Daigle wrote:
I'd go bard or sorcerer, but considering their stats, your ideas are both probably more sound.

Who cares about stats?! :p

Paizo Employee Developer

Justin Sluder wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
I'd go bard or sorcerer, but considering their stats, your ideas are both probably more sound.
Who cares about stats?! :p

All kinds of folks. :)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

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Adam Daigle wrote:
Robert Brookes wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
...and Moya from Farscape.
Moya already snuck in with Distant Worlds thanks to the Oma which are basically Farsacape leviathans.
While brethedans sometimes use oma as starships, oma are far from the leviathans of Farscape.

Maybe a kaiji-equivalent of an Oma? Hmm.

Silver Crusade

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Adam Daigle wrote:
I'd go bard or sorcerer, but considering their stats, your ideas are both probably more sound.

"Allow me to play you the song of my people."

With accompanying olfactory sounds!


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What color should I paint my Hydra?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Alexander Augunas wrote:
What color should I paint my Hydra?

I'd go with varying shades of green.

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Will there be a Half-Fey template in any of the upcoming books or playable fey based race in any of the upcoming books?

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What are your 5 favorite creatures from the Bestiary 4? (and if you have time, why those?)

Paizo Employee Developer

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ViciousDabbler wrote:
Will there be a Half-Fey template in any of the upcoming books or playable fey based race in any of the upcoming books?

Well, we have the fey animal template in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lands of the Linnorm Kings and the fey creature template in Bestiary 3 as far as templates go. (We also have the winter fey template in Pathfinder #68: The Shackled Hut, but that's a template for creatures that are already fey type.) The Advanced Race Guide and Bestiary 4 have the gathlain which is a playable race of the fey type. Aside from those, there's nothing upcoming that I can think of.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Gancanagh wrote:
What are your 5 favorite creatures from the Bestiary 4? (and if you have time, why those?)

Favorites are always so hard. I'll give it a go.

I haven't had a ton of time to get into some of the details of all the critters in there, so I'm going to cheat and pick more than five. You might also notice a theme to the ones I picked.

Lampad—Reasons: cool art, from folklore, I wrote it.
Pooka—Reasons: weird looking, from folklore, I wrote it.
Pickled Punk—Reasons: cool art, gross, from the real world, I wrote it.
Rat King—Reasons: I've been fascinated with rat kings since I first heard of them years ago, and I wrote it.
Tikbalang—Freaky art, I love Filipino folklore, I wrote it.
Tunche—I like this one because it's a weird mashup of Amazon basin folklore, and I wrote it.
Gearghost—Cool art, would make for some cool encounters, I like both ghosts and traps, and I wrote it.
Dark caller, dark dancer, and owb—Reasons: I love dark folk and I wrote them.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I find your vision of the Pooka...interesting. I always envisioned it as a talking horse with twisted horns.

What's the coolest weapon, in your opinion? I find myself frustrated that the optimization forums seem to be all about falcatas, falcatas, and, oh let me think, FALCATAS!

Sovereign Court Contributor

As a relative of Mary Chase, I approve of your take on the Pooka.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

I find your vision of the Pooka...interesting. I always envisioned it as a talking horse with twisted horns.

What's the coolest weapon, in your opinion? I find myself frustrated that the optimization forums seem to be all about falcatas, falcatas, and, oh let me think, FALCATAS!

That really depends on the character wielding it. (I did play a magus that used a falcata, so I'm guilty of that—but falcatas in real life are pretty cool.) I've made the joke many times that the club is the best weapon in the game because 1) it's free, 2) it deals 1d6 points of damage, and 3) it has a range. (It'd be cooler if it was a light weapon.)

Paizo Employee Developer

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Jeff Erwin wrote:
As a relative of Mary Chase, I approve of your take on the Pooka.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* Thanks for getting that.

Also, I didn't know that bit of trivia about you. Cool!

Cool, I can see how you wrote many of my favorite critters from bestiary 4! Good work!
Especially with the Lampad, Pickled Punk, Rat King, Tikbalang, Gearghost and Dark Dancer! Those among my favorite creatures in the book! And the Pooka art is cute and scary at the same time! :-p
I didn't even knew the Tunche was from folklore, I love the mantis-like features it has + that it isn't your typical cute, little lady fey. I hope to see more such non-humanoid/fairy fey in the future!

Now for another question:
Can you give us the full list of all the monsters you did in bestiary 4 appart from the ones you already listed in your previous answer?


Paizo Employee Developer

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Gancanagh wrote:

Now for another question:

Can you give us the full list of all the monsters you did in bestiary 4 apart from the ones you already listed in your previous answer?


