
Jinx Wigglesnort's page

320 posts. Alias of Xenh.

One of my players mentioned that he found a way to click something on the boards to show who has posted and how often.

Anyone know how I can find that?

I'm looking to give some awards for the frequent posters and this would save so much time.

Thanks in advance.

I came here from Google Groups (took a wrong turn one day and still haven't found my way out of the Paizo cul-de-sac) and must say that I am a fan of the sheer volume of people here, the ability to edit one's messages, et cetera.

<high 4>

Now the complaint I get constantly from those I dragged along with me is the inability to get e-mail messages of new posts, and crucially the ability to post directly to the boards via e-mail.

I will give you the entire contents of my jeans pocket if this is possible

Also, I see:

Android Posting

Which suggests a connection to SmartFowns, any chance of having a Paizo-released product for this?

I am a complete neophyte for this system, though a veteran of PBP and other games. I have the books and would love to give it a shot.

Any takers?

<leaves out cookies* as a lure>

* Either laced with vanilla or SEMTEX, I forget.

Tried multiple times, as did my players, to log in to no avail yesterday.

Today I tried to open a link at the bottom of a thread about 2 minutes after opening it and got this message:

"You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly.

Please wait a minute before trying again."


Hail and well met fellow travellers and welcome to the dark lands of Norrath.

Norrath has entered The Age of Legend. A host of nations and races seek to assert their will over the lands of Norrath. From the high elves of Felwithe seeking to reclaim the grandeur of their lost Tunaria, to the iksar of Kunark rebuilding their shattered empire, to the brutal assaults of the ever warlike ogres on the lands of humankind, to the ongoing civil war between Erudites on Odus, to a myriad of other conflicts across the known world a new age will emerge.

Whether as a valiant paladin, an ambitious rogue, a power-hungry mage, or any number of heroic callings, the fate of Norrath hangs in a precarious balance. It will be the deeds of extraordinary men and women that determine its fate.


  • Heroic Campaign
  • Started November 2012
  • GM is Xenh
  • Game Link

    EverQuest is a D20 world based on Sony's MMORPG which was trade skilled into a roleplaying game by White Wolf Publishing. To play the game one will need only the Player's Handbook (Book Cover Image), which some have bought through Amazon (second hand I think it's sub $10) and others got it through sites like 4shared.com.

    Racial Diversity[b]
    Many would argue that a level 1 character starting with a +6 to STR would be insanely overpowering, but I think that gives a strong flavour of ogre, rather than just a whiff. Most of these games are caster-centric, so it is nice to see the melee come out ahead. Rather than just being vanilla it has a flavour, and with flavours there are those that dig them and those that don't.

    [b]Lore Restrictions
    There are those who would chafe against monk only being permitted to two races (human and iksar), but it follows the lore perfectly and I think that makes them a bit more special. Tribal societies are shamanistic, and again that makes sense.

    Training Points
    Rather than having a static feat and attribute increase delivered at a certain level, it is your choice to spend your points on whatever you want. Don't care about feats, don't buy them, it's that simple. You can put your points towards stats, skills, feats or even resistances.

    - Ranks in language skills. Absolutely love this.
    - Alcohol tolerance!

    This is where this system really shines. The bard is hands down more interesting than any other game has put out, with songs that make them the masters of doing a bit of everything, but nothing amazing. True hybrid classes and pure casters that each have their own spell list with very little in the way of overlap with other classes.

    Magic System
    So simple, so pure and the best casting system of any game out there in my eyes. No need to change spell levels for metamagic, just spend more mana. Need to change spells, no worries you can do that on the fly. You have access to all of your spells, but only a handful at any one time.

    Please peruse the group and get a feel for how the game is run/played, then if you can commit to the 1 per day posting minimum then feel free to touch base with me.

    I am always looking for new blood that will fit in well with out merry band of misfits

  • Hail and well met fellow travellers and welcome to the dark lands of Norrath.

    Norrath has entered The Age of Legend. A host of nations and races seek to assert their will over the lands of Norrath. From the high elves of Felwithe seeking to reclaim the grandeur of their lost Tunaria, to the iksar of Kunark rebuilding their shattered empire, to the brutal assaults of the ever warlike ogres on the lands of humankind, to the ongoing civil war between Erudits on Odus, to a myriad of other conflicts across the known world a new age will emerge.

    Whether as a valiant paladin, an ambitious rogue, a power-hungry mage, or any number of heroic callings, the fate of Norrath hangs in a precarious balance. It will be the deeds of extraordinary men and women that determine its fate.


