GM Nomadical's 6-04 Secrets Long Submerged (Inactive)

Game Master Nomadical

Slides and Handouts

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Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Your comms chime with an urgent assignment from Ehu Hadif. Checking the CC’s on the message, some of you instantly recognize the names of your teammates from that mission to the planet of the giants. It’s no surprise then, when you arrive at the Lorespire briefing room to see Ehu Hadif and Naiaj with a holographic globe of Pholskar floating behind them. They wait patiently, discussing things quietly between themselves as you all take your seats.

Ehu Hadif turns his attention to you as Naiaj focuses on her datapad. “Welcome!” Ehu Hadif exclaims. “Thank you all for responding so quickly. I see we have some of you back for another go at Pholskar, and I recognize a few of the other faces, but why don’t we go around the table and introduce ourselves.”


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

A rather handsome Korasha Lashunta looks around the room with a confident yet somehow sheepish smile, as though apologizing for having his grandness there. The expression slowly turns to one of dismay at the looks he receives in return.

"Uh...I'm Azara. Azara Thenason? I'm a Castrovellian Epic Poet? I'm famous?" he says ever more questioningly and hopefully.

He looks to Azzrim and Grump for support.


Male CN Skittermander Spy Operative (Espionage Specialist) 11 | SP 99/99 HP 68/68 | RP 12/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33; DR 5/- | Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +8 (improved evasion, +2 vs. spells/SLAs) | Init: +11 | Perc: +18, SM: +8 | Speed 50 ft. , fly 60 ft. (average), swim 25 ft. | Hyper 1/1 Covert Expert 1/1 Holoclone 2/2 Master of Disguise 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

A tall, lanky figure in a trenchcoat and fedora staggers into the room. All of this features are obscured until he reaches one of the open chairs. Then, with an exaggerated motion, he casts off his coat, revealing a green-furred skittermander on stilts, a backpack with an assortment of handguns dangling from the straps. He leans one stilt against the wall and splits the other in half, revealing that a part was actually a cane. He rummages around in his sack for a moment, retrieving an antique quill and paper notebook, then sits at the table.

"Name's Kōlēfō," he says, a wide grin splitting his beard. "I bet we're all about to be part of a great story."

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

Tari almost slinks into the room following the skittermander. A tiny human with attenuated limbs, her bright pink hair is twisted up in a fashionable knot while her skin has a faint shimmer, almost like transparent scales, which you can see quite clearly through portions of her dramatic clothing. Unlike nearly everyone in the Starfinder SOciety (you assume she's a member, otherwise why would she be here), she doesn't appear to be wearing any armor. She carries an antique map case across her back, but nothing else that looks every remotely dangerous. Unless you count her person.

She drapes herself across a chair, crosses her legs, and blinks violet eyes at the party. "I believe I've heard of you, Azara," she says, her voice a seductive purr. "I was most impressed by your latest work. And Kōlēfō, how nice to see you again."


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

"Oh yes! Actually, Phloskar and were the inspiration for my last work," he says, pausing in the middle. Perhaps it was because a number of critics noted that there was a certain romantic or erotic turn to his latest work that was not generally evident in his previous volumes.

"I'm glad you liked it.

"So, you two have worked together before? That's always good. Learning about others strengths and weaknesses can really make a mission go well.

"For example, one of the weaknesses of our team was fighting undead life draining giants while underwater."


Male CN Skittermander Spy Operative (Espionage Specialist) 11 | SP 99/99 HP 68/68 | RP 12/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33; DR 5/- | Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +8 (improved evasion, +2 vs. spells/SLAs) | Init: +11 | Perc: +18, SM: +8 | Speed 50 ft. , fly 60 ft. (average), swim 25 ft. | Hyper 1/1 Covert Expert 1/1 Holoclone 2/2 Master of Disguise 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

"Hey Tari. You're looking exceptionally pink today. Have you read my latest novel? I bet you'd like chapter 17 - 'Raid at Sector 7-IX'. I especially like the part with the animavorous daffodil."