The others I did for Bestiary 4:

Alpluachra, boilborn, giraffe/stag, hypnalis, isitoq, juggernaut, leaf ray, maenad, saguaroi. (Ones I did originally that were picked up for this book are the fleshdreg and the vouivre.)

Do you know who did the empyreal lords in Bestiary 4?

Paizo Employee Developer

AlgaeNymph wrote:
Do you know who did the empyreal lords in Bestiary 4?


Adam Daigle wrote:
ViciousDabbler wrote:
Will there be a Half-Fey template in any of the upcoming books or playable fey based race in any of the upcoming books?
Well, we have the fey animal template in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lands of the Linnorm Kings and the fey creature template in Bestiary 3 as far as templates go. (We also have the winter fey template in Pathfinder #68: The Shackled Hut, but that's a template for creatures that are already fey type.) The Advanced Race Guide and Bestiary 4 have the gathlain which is a playable race of the fey type. Aside from those, there's nothing upcoming that I can think of.

Then I will have to look a bit harder lol. Thanks.

Thanks for the Saguaroi! Pathfinder was really missing a cactus creature and the Saguaroi is really awesome!

Alpluachra, Boilborn, Hypnalis(!!), Isotoq, Juggernout, Maenad, Leaf Ray and Vouivre are all very awesome as well!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

I find your vision of the Pooka...interesting. I always envisioned it as a talking horse with twisted horns.

What's the coolest weapon, in your opinion? I find myself frustrated that the optimization forums seem to be all about falcatas, falcatas, and, oh let me think, FALCATAS!

That really depends on the character wielding it. (I did play a magus that used a falcata, so I'm guilty of that—but falcatas in real life are pretty cool.) I've made the joke many times that the club is the best weapon in the game because 1) it's free, 2) it deals 1d6 points of damage, and 3) it has a range. (It'd be cooler if it was a light weapon.)

Falcatas ARE absolutely cool. It's just that I find myself preferring characters in a more Celtic or Germanic mindset that the falcata or scimitar doesn't fit well with. Longswords are my go-to weapon, but to hear the optimization forums talk about them, they might as well not exist. >_<

Paizo Employee Developer

Yeah, that'll happen on optimization forums.


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So Aunty Lisa's sale got me to buy about $240 of Wolfren miniatures (from the Confrontations mini war game) for $60. I am pleased, but now I find myself wondering what to DO with them in my game world! They coordinate too much to be werewolves and the only other wolf anthro I can find in the game are the adlets (B3).

Why are adlets humanoids with 15 racial hit dice, anyway?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Alexander Augunas wrote:

So Aunty Lisa's sale got me to buy about $240 of Wolfren miniatures (from the Confrontations mini war game) for $60. I am pleased, but now I find myself wondering what to DO with them in my game world! They coordinate too much to be werewolves and the only other wolf anthro I can find in the game are the adlets (B3).

Why are adlets humanoids with 15 racial hit dice, anyway?

I don't know for sure. I wasn't on staff when we ordered that monster, so I don't know the details. I'd bet it was so that there'd be a cool mid-CR Medium-sized monster that GMs could use in cold-themed campaigns. Humanoid type makes sense for them after all, though I could see monstrous humanoid as their creature type as well.

Silver Crusade

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Adam Daigle wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

So Aunty Lisa's sale got me to buy about $240 of Wolfren miniatures (from the Confrontations mini war game) for $60. I am pleased, but now I find myself wondering what to DO with them in my game world! They coordinate too much to be werewolves and the only other wolf anthro I can find in the game are the adlets (B3).

Why are adlets humanoids with 15 racial hit dice, anyway?

I don't know for sure. I wasn't on staff when we ordered that monster, so I don't know the details. I'd bet it was so that there'd be a cool mid-CR Medium-sized monster that GMs could use in cold-themed campaigns. Humanoid type makes sense for them after all, though I could see monstrous humanoid as their creature type as well.

When are we going to get a Flumph mini?

Paizo Employee Developer

Rysky wrote:
When are we going to get a Flumph mini?

That's an Erik question.


Adam Daigle wrote:
I don't know for sure. I wasn't on staff when we ordered that monster, so I don't know the details. I'd bet it was so that there'd be a cool mid-CR Medium-sized monster that GMs could use in cold-themed campaigns. Humanoid type makes sense for them after all, though I could see monstrous humanoid as their creature type as well.

