Ancestry: Dwarf
Family Size:1d100 ⇒ 39 2 family members (Intelligence or Wisdom)
Homeland:1d20 ⇒ 13 Metropolis (Architecture, Gladiatorial, Guild, Legal, Theater Lore)
Major Childhood Event:1d20 ⇒ 12 Kidnapped (Quick Squeeze)
Influential Associate:1d20 ⇒ 11 The Liege Lord (Charisma Boost)
Inspiring Relationship:1d12 ⇒ 9 Patron of the Arts (Virtuosic Performer)*
Challenging Relationship:1d12 ⇒ 4 Matter of Might (Hefty Hauler)
Relic Aspect:1d12 ⇒ 6 Fiend
Relic Aspect 2:1d12 ⇒ 11 Shadow
Pretty happy with this, but I'm going to change my Inspiring Relationship to Desperate Intimidate (Group Coercion) to match my backstory better.
Kazmukh Torson was born in New Stetven, the son of one of the most prominent architects in the city. Though his father died when he was young, his mother served as a capable role model for he and his sister, and he planned to follow her footsteps into stonecutting and building design.
Unfortunately, as an adolescent he and a small group of friends were snatched out of a local tavern by a band of traffickers. They traveled across Brevoy and sold the dwarf and his friends to one of the bandit bands that infest the Stolen Lands. Kazmukh remained their prisoner until he was liberated by King Freidold, who took the dwarf on as an assistant and guard.
Upon taking his post as a guard, the king gifted him with a hammer, forged of black iron, that he had found in the shadows of an abandoned dwarven tower.
I'll be taking the following for my background: Boost Wisdom and Charisma, with Strength as my free boost; Architecture Lore and Guild Lore; Group Coercion and Quick Squeeze for my feats. I'll take a hammer for my relic with the fiend and shadow aspects and shadow smith as my gift. (Think I did all that right!)
Would one of you math-y folks want to compare the percentage of successful Assurance for combat maneuvers to the chance of succeeding on a third attack? I think some people are still thinking about it like it would take the place of a successful attack.
I have a rogue that uses this tactic, and it is very frequently successful. If you're working with a friend to lower the target's Reflex saves, even better.
It's also not bad for just doing Athletic stuff.
Interesting. What are some of the ways you guys are lowering the target's reflex save?
As Ruzza said, anything that gives frightened/sickened/clumsy is great. Fear is a pretty common and useful debuff.
Also, in response to Aratonin, I would absolutely spend a skill feat to get a +3 on one attack per round. (In this edition.) That's a big bonus.
I have a rogue that uses this tactic, and it is very frequently successful. If you're working with a friend to lower the target's Reflex saves, even better.
I'd be interested! My two character ideas are:
1) Archon-blooded kinetic knight. Real soldier of heaven with a flaming sword. (Would you be into elysian infusion as a wild talent for an aasimar?) Love to explore what goodness and order is in the face of demon armies! Stern guy, never takes off his helmet.
2)Peri-blooded lamplighter investigator. If you need a skilled character. I just like that they can snap their fingers to start a fire. (And investigators are great.) Would be into the campaign because it is deeply the right thing to do.
Is Groetus the moon itself in Boneyard? Or does he just live on it?
This is a point of contention among some of his followers, but most agree that the moon itself is a manifestation of his physical form. It's also his divine realm.
Love to play. I'm currently putting my character together.
To apply please post here with the following information:
1. How experienced are you with Pathfinder 2e and PFS Play by Post? Very experienced with both.
2. Have you played this scenario before with another character? Yes, I've played it before.
3. Link to character profile or brief description of the character you are interested in bringing? I'm putting together a human Acadian Champion (redeemer) of Shelyn. (Though some day I hope he'll worship Kazutal.) He'll be level 1.
4. Rock, Paper, or Scissors? Paper all the way.
I'll leave statistical analysis to others and just say this: It doesn't feel fun when the vast majority of the time you use an ability, it fails to make a difference.
(Especially when the opponent smacks you with their second or third attack!)
It does significantly upgrade with Nimble Roll--difference to me being it does something when the attack was going to miss anyway, so it doesn't feel wasted.