"...I have never been on a team proficient in fighting undead life draining giants underwater. Is that something I should work on? I don't want to be unprepared the next time I meet an undead life draining giants underwater. And I doubt I could check my notes without wrecking my book."


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Grump Gunderson is an asteroid miner by trade, but the Gunderson Mining Corporation is big enough that he can just focus on it part-time, spending time working with the Starfinders when he's not there.

He's currently wearing a new set of Iridishell heavy armor, painted bright yellow with black stripes (think the Danger - Hazard stripes) with a number of corporate logos affixed in prominent places.

Weapon-wise, he prefers mining equipment - he has a paramagnetic storm hammer strapped across his back & a driver seismic pick leans against the table where he's seated.

He usually chews on an unlit cigar when he's working.

"Azara! How's it going? Written anything new or is it still all love poems for your new girlfriend?"
(He ends that comment with a wink.)

To the rest of the crew, he introduces himself.

"Good to meet all of you - I'm Grump Gunderson. Head dwarf for the Gunderson Mining Consortium. I'm more of a front-liner when it comes time to mix things up in combat, but Angraad's blessed me with some mystical abilities as well.
"I'm really hoping that we don't have to swim too much for this next mission, but we may end up back in the last place we were exploring so it's a possibility."

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

Tari blinks in surprise. " draining...giants?! What kind of barbaric place is this!"

"I'm always pink. How else would I gain the proper attention?" She winks at the skitter before smiling at the dwarf. "My, what a big hammer you have. I'm quite pleased to meet you, but swimming is definitely not my strong suit."


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

"Uh...our last mission just had such an...ample bounty of inspiration," Azara answers Grump. "But, I'm sure our next mission will provide a new direction for my muse."

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Ehu Hadif smiles at the banter going on between the team members. “Well, it looks like we’re just waiting for ….” he pauses to glance at his datapad. “Agent T’Sash. Well, it shows he’s on his way, and he’s one of the ones who’s been there before, so we’ll start without him. Agent Thenason, would you mind back-briefing him on the new info, please?” At Azara’s nod, he moves on. ”Well, with that, we have some very exciting news to share with you!”

“More like a politically charged and extremely dangerous situation,” Naiaj remarks with a stern frown.

Ehu Hadif continues without missing a beat, seemingly unconcerned. “As some of you well know, we obtained permission from the Cloud Imperium on Pholskar to explore the ruins of the sunken sky city of Talgradur, where you discovered information of historical and political import for the planet. Because of your exemplary performance, the Starfinder Society has been invited back to delve deeper into the ruins.”

“This is where you come in,” Ehu continues. “Or should I say ‘go back in’? Of course, Talgradur was the flying city that crashed into the Ithillian Sea centuries ago. Most of the ruins are still underwater, and the team explored only the fringes of it on the surface along the coast. Our Cloud Imperium contact, Elthel, has obtained additional access for us, including more sections underwater that have never been explored. You’ll need to meet with her again in Pholskar’s capital city of Anduwar to iron out the details.”

Naiaj crosses her arms, brows furrowed in concern. “We’ll send an expedition surfboat with you for transport to the archaeological sites. Obviously, be prepared for underwater exploration again. And stay sharp—not everyone was happy with your findings from last time. Pholskar is a political powder keg and what you find this time might be the spark that lights the fuse. Talgradur has lain submerged for centuries, and anything you manage to uncover has remained there for a reason—either it’s too dangerous to get to, or someone important doesn’t want it found. Be careful out there!”

Naiaj looks at her comms impatiently and stands to leave, but Ehu holds one of his hands out palm down encouraging her to wait just a bit longer. ”These are our most experienced agents when it comes to Pholskar, so I doubt they have many - if any - questions. This shouldn’t take too much longer, Naiaj.” He turns his attention back to you to await any further questions you might have.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Having been here before, Azara, Grump and Azzirm already know the following about Anduwar and would presumably brief the rest of you:

Anduwar is located on Pholskar, a planet in Near Space. The majority of Anduwar is perched atop Fandarra’s Palm, a vaguely oval-shaped plateau that towers roughly 400 feet over the surrounding steppe.