I guess I forget how relatively 'new' you are sometimes. It feels like you've ALWAYS been a part of Paizo. eyes glaze over

I think I might go with operation, "redesign the adelts as 0-HD humanoids, however. Either that, or force a reason to throw 24-ish wolf people at my players to justify by early-morning impulse spending.

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FWIW, Giants are also mid-CR creatures with lots of Humanoid HD.


Orthos wrote:
FWIW, Giants are also mid-CR creatures with lots of Humanoid HD.

I don't know, I get a different feel from a Medium-sized wolf-folk race than I do from something with 'troll' or 'giant' in its name. From its description, Adlet feels like something that players would want to play, you know what I mean?

On the other hand, I feel like the trox are an example of something that SHOULD be a humanoid race with racial Hit Dice, but I guess the devil's in the details.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Alexander Augunas wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
I don't know for sure. I wasn't on staff when we ordered that monster, so I don't know the details. I'd bet it was so that there'd be a cool mid-CR Medium-sized monster that GMs could use in cold-themed campaigns. Humanoid type makes sense for them after all, though I could see monstrous humanoid as their creature type as well.
I guess I forget how relatively 'new' you are sometimes. It feels like you've ALWAYS been a part of Paizo. eyes glaze over

Well, I've been part of this community since 2006-ish and have been freelancing for Paizo since 2008-2009, so I've certainly been around for a while. :)

Adam, I have started a poll over in general:
How many rounds does a typical encounter last for your group?

How many encounters per in-game "day"?

How many encounters per gaming session?

And for you devs:

How many of each do you design a AP for?

Finally do you mind if I include your answers in my poll?

Paizo Employee Developer

DrDeth wrote:

Adam, I have started a poll over in general:

How many rounds does a typical encounter last for your group?

How many encounters per in-game "day"?

How many encounters per gaming session?

And for you devs:

How many of each do you design a AP for?

Finally do you mind if I include your answers in my poll?

Hmmm... I've never really kept count. We typically play for about 4 hours at a time (after work in the conference room), and the number of encounters and how long they last really depends on the encounter and the level of the PCs. Some are over in 3 rounds, some take more time. I'm not sure if there is any "typical" that I've seen. I'll try to pay more attention to that so I can provide better answers.

EDIT: I see you asked James the same question. Any answers he gives can double for my answers, because he's in all four of the games I'm in (either as a player or as the GM).

Yes, thanks. In fact I am asking all the devs and staff I know the same.

Ok to quote you?

Paizo Employee Developer

DrDeth wrote:

Yes, thanks. In fact I am asking all the devs and staff I know the same.

Ok to quote you?

Totally fine by me.

Will there be a second NPC Codex released giving the stats of the additional Iconics, and some npc's with those classes?

Paizo Employee Developer

Perhaps at some point. It's too early to tell right now.

What's your primary strategy for dealing with winter weather?

Paizo Employee Developer

Kajehase wrote:
What's your primary strategy for dealing with winter weather?

Layers? This is only my second winter. Last year I bought my first real coat, and that worked out pretty well. I live within walking distance to the office, so I don't need to worry about driving in crappy weather.


Did the Krampus costume happen in time for the holiday party?

Paizo Employee Developer

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Did the Krampus costume happen in time for the holiday party?

Nah. I had the idea too late.

2 questions.
1: Why are there so many humans? I've noticed in adventure paths and stuff, there tends to be a MASSIVE majority of humans featured as iconics, not many dwarves, gnomes, halflings or even elves or half elves are featured as much as humans.

I realize that humans are supposedly the most numerous race in golarion, but even then, it seems a little much.

2: Do you know what's up with the 'rebranding' of Alkenstar? They seemed to be really wild west steampunky, but in the "Wardens of the Reborn Forge" adventure path, everything looks... weird, and more victorian than western, the shield martial in particular.

Third question, just because: What do you think of them adding a staff that can be bought for 3000 gold that negates the mana wastes?

Paizo Employee Developer

Demonskunk wrote:

2 questions.

1: Why are there so many humans? I've noticed in adventure paths and stuff, there tends to be a MASSIVE majority of humans featured as iconics, not many dwarves, gnomes, halflings or even elves or half elves are featured as much as humans.

I realize that humans are supposedly the most numerous race in golarion, but even then, it seems a little much.

2: Do you know what's up with the 'rebranding' of Alkenstar? They seemed to be really wild west steampunky, but in the "Wardens of the Reborn Forge" adventure path, everything looks... weird, and more victorian than western, the shield martial in particular. (Patrick wrote the adventure and Mark developed it, so they likely have a better chance to give you a real answer.)

Third question, just because: What do you think of them adding a staff that can be bought for 3000 gold that negates the mana wastes?