This is a matter of personal opinion of course, but I'll take an ability that makes me feel good most times over one that is technically mechanically superior but usually feels like I chose to use it at the wrong time.
I am a little confused as to how they built the sample NPCs.
What am I missing?
For example, the Charming Scoundrel (p 118) is level 4.
Listed: 54 HP
Calc: 48 HP [Gnome(8) + Class(8)*4 + Con(2)*4] (Diff 6)
Privateer Captain is level 11
Listed: 175 HP
Calc: 129 [Human(8) + Class(8)*11 + Con(3)*11] (Diff 46)
I think those NPCs use the NPC HP values instead of Class based HP.
Huh? I have gone through the Bestiary, CRB, LO, and I cannot find NPC values (I find some guidelines for adjusting to represent weaker/stronger but those don't work either). Can you give me the page number for the NPC values or should I assume that they are just random number done for fluff purposes?
Hey Laran! They are made using the monster and NPC creation guidelines. These were just released as a free pdf, and they'll be published early next year as a part of the Gamemastery Guide.
We lost a player for our Tears at Bitter Manor game. Looking for a level 5 replacement. We're running for PFS characters, so please keep that in mind.
Someone with a bit of healing wouldn't go amiss, but what we are really looking for is someone that's into the light-hearted roleplay vibe of the current group.
Hoping to integrate the new member into the group as soon as possible, so I'll probably pick a new player before the weekend is out.
Sorry that you didn't have a good experience with Fumbus, Aricks. I ran demos and quests all weekend at Gen Con, and I think he was generally pretty well-received. (One group referred to themselves as Team Fumbus because he kept rocking all the skill checks.)
Did you enforce his encumbered status? His bulk gives him 15' speed and -1 to Dexterity-based checks and DCs, including AC, Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and skill checks using Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery.
No, I went off the Bulk value listed on his sheet. (4, 7L)
Sorry that you didn't have a good experience with Fumbus, Aricks. I ran demos and quests all weekend at Gen Con, and I think he was generally pretty well-received. (One group referred to themselves as Team Fumbus because he kept rocking all the skill checks.)
I think people enjoyed that he was great against creatures when you knew they had a specific weakness, and he often had an action available to Recall Knowledge in combat. The rogue also appreciated his ability to make things flat-footed with his electricity bombs.
The scenarios that I was running did give him several places to shine, so it might also be a matter of the enemies you faced.
I'd love to join you guys if you are looking for a 6th.
I have a 13 investigator (Galtan noble in exile. Knowledge and rogue skills. Melee) or a 13 sorcerer/monk (elemental themed. Pretty blasty. Seeker sorcerer, so can do trapfinding)
It seems like either would be okay for the group. Anyone have a preference?
If this is a giant dungeon crawl with no roleplaying opportunities the people i play with won't likely play Second Edition beyond the "Plaguestone" module.
My group is fairly dungeon-averse as well. Or at least beyond a certain size.
While there are a few "dungeon" sections of this, each one has opportunities for good RP, and none of them are sprawling. There's also enough variety in flavor/architecture of the encounter areas that it feels varied to me, at least reading it.
Really liked the NPCs in this. They are interesting and their roles in the adventure are thoughtfully presented.
Looks like if I play a 3 (and everyone else brings what they've talked about), we're at 3.3. If I bring a 5 we're at 3.6. That's either high tier with the 4-player or high tier with no adjustment, right?
The psychic is very similar to the sorcerer (especially this build), so I won't be pulling out anything crazy. Level 5, btw.
The archetype and discipline (aka bloodline) I'm using give me access to some spells from the druid list and to one other off-list spell.
This character is a bit of a textbook (solid Knowledge checks) with some enchantment spells (though not compulsions that control people, as I don't care for those.)
Edit: HERE is the character on Mythweavers. Just about done except for equipment.
Think I'll go with the psychic. Fits the timeline better, and we seem to have enough martial power.
She's an old elf that's a Magaambyan Telepath psychic. Strong believer in the power of experience. She'd be working with the Twilight Talons to free the imprisoned. Nature doesn't like to be contained!
(I'll get her profile up to date today or tomorrow.)
How soon are you looking to start? I have a psychic that I could play with, but I also have a brawler that's a bit more of a freedom fighter--she's tied up in solstice scar right now.