Anduwar is split between surface and aerial districts. The surface districts of Tronir, Vokesis, and Sicantro sit on the plateau, while Emproa, flying by its own power, circles in the skies above the Palm. See Map slide here.

Emproa, Tronir and Vokesis date to the Gap or earlier, and are scaled to monumental proportions that serve the Large- and often Huge-sized inhabitants. Sicantro has more recent origins, catering instead to offworld travelers with Medium-sized streets, shops, doors, and more.

However, you might also know more:

Diplomacy to Gather Information OR Physical Science DC 25:
The construction in the Palm incorporates heavily reinforced stone and concrete, often engineered to flex, rather than break, with many foundations and facades showing cracks, corrosion, or both. By comparison, Emproa’s architecture boasts a fusion of ancient and modern themes, with sleek glass skyscrapers, white stone pillars, glittering domes, extravagant gardens, and plentiful statuary. Virtually nothing in Emproa caters to shorter creatures, and the soaring edifices seem designed to awe even 20-foot-tall viewers.

Diplomacy to Gather Information OR Physical Science DC 30:
Members of the ruling Cloud Imperium’s convoluted bureaucracy, its support staff, and foreign delegates live in Emproa’s heights, while the city’s other inhabitants reside below, weathering the region’s plentiful seismic activity.

In addition, you also know the following about the culture and society of the citizens of Anduwar:

Anduwar’s residents are primarily giants. Cloud giants comprise a clear majority in Emproa, but in the Palm, fire giants, slag giants, stone giants, and hill giants are most common. Other giant species like sun giants, moon giants, and shadow giants are rare, and most of Pholskar’s moon giants live on the planet’s three moons.

Storm giants rarely visit Anduwar, and Cloud Imperium agents usually intercept and escort these visitors to Emproa. While most citizens assume these storm giants are ambassadors representing Agrishall, a growing minority whisper these storm giants are “disappeared” and never heard from again. These rumors especially agitate hill giants, most of whom sided with storm giants during a recent civil war.

Pholskar was once ruled by a coalition of cloud and storm giants who lived in flying cities equipped with storm engines, mechanical devices capable of creating and controlling deadly storms. A schism arose between the storm and cloud giants after Talgradur fell, sparking war. Today, the Cloud Imperium rules and occupies every flying city save one: Agrishall. Agrishall is occupied by storm giants and is the only sky city with an operational storm engine.

But wait, there’s more! You might know:

Culture OR Diplomacy to Gather Information DC 25:
The political environment has become exceptionally tense in the past two years since a team of Starfinders visited the Talgradur ruins and uncovered shocking information about the fallen sky city’s technology. Tensions have increased between factions both within and external to the Cloud Imperium, and many fear increased hostilities between cloud and storm giants.

Culture OR Diplomacy to Gather Information DC 30:
The Cloud Imperium is spread thin throughout Anduwar, and the Palm is creeping closer toward semi-independence. A few rebel groups have taken root, and one especially has been gaining traction. This group is inspired by Forgotten, a stone giant seer claiming to know damning secrets buried by the Cloud Imperium centuries ago, spreading this message through whispers and intimate underground meetings.


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Grump ponders for a few moments...

Physical Science, DC-5 for Spacefarer: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

"Looks like things are tense between the Cloud giants & Storm giants."

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

"I hope this won't ruin my color this time," Tari mutters to herself as she inspects the ends carefully.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Culture: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

"Yes, and the Palm is inching closer to rebellion. Could make things dicey. We might also need to bring items for our size. I doubt we'll be able to find anything appropriate."

I just realized that I hadn't updated Tari online since 2nd level, but I've fixed the sheet now. I might have missed some of her equipment.