  • Evils Campaign
  • Started January 2013
  • GM is Evil JB
  • Game Link

    EverQuest is a D20 world based on Sony's MMORPG which was trade skilled into a roleplaying game by White Wolf Publishing. To play the game one will need only the (Player's Handbook.

    Racial Diversity
    Many would argue that a level 1 character starting with a +6 to STR would be insanely overpowering, but I think that gives a strong flavour of ogre, rather than just a whiff. Most of these games are caster-centric, so it is nice to see the melee come out ahead. Rather than just being vanilla it has a flavour, and with flavours there are those that dig them and those that don't.

    Lore Restrictions
    There are those who would chafe against monk only being permitted to two races (human and iksar), but it follows the lore perfectly and I think that makes them a bit more special. Tribal societies are shamanistic, and again that makes sense.

    Training Points
    Rather than having a static feat and attribute increase delivered at a certain level, it is your choice to spend your points on whatever you want. Don't care about feats, don't buy them, it's that simple. You can put your points towards stats, skills, feats or even resistances.

    - Ranks in language skills. Absolutely love this.
    - Alcohol tolerance!

    This is where this system really shines. The bard is hands down more interesting than any other game has put out, with songs that make them the masters of doing a bit of everything, but nothing amazing. True hybrid classes and pure casters that each have their own spell list with very little in the way of overlap with other classes.

    Magic System
    So simple, so pure and the best casting system of any game out there in my eyes. No need to change spell levels for metamagic, just spend more mana. Need to change spells, no worries you can do that on the fly. You have access to all of your spells, but only a handful at any one time.

  • I must admit that I am confused by this unexpected truncation:


    If you don't want thread titles to be that long, why provide us with the ability to make thread titles that long?


    A Fuzzy Friendly Rant: In your hands is a framework for imagination, permitting you to take part in fantastic adventures, not a step-by-step manual explaining every situation conceivable in excruciating detail and closing all possible loopholes.

    Has been altered to be...

    A Fuzzy Friendly Rant

    When am I permitted to use all the space provided?

    It is a thread where everyone has played nice, and the civility is sweet enough to make one's teeth hurt. Many attract attention by being inflammatory, I did so by using atypical labelling mechanisms to lure others to my thread (my attention whore-dom knows no bounds), since I am ill equipped to attract mates via my expansive plumage.

    30 people marked this as a favorite.

    In your hands is a framework for imagination, permitting you to take part in fantastic adventures, not a step-by-step manual explaining every situation conceivable in excruciating detail and closing all possible loopholes.

    As I traipse about these very boards I am struck by how much creativity I see in my fellow players. There are so many magnificent ideas flowing forth that my favourite button must be worn out by this point.

    A wonderful thread is cooking along without need for censure and then someone wanders in and feels the need to quibble over some piece of minutia, brandishing their dictionaries like weapons, and holding a game to a level of scrutiny that nothing could withstand. Why? I have absolutely no clue.

    Like blood in the water the same travelling troop of quibblers (Actual Pictoral Evidence) congregate to tilt at windmills ad nauseum. What is left is 25 solid posts of unity and 14 pages of the same old chestnuts about why class Z is worse/better than it was before or than class 8 (note: mentioning the word "monk" appears to be akin to setting a daycare on fire these days). What's worse is that with all the talking there is so little listening. Only the most inflammatory voices persist and even more rush in to take up the call to arms to put down the insurrection of the inflammatory. What is left is a thread devoid of substance with people yelling until they are hoarse.

    I imagine most of the masses simply ignore it as a bunch of people yelling and not listening, and they simply wander off to play the game with friends and have a good time (Video Evidence this Time).

    I guess no matter what you do there will always be a vocal minority that need to seek out something to complain about. This game is amazing, it has flaws and this company is working to make it better.

    I join the "if you disagree then just house rule it" camp. It is a game of imagination where a skeleton had been provided, and if you want it taller just add a vertebrae or 6.

    Just my 2.5 cp

    p.s. if I had anyone at my table start a "RAW vs. RAI" diatribe...sheesh, I'd probably stab them with a spork.

    Check out the Campaign Glossary in both of these Campaign Info tabs:

    Torture Chamber



    What's weird is that they are a cut and paste of each other, yet the Diablerie one is all wonky with a broken link.

    Here's a cut and paste of the one from Diablerie here:


    Weird, it looks fine here, not like:


    What's up?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

    Abandon all hope ye who cross our path.

    Are these boards going through an anomalous batch of issues, or are they always sprinkled with occasional bouts of lag/being down?

