Flat Footed?

Rules Questions

Sooo how is flat footed cause, from the description of the rules it is when an opponent is unaware of its attacker. When flat-footed you can be sneak attacked and you lose your Dex to Armor.

Now when flanking you gain +2 to attack and can sneak attack.

But does flanking caused the flanked target to become flat footed?

If so this makes dex based Fighters Useless when fighting multiple opponents unless they take a few levels in rogue or barb. Also Monks and Rangers are at risk.

Any Clarification?

You are flat-footed when you are unaware of an attacker and in the first round of battle before your intitiative comes up (i.e., before you can react). This is a separate condition from flanking. It's just that both conditions allow sneak attack damage.

Joana wrote:
You are flat-footed when you are unaware of an attacker and in the first round of battle before your intitiative comes up (i.e., before you can react). This is a separate condition from flanking. It's just that both conditions allow sneak attack damage.

Well dang, I guess the final battle would of gone much different. But alas atleast it is clarified now, i will know if i ever roll a rogue or another dex based fighter.

Grand Lodge

Yoishan wrote:
When flat-footed you can be sneak attacked and you lose your Dex to Armor.

Technically, the sneak attack rules require your opponent to "be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC." It does not require the flat-footed condition. While being flat-footed does deny you your DEX modifier (as well as other mobility-based boosts), it is not required. There are effects that can penalize your Dex without making you flat-footed and may still provide sneak attack. Being paralyzed effectively reduces your DEX to zero, but strangely enough, does not cause the flat-footed condition. You can still sneak attack a paralyzed target because they are denied a DEX bonus to AC.

If they are paralyzed you can coup de grace as a full round action which is an automatic crit plus sneak attack damage and will make them pass a Fort save DC 10+ damage dealt or die. Essentially, you got PNWED!!!!

you can sneak attack someone who is grappled then becuase they are denied dex

Schrecken wrote:
you can sneak attack someone who is grappled then becuase they are denied dex

That's pinned you're looking for. Being grappled is just -4 to dex.

Grand Lodge

erik542 wrote:
That's pinned you're looking for. Being grappled is just -4 to dex.

Actually it can be argued that any condition that penalized DEX would allow for a sneak attack. If you pay strict attention to the language, "be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC," [emphasis mine], does not stipulate being denied your entire bonus, just a bonus. Any reduction in DEX makes you less effective in defending yourself, i.e. open to sneak attack. In some examples, it makes sense. Why wouldn't you get to sneak attack someone who is Stunned or Entangled?

Another wierd twist. By RAW, the target must be denied it's DEX to allow a sneak attack. Flat-footed in and of itself does not grant it. Yet, read the language for Pinned. The condition causes flat-footed and a penalty to AC, but nothing about DEX. So, by RAW, you cannot sneak attack a pinned target. Does that make any sense? Since pinned is a more severe condition than Grappled but does not stack, does that mean that you loose the -4 DEX penalty when you become pinned? If so, using my analysis above, a grappled target could be sneak attacked, but a pinned one could not. WTF?!?

flat-footed denies DEX so your post confuses me

TwilightKnight wrote:
erik542 wrote:
That's pinned you're looking for. Being grappled is just -4 to dex.

Actually it can be argued that any condition that penalized DEX would allow for a sneak attack. If you pay strict attention to the language, "be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC," [emphasis mine], does not stipulate being denied your entire bonus, just a bonus. Any reduction in DEX makes you less effective in defending yourself, i.e. open to sneak attack. In some examples, it makes sense. Why wouldn't you get to sneak attack someone who is Stunned or Entangled?

Another wierd twist. By RAW, the target must be denied it's DEX to allow a sneak attack. Flat-footed in and of itself does not grant it. Yet, read the language for Pinned. The condition causes flat-footed and a penalty to AC, but nothing about DEX. So, by RAW, you cannot sneak attack a pinned target. Does that make any sense? Since pinned is a more severe condition than Grappled but does not stack, does that mean that you loose the -4 DEX penalty when you become pinned? If so, using my analysis above, a grappled target could be sneak attacked, but a pinned one could not. WTF?!?

Denied dex means you can not add any dex to your AC. That is not the same as a penalty to dex. Please don't come to the board arguing semantics. It only confuses people.

Also causing someone to become flat-footed does deny dex unless otherwise stated so pinning also denies dex.

They could state that being denied dex equals all dex, but I don't want a book written in legalese.

Shadow I advise you to ignore the post I am currently replying to.

I'm not sure if this is in the right place but I don't think y'all have quite the right definition of flat footed.
As worded "A character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to the situation."

This seems to be lacking that crucial "unaware of an attacker" clause.
This gets weird when you look at abilities like uncanny dodge.

Because Uncanny Dodge explicitly states "cannot be caught Flat Footed" a Barbarian may be immune to the sneak attack from a rogue at the start of combat but if, during the same fight the rogue hides and fires again the barbarian would be "Denied his dexterity bonus" as a function of the stealth skill, resulting in a sneak attack. That is, unless the rogue also happened to be invisible because uncanny dodge protects from that.

This doesn't seem right at all but I can't find where to put a typo.


You resurrected a thread from 4 years ago. The Core Rulebook has been reprinted since then.

There are different ways to make one flat-footed, and there are different ways to make one denied their Dexterity bonus.

They're often the same situation, but not always.

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