Male CN Skittermander Spy Operative (Espionage Specialist) 11 | SP 99/99 HP 68/68 | RP 12/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33; DR 5/- | Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +8 (improved evasion, +2 vs. spells/SLAs) | Init: +11 | Perc: +18, SM: +8 | Speed 50 ft. , fly 60 ft. (average), swim 25 ft. | Hyper 1/1 Covert Expert 1/1 Holoclone 2/2 Master of Disguise 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

"I for one am looking forward to the architecture, even if I have to climb most of it.

"Now, what was that you said about underwater giants? I might need to go shopping. I know some great fur shampoo - keeps your greens greener, and presumably your pinks pinker."

Kōlēfō doesn't need to breathe because of his aeon stone, but probably wants a backup. And is going to see about picking up a weapon with the underwater property and a hydrojet.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

During the briefing--and the trip--Azzirm was busy working on his suit....since apparently the last time to this planet showed him that some things he needed to work weapons and upgrades.

" distracted....the last time we were here...found out some issues with my rig. I kinda zen out when I find issues between missions, and sometimes it is hard for me to get refocused."

"Some of you know me...others not so much. Azzirm T'sash, armor prototype Tank at your service. Expert at mechanics and computers, a decent shot with the integrated weapons, though also decent in melee. Oh...and I have the unfortunate distinction to have Azlanti blood in my does allow me to use some Azlanti only items though."

He nods to his team...fully ready to be more focused.

Physical Science: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

"Yeah...makes me wonder if what was uncovered last time the Society was here made things worse...or better."

Azzirm would tell you what he if you didn't make the DC 25 on either...go ahead and read them

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

"I would love to try that shampoo, Kōlēfō. You'd be amazed what water can do to you. Well, you probably wouldn't," she smiles, eying his beautifully green fur.

"If someone has the Life Bubble spell, I've had that be very useful before. And ways to breath underwater without requiring armor."

Tari goes shopping before we leave, picking up a Cascade-Class Kalo Shredder on sale.


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

"Yup - Life Bubble's in my spell list. It's good enough to cover everyone for 10 days."

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm nods, "Yeah....Grump has it, and it works. My armor is good for oh...I think close to 8 or 9 weeks without any recharge in it's rebreather. But Air Bubble is also better at filtering out poisons."


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

"Well, I guess it would have been foolish to believe that we weren't going underwater again. Given how little of the place we were able to explore last time, I may spend the rest of my career as a Starfinder in Talgradur," Azara comments.

He waits until they're out of the briefing and the team is alone before revealing the next part.

"So, those underwater life stealing giants I was telling you about...well, they were storm giants who had been used to power the storm engine on Talgradur. We weren't able to find out if they were volunteers or not, but it seems like the process drained their life force completely. I'm sure that it had something to do with that civil war between the cloud and storm giants but we also haven't been able to find out how much the current administration knows about it all. If they do know and are trying to cover it up, its strange they would let us in, but there's always the chance that part of the government does know and part of it doesn't and the part that doesn't wants us to explore and the part of it that does is willing to do a lot to cover it up."

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

"Those Undead Giants...they were not easy to hurt. Electrical damage did nothing, so it came down to me physically punching them, and others trying to hit them will smaller weapons. I fixed that with a snap is analog--not certain I love that option--but it will be able to hurt something immune to electrical. I hope everybody has hydrojets...or can swim. Or in my case, walking on the ground."


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

As the briefing is beginning in walks a large female Vesk, a little over 7' tall. Her green scales turn to brighter purples and blues from the small crest atop her head down to her tail. She is wearing heavy armor, carrying a large Doshko and has a few other weapons about her. She also has a symbol of Desna hanging around her neck.

She meekly hangs to the back of the room, listening.

Afterwards she approaches Azara. "Been a while. Good to see you again. Nice to meet the rest of you as well."


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

"Yith-Naarin! Yes. Quite some time. The failed demigod, right? That made a great volume. One of my most successful works," Azara replies.

"Good to see you, too!"


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

Yith smiles at the memory. "That failure was bad enough. Imagine if it had succeeded."