    In the last week alone there have been 3 days where someone, or everyone, could not post since the boards were acting up.

    Please tell me this is an anomaly.

    1. Does Amulet of Mighty Fists stack with Greater Magic Fang?

    2. Is there a way to protect the permanent Greater Magic Fang from being dispelled?

    3. Is the Amulet worth the coin vs. just enchanting a flurry-able weapon in the traditional manner? That would restrict you from being able to knee evil in the face, but perhaps you'd be able to hit hard enough to bypass some of the DR just from raw damage. Considering that you can flurry with one weapon now (FAQ we loves you) that one weapon might be able to amped up to the extreme.

    4a) Is there a melee weapon in the game that could be augmented to increase one's unarmed strikes (e.g. knuckle dusters, guantlets), or are you just considered to be armed when doing so?

    4b) If so would you get the Amulet of Mighty Fists DR bypassing thing with it as well?

    5) Is there a way to apply magical enhancements to the monk's attacks? I'd love vorpal elbows...

    I am seeking alternatives for the level loss that accompanies death and resurrection.

    Resurrection should still carry some negatives, but I would like to avoid things that permanently scar like loss of level, dropping an attribute (e.g. CON) or taking a negative experience hit.

    The thought that keeps percolating through my cerebral pathways is something akin to a resurrection "sickness" (maybe there's something already in the game that could be used: LINK, not sure) that is more brutal with the lower level spells. This affliction would fades in time (a day? week? not sure).

    Hmm, maybe they could just be slowed, as the spell for some hours....<ponder>

    I am open to any idea though, including FedExing the dead player (not PC...we're going after the RL person here) my homework to do.

    I would love something that is easily applied/conceived and does not cause the player to retool their entire sheet and unleash their inner accountant.

    Any ideas oh kind/smart/wise community?

    p.s. Yes you are correct. I want to kill them much more often to fulfill my sick desire to bathe in their blood weekly, but their tears are starting to sting my eyes.

    I have lost a post or 6 getting this message:

    The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area."

    So annoying since it just happened today again, losing me about 20 minutes of ravenous typing.

    I had posted about this in another thread and two board members came to my rescue and I would like to share their advice to any others afflicted with this issue:

    Cheapy wrote:
    If you use Firefox, get this plugin. It's very helpful for those situations, Xenh.
    Laithoron wrote:
    Agreed, Lazarus has been a must-have extension for these forums since long before now. It's also available for Chrome if you prefer that to FireFox.

    How use Lazarus: LINK

    Not sure how Lazarus saves me. Maybe I hit back on my browser and it remembers what I just was typing? <ponder>

    Just wondering if there is a way to fix it on the board side so such work arounds were not needed.

    Is there a way to get e-mail notifications to threads you are active in?


    Is it possible to get new posts sent to your e-mail in such a manner that you could hammer the reply button and post to a campaign thread without needing to post from the boards?

    Thanks in advance.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

    Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

    Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

    Out of Character Discussion for the EverQuest RPG PBP.

    The "Campaign Info" tab has information regarding character generation.

    Belly up to the bar, imbibe your fill of whatever libation fancies your suit, it is going to be a bloody ride.

    Does this work?

    (kicks a pebble in frustration)

    Does this work?

    (feels the Hulk rage starting to build)

    Does this work?

    Probably a simple question, but I don't see the answer in FAQ.

    How does one start a new homebrew-type campaign with tabs and stuff?

    Brought to you by the two fellows standing behind me in line at the theatre that carried on a very heated version of this debate for over 20 minutes.


    I found myself being drawn into it, but there is obviously only one correct answer....

    WIth so many monk threads flowing about, I figured it was high time for some therapy. So please lay down on my therapy sofa +1 and tell me all about your problems.

    <starts the meter>

    "Hmmmm, and how does that make you feel?"

    I laid out a great deal of what makes this game worth playing here: LINK, and am looking for others that would be willing to give it a shot in a PBP format on these very boards.

    I want voracious posters (one per day at least) for a small group to play in Norrath.


    Always looking for mature players in Red Deer.

    Fire me a private message if you're looking for a Pathfinder Tabletop :)

    Is there a repository for easily accessed information about the Pathfinder Society somewhere I keep missing?

    I see a bunch of people talking about what's permitted, and what's banned, leaving me to wonder where this is being played and how? (tabletop, PBP, LARP?)