1: Because Golarion is a humanocentric world. I know there are some people that don't like it, but I happen to see it as a strong feature for Golarion. To be honest, if I had my way we'd have fewer 0-HD races than we do. I recognize this is a personal preference that some folks don't agree with, and I really don't mind non-human 0-HD races, but when everyone in the party is something weird it slips into a territory I'm not interested in. Humans are my favorite race to play in the game and they are my favorite monsters in the game.

2: I'm not sure what you're talking about. I haven't read Wardens of the Reborn Forge yet, but from the pieces I saw while it was being worked on it seemed to fit my image of the place. There really wasn't much information about Alkenstar prior to that Module, I mean, Wardens presents more information about Akenstar than existed previous to its publication. I can't reliably answer more of this until I read the adventure.

3: See above. (Not familiar)

Adam Daigle wrote:
1: Because Golarion is a humanocentric world. I know there are some people that don't like it, but I happen to see it as a strong feature for Golarion. To be honest, if I had my way we'd have fewer 0-HD races than we do. I recognize this is a personal preference that some folks don't agree with, and I really don't mind non-human 0-HD races, but when everyone in the party is something weird it slips into a territory I'm not interested in. Humans are my favorite race to play in the game and they are my favorite monsters in the game.

Yeah I've seen this mindset a lot in the Paizo staff, and being someone of the complete opposite end of the spectrum it's a little frustrating. Thankfully it's really not super hard to replace all those overwhelming amounts of humans (who in my mind are one of the most boring races in the game, coupled with being mechanically the best - that bonus feat is just too good, and my biggest complaint about the ARG was nothing more than "the human bonus feat is dreadfully underpriced", and then they go and get extra skill points on top of it to boot - making them far more irritating to me) with races and creatures I find more entertaining.

Paizo Employee Developer

Those pesky mechanical benefits almost make the world design make sense, don't they? ;)

Either way, people's home games can be whatever. It's not like we're going to swoop in from Redmond and force folks to make certain decisions.

Also, that's not to say that I don't like that element of fantasy RPGs. I had a ton of fun in my home group's Planescape game where everyone was something weird, it's just when you focus in on certain places in material worlds where things need to have some sort of baseline, and for real Earth humans, that baseline is humans.

That suddenly makes me wonder... Are there any RPGs (fantasy or scifi) that don't have humans as a race that people can play?

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Adam Daigle wrote:

Those pesky mechanical benefits almost make the world design make sense, don't they? ;)

Either way, people's home games can be whatever. It's not like we're going to swoop in from Redmond and force folks to make certain decisions.

Also, that's not to say that I don't like that element of fantasy RPGs. I had a ton of fun in my home group's Planescape game where everyone was something weird, it's just when you focus in on certain places in material worlds where things need to have some sort of baseline, and for real Earth humans, that baseline is humans.

That suddenly makes me wonder... Are there any RPGs (fantasy or scifi) that don't have humans as a race that people can play?

Bunnies & Burrows & Mouse Guard come to mind.

Paizo Employee Developer

Damn you, Jeff. That doesn't count!


Tried any white whiskeys yet?

Paizo Employee Developer

I've had a couple, but so far, I'm not really a fan. There's a reason the distilling process is the way it is. Rushing that produces interesting spirits and flavors, but they're not just good because someone decided to rush it. This is to say, a lot of people putting out "white whiskeys" are trying to make money before they should.

That said part 2: I've had some good and great and terrible moonshine and "white whiskey".

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I recognise it's been over a month, but still!

Adam, since you were the one to write the entire Baba Yaga article, as far as I'm aware, I was wondering if you'd be able to shed a bit of light on something in it regarding the illness that ultimately pushed her into embracing immortality at the ripe old (young?) age of 102:

"...she could feel it growing within her, some malignant part of her own body fighting against her vitality..."

From the description, it sounds vaguely like cancer or a tumour or something (i.e. uncontrollable, malignant cell division), where it can fight against vitality because that sort of vitality could even send it into overdrive.

Did you have any specific disease in mind when that was written down?

Additionally, she was 102 when she became immortal. As she was a "perfect specimen" of humanity, with her 25 PB and advanced template, how many years do you think she could have lived before she would have legitimately died of old age?

Paizo Employee Developer

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When I wrote that part, I imagined it being cancer. A particularly bad case of cancer that she couldn't heal herself.

As for old age, people don't really die of old age. It's usually a number of small diseases and such that the body just can't handle at an advanced age. She probably could have stuck it out for another decade. Maybe.

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