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

You easily land the ship in Anduwar with much less hassle and drama than last time. The Pholskar Spacedocks are located within the Vokesis district, and you’re questioned thoroughly by agents of the Pholskar Interplanetary Travel and Trade Division (PITT). Thankfully, all of your documentation is in order, and you pass through Customs with minimal hassle.

After clearing Customs, you exit into the arrivals area and are met by a certain flame-haired fire giantess. Roros smiles shyly at Azara, but is brought back to reality by the throat-clearing cough of the senior cloud giant sergeant standing beside her.

”Starfinders, welcome back to Pholskar,” the bald woman says. ”I’m Sergeant Beattry, and I believe you already know Private Roros.”

”Hi,” Roros says with a wave. Recognizing your confusion over her presence here, she quickly explains. ”The judge thanked me for turning state’s evidence on Igvale and for helping to track down the buyers of the stuff we were looting. She cleared my record in exchange for serving in the PITT,” which she pronounces as “pity.” ”And, well, when I heard that you were coming back, I talked the Sergeant into letting me be on the welcome team.”

Said sergeant picks it up there. ”We realized it might be helpful to have a local law-enforcement liaison for you, and Private Roros’ previous relationship to the Starfinders - and to your team in particular - could prove valuable. Make sure she has your comms, and if you need anything while you’re in Anduwar or have anything that you think should be reported, please immediately contact her.”

As the rest of you exchange numbers, pleasantries, and perhaps more with Roros, she and the sergeant escort you to a nearby government building and then through a winding series of doors before you find yourselves in a grand rotunda that is ornately decorated with white marble floors and expansive windows— surprisingly, this rotunda is located in the flying district of Emproa and overlooks Fandarra’s Palm (the rest of the city) from hundreds of feet in the air.

Roros opens a giant-sized door to a large circular meeting room with a dozen cushioned chairs arrayed around a massive octagonal table. She gestures for you to enter, and after you do so, she closes the door behind you while she and Sergeant Beattry remain outside.

This room is similar to the one where you first met Elthel, each chair’s seat being nearly 8 feet wide and standing 10 feet above the brightly lit marble floor. The table’s top itself is another 3 feet above the chair seats, composed of intricately carved stone inlaid with pale turquoise gems. A large silver tray containing a 4-foot-tall crystal pitcher and a dozen similarly sized crystal glasses has been carefully placed in the center of the table.

It’s not required and has no mechanical effect, but the scenario encourages Players to describe how they get up into the chairs and how they navigate the extremely oversized room.


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Grump shrugs $ and approaches one of the chairs that is definitely not at the head of the table. Upon reaching the rear leg he pauses to tap the golden falcon buckles on his blue boots, then places one foot on the leg & walks up, in direct violation of the local gravitic laws.

After attaining the seat level, local laws reinstate as he walks across the seat, leaning his forearms along the table's edge while the team waits for Elthel's arrival.

"I hope this doesn't take too long."


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

Yith nods politely an listens as she has not met any of these people before.

Once they enter the meeting room she shakes her head and lets out a little laugh.
"Well then, anyone need a boost up to the chairs? Wait, let's see if they are adjustable first. Maybe they come down some. No? Well, back to who needs a lift..."
She will help anyone else up and then reach up, grab the seat and pull herself up.
As a last resort she'll strategically use the jump jets to get herself or anyone else up.


Male CN Skittermander Spy Operative (Espionage Specialist) 11 | SP 99/99 HP 68/68 | RP 12/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33; DR 5/- | Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +8 (improved evasion, +2 vs. spells/SLAs) | Init: +11 | Perc: +18, SM: +8 | Speed 50 ft. , fly 60 ft. (average), swim 25 ft. | Hyper 1/1 Covert Expert 1/1 Holoclone 2/2 Master of Disguise 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Kōlēfō triangle jumps back and forth between the legs of two chairs until he reaches a seat, then opens a waterproof pouch and withdraws his quill and paper notebook.


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

Azara was preparing a message for the Visitation Board of a certain local prison when he looks up at their escort.

"Roros," he says, softly, hitch in his throat.