    It's probably obvious and I'm just overlooking it, since I'm new to these boards, but if someone could break it down for a neophyte I would greatly appreciate it.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    The sheer volume of people that have prodded me with sticks and cajoled me to watch this TV series is truly awe inspiring. Finally I have capitulated, and while I dig the series (bit of a drama/whine soap opera at times, though the sensationalized audio that accompanies the latest bit of gore tends to put that in a good light), but the imagined constraints are giving me a twitch in my eye:

    1) "Oh no, our ancient vehicle has broken down once again. Please go forage from all those really new vehicles that are full of gas and get me an ancient hose so we can still be stuck behind that wall of cars we cannot drive through." Uhm, ditch it, walk through, find a good vehicle on the other side and drive away? On that note, you don't need to walk everywhere, get a quad, learn to ride a motorcycle, heck even the guy just up from his coma used a bicycle.

    2) Let us die for our bag of guns because you know guns and ammo are hard to find. Hi, Walmart has a sporting section. There's police stations, prisons, private ownership and I hear there's even stores that specialize in guns.

    3) I see we are having a great deal of success stabbing these things through the fence, but let's run out into the open where they can bite us, rather than just being patient and wracking up the body count.

    4) I want to go left, you want to go right. Hi, if we can't get along, eventually we split up, not just whine at each other ad nauseum. If only this story was about the zombies and how difficult it would be to survive the zombie apocalypse, rather than just a constant stream of lame infighting.

    5) An extension of point 2, but it's so glaring that it makes me give it its own point: they keep walking past military checkpoints that were overrun and won't pick up anything. That grenade came of use, and I'm guessing there's 1 or 2 more out there. What they called a tank might of been of use to drive away rather than running through the streets. Heck they even had the CDC guy say that he got the machine gun because it was just lying around out there.

    6) Why, oh why, do they keep parking themselves in completely non-defensible places for the night? The walkers just came out of the trees and ate that guy's face! No kidding? Really? Who would have seen that coming?

    7) Explosives. Hi.

    8) The bad guys don't climb well, don't think at all and just mindlessly come at noise/smell/movement. One brave soul on a steam roller could own this town. They keep wanting to be quiet, so they can search from room to room. If your foe is not employing subterfuge, would it not be better to make noise to draw them out rather than watching yet another person get bitten through the next inevitable series of unfortunate events.

    I get that these are untrained people, and they will evolve into something a little less frantic, and a tad more hardcore, but they are also the "us" in that situation, and there's nothing more frustrating than when "you" fail to act.

    <wanders off his dias after collecting his recipe cards of rantness +2>

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    To lay at your feet before I delve ahead...

    I fully expected to hate this game when I first looked at it. I dismissed it as a cash grab to boost sales of the online game. I couldn't have been more wrong and I think it comes from the ideal marriage of the perfectly crafted skeleton of D&D, flawlessly mixed with a decade of EverQuest lore delivered by WhiteWolf, a company divinely-suited to weave stories.

    This Troll will eat thy face!

    Racial Diversity
    Many would argue that a level 1 character starting with a +6 to STR would be insanely overpowering, but I think that gives a strong flavour of ogre, rather than just a whiff. Most of these games are caster-centric, so it is nice to see the melee come out ahead. Rather than just being vanilla it has a flavour, and with flavours there are those that dig them and those that don't.

    Lore Restrictions
    There are those who would chafe against monk only being permitted to two races (human and iksar), but it follows the lore perfectly and I think that makes them a bit more special. Tribal societies are shamanistic, and again that makes sense.

    Training Points
    Rather than having a static feat and attribute increase delivered at a certain level, it is your choice to spend your points on whatever you want. Don't care about feats, don't buy them, it's that simple. You can put your points towards stats, skills, feats or even resistances.

    - Ranks in language skills. Absolutely love this.
    - Alcohol tolerance!

    This is where this system really shines. The bard is hands down more interesting than any other game has put out, with songs that make them the masters of doing a bit of everything, but nothing amazing. True hybrid classes and pure casters that each have their own spell list with very little in the way of overlap with other classes.

    Magic System
    So simple, so pure and the best casting system of any game out there in my eyes. No need to change spell levels for metamagic, just spend more mana. Need to change spells, no worries you can do that on the fly. You have access to all of your spells, but only a handful at any one time.

    If only WhiteWolf had released this game in an era later than 2002 v3.0 D&D, there are flaws aplenty indicative of that era, or had updated it a decade later for the Pathfinder rules....


    p.s. If anyone is ever running a PBP of this game I am soooo there :)

    p.p.s. If there are any doubters of how solid this system is, I dare you to make a character. You'll suddenly see how hard it is to pick between the classes and recognize the hidden genius of this system.