He doesn't hear much else of the explanation as he stares but when it ends, he hugs her, only breaking off when he remembers where they are and who is around.

"I didn't know you were out."

It takes a bit longer for him to exchange his contact information with her and the reason will become obvious when she sees that he was composing a message to go along with it.

Roros Message:

Space and bars divided us
But the ember burned
Smoldering with contained heat

Now free to roar back to life
The fire and star
Wil burn brighter than the sun

He hugs her again when it becomes apparent that they're about to be separated once more, this time lingering over holding her hand as they separate.

"I will see you soon."

Almost absently, he follows the rest into the room and follows Grump's example in getting to the chair, though he uses his connection with the song of the spheres and the underlying thrum of gravity to do so rather than boot.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm nods politely to the sergeant and While he is familiar with her, he wasn't "as" familiar to Roros as someone else.

Listening about staying in comms with Roros Azzirm nods the large power armor's head, and takes the comm ID and programs it into his custom rig.

Moving through the buildings, Azzirm again marvels on the construction.....mostly to himself, but to others if they want to hear a general contractors critique on how their designs have both practical..but very aestheticly pleasing to the eye...though likely from 'our' perspective things look a little off. Some of the designs need to be seen by creatures well over 15-20 feet tall. And as Azzrim is the largest of the group--standing at 12.5 feet in the power armor...he still is dwarfed by the larger of the giantkind.

Getting to the conference room--and seeing it similarly 'giant sized', Azzirm keeps an eye on the others, just in case they need help getting up to the chairs. Seeing that none do, he just goes to one, and being over 10 feet, puts his arms on the cushion top, and uses the power armors mechanical muscles to just pull him up to the seat. He looks around to see how others are 'sitting'. Thought he doesn't say it, knowing that any of the medium sized allies would look like a toddler sitting in a adult sized chair...and knowing that even in his power armor--he might be looking like a 6-7 year old human sitting in an adult chair. He smiles at the thought, also wondering if this is more of the Cloud Giant's way to do power negotiations.


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

Yith looks around the table and for some reason imagines a sippy cup in front of everyone, including herself. She can't help but smile.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

Tari sighs as she is greeted with the oversized room. <I'd forgotten they like to pull the power games on smaller folk. Childish, really...> Rather than struggling to climb up like a child, she activates her forcepack and gracefully glides upward. She seats herself on the arm of the chair, adjusting the map case on her back as she does so.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

A few minutes after the you settle in, Elthel arrives. The aged cloud giant strides to the table, curtly nodding to those of you returning to Pholskar in recognition before sitting down.

Elthel’s bright eyes scrutinize the gathered Starfinders, her lips tilted down in a permanent look of distaste. “It’s truly good to see the Starfinder Society here again. Mr. T’sash, Gunderson, and Thenason performed exceptionally, so, as promised, I’ve brought your organization back for a follow-up expedition.” She pauses to assess the newcomers. ”It’s unfortunate that Mz. Gunnz couldn’t return, but I’m sure the rest of you will do well in her stead. Let me be frank. What your colleagues found at site 728G was shocking and did little to calm internal strife. Peace in Pholskar is tenuous, and I am working tirelessly to avert war. Yet, what you found warrants further investigation. Preferably by reliable and impartial agents: meaning you.” Elthel sighs heavily and settles deeper into her enormous armchair. “I’m doing my best to bring Pholskar back together, so that we can become a part of the greater galactic community. The Cloud Imperium is too segregated—we need representation from all of giant-kind. We need to be more open with offworlders to build relationships and increase trade and commerce. And most importantly, we need to make peace with Agrishall before it’s too late and the events that took Talgradur revisit us and rain down death once more.”

Elthel leans in closer and lowers her voice, as if her booming whispers would be any less difficult to overhear. “There are many that disagree with my ideas, especially Chancellor Sereveg and High Marshall Taviss. They have spies everywhere and would like nothing more than to discredit me. You and the Starfinder Society are receiving an honor no other offworlders have ever achieved—access into the depths of Talgradur’s submerged ruins. This restricted cultural site is where countless giants lost their lives, and it has remained virtually untouched as a memorial to them. Respect their sacrifices and do nothing to disgrace me or your Society. There is more at stake here than your reputation and what you find in the depths.” She straightens, then deliberately swipes her datapad to transfer the necessary documentation, which results in a corresponding chime of notification on your comms.

Her tone of voice shifts to one more suited to a briefing room as she explains what she has sent. “You’re approved for an archaeological exploration of site 649D. All items and information acquired during your exploration remain property of the Cloud Imperium. Attempts to withhold information or objects uncovered at Talgradur will result in severe legal repercussions for all of you, Mr. Ehu Hadif, and the Starfinder Society. Furthermore, it will reflect poorly upon me, which I will not tolerate. You’ll find a copy of all the documents you’ll require on your comm units. You’ll also see a contract and waiver, which must be signed by each of you and returned before your departure. They’re not optional.

“In exchange for what I have provided you, I ask two simple favors. Keep the specifics of these favors secret. First, there is a shop in Tronir called the Expedition Emporium run by a military veteran named Gyli Bakmor. Please resupply there and let the shop owner know that I would like to meet at her earliest convenience. If you can get her talking, she has some tall tales from her time patrolling the ruins. Second, deliver this letter to a performer at Felicitous Morsels in Sicantro. Make sure Chireet—and only Chireet—receives this letter. They’ll be easy to find even if they aren’t on stage.”

The clearance documentation from Elthel includes coordinates for the site, an approved route and navigation coordinates for travel, and the contract. In addition, Elthel included several notes for you and the letter for delivery to Chireet.

The contract is the same as the one you got last time and you can easily determines the document is a fairly standard exploration contract, providing clearance for the sites you are approved to explore and the route you are cleared to take. It also requires you to agree not to intentionally damage the site, and explicitly states anything you find belongs to the Cloud Imperium. It also contains language stating that travel to the site constitutes acceptance of the terms and absolves the Cloud Imperium of fault in the case of your deaths while on Pholskar.


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Grump takes the time to read over his contract before adding his signature to it.

[b]"Pretty much the same as last time, aside from the new locations."[b]


Male CN Skittermander Spy Operative (Espionage Specialist) 11 | SP 99/99 HP 68/68 | RP 12/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33; DR 5/- | Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +8 (improved evasion, +2 vs. spells/SLAs) | Init: +11 | Perc: +18, SM: +8 | Speed 50 ft. , fly 60 ft. (average), swim 25 ft. | Hyper 1/1 Covert Expert 1/1 Holoclone 2/2 Master of Disguise 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Kōlēfō looks over the contract and starts signing with his inkpen before remembering that this is a digital file. The smudge as he wipes it off and acknowledges with a fingerprint is not the first on his datapad.

He makes a note of the shop where Elthel prefers they make purchases, and browses their wares until he finds a hydrojet and a gun that works underwater that does something his others don't.

He then puts his notebook back in the pouch.

"So what makes the morsels so felicitous? Is this like, really good food, where I'll want to add a chapter that is just a recipe blog entry to my next book? Or... well, I don't really do romance novels, but you never know."


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

Azara stands during the briefing, standing on the chair and leaning with his hands braced on the table.

When the contract comes to his personal device, he takes a long time reading it. In fact, just a little bit longer than Grump and Kolefo...a suspiciously little big longer.

"We're always happy to help our friends," Azara says to Elthel as she gives them some personal side missions to accomplish.


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

Yith will also read the contract and then sign.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm scans the contract....and seeing it very similar to the one that they signed previously, nods. He mentally sends the verification and e-signature through his custom rig to the digital contract.

"Agreed. We will not discuss anything we find with anybody else besides you, and of course Ehu-Hadif. And what can you tell us about Gyli and Chireet? Just so that we know who we are trying to talk to, and not be fooled by anybody attempting to be them?"

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

Tari scans the document lazily before adding her thumbprint to