    Tinker (Page 1)

    Tinker (Page 2)

    Tinker (Page 3)

    Xenh wrote:
    8. At level 20 if I roll an untrained skill I get a +13 to roll, but if I put a single point into it I lose +9 to my roll? Do I understand Exemplar correctly?

    Oops, my math is off.

    I was giving myself the +10 for Exemplar and the +3 for a trained skill, but both do not apply at the same time.

    So it would a loss of +6 on my roll rather.

    Wending ones way out of combat is easy against a 5' reach opponent using the full-round withdraw action...

    When you withdraw, you can move up to double your speed. The square you start out in is not considered threatened by any opponent you can see, and therefore visible enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against you when you move from that square."

    A little later, in the withdraw write-up, it mentions something that causes a bit of consternation for me, and I am hoping that someone can set me straight...

    If, during the process of withdrawing, you move out of a threatened square (other than the one you started in), enemies get attacks of opportunity as normal.

    If a character is trying to withdraw from melee combat (let's assume they were close enough to be able to engage the creature with their stumpy arms as well) with a creature that has a much larger natural reach then them, would they need to use multiple withdraw actions to get away?

    For years my only connection to gaming was sitting at a table with other charming deviants, eating Cheetos and wondering where the Mountain Dew was; it was a complete culture shock to end up in the world of PBeM/PBP.

    I had moved far away from anyone that I would admit I roleplayed with (my dirty little secret), but I still had the bug to wander through the magical forest hitting on other guys pretending they were girls.

    Some of the things that I have learned:
    - Yahoo Groups is a great platform to play, but goes absolutely squirrely a few times a year where it will eat posts, the site will go down and messages will take forever to land.
    - Google Groups is a much more stable platform to play upon. Why no edit button Google? You know I can't handle typos.
    - Players that never visit the actual website of the group, and only play by e-mail will be lost more often then not. They will need hugs and for you to send them private messages to let them know that everything is alright.
    - Myth Weavers is an absolute home run for keeping on-line reference sheets for everyone to access on the run.
    - Once per day posting expectations are the only way to keep people consistently having their energy flowing in the game. Though a psychotic expectation for any other gamer, those that come from the tabletop world will still be complaining it is too slow.
    - The pace is slow, compared to tabletop, but the roleplaying opportunities more than make up for it.

    Those are just off the top of my head. I will add more as they come to me.

    Wands and Staves give me the unpleasant feelings in my naughty parts.

    The problem I have with wands is that if you are dealing with multiple wands in your game, it becomes a constant stream of, "Did you mark off another use of wand 8 through 12?" Archers love my game because for the most part, as long as they have ranks in survival I just gloss over the arrow use as them replacing them on their own time.

    One suggestion that was thrown out for wands was to have them switch to 3 uses per day, rather than the 50 charges. Just wondering if people feel that would be too powerful/weak, and what they feel the price should shift to in order to buy one with the new use per day dynamic.

    Staves never get used in my game. I honestly cannot remember the last PC that decided that they would take one/want one, due to the high cost and limited use, which is sad because they are common in fantasy literature. Anyone have suggestions for how to make them a bit more attractive?

    Thanks in advance.

    - The system of magical spell castings per day has been replaced by a point system, which we will call "mana" for simplicity sake.
    - Spell cost is based on the spell level (e.g. 3 mana for a 3rd level spell).
    - Mana per level is determined by working out what the character would be able to cast and then converting it into a total number to form your mana pool.
    - Bonus spells (e.g. cleric domain, wizard specialization) are added to the mana pool as normal.
    - The caster is able to cast spells in any combination of their memorized spells without restriction (20 level 1 spells, 4 level 5 spells, et cetera).
    - Cantrips are prepared as per the core rules and cast without a mana cost.
    - All mana used returns in the same manner as the core rules.
    - The use of metamagic feats increase the mana cost without the requirement of being able to cast spells of a much higher spell slot (e.g. a quickened Magic Missile will cost 5 mana, rather than the normal 1 mana, and will take up its normal spell slot rather than being required to use a spell slot 4 higher than it normally is).
    - Multiclass characters have two distinct mana pools.


    This question may seem ridiculous, and the answer may be blatantly obvious, but it has plagued me for awhile...

    How much control do spellcasters have over their spells after they have left their fingertips?

    Now I am not talking about concentration spells here.

    A couple examples:

    - Could a sorceress end her own polymorph without a dispel?

    - Could a wizard send a summoned minion at their foe and then send them back from whence they came before they get to the target?

    I appreciate any assistance, or viewpoints others might bring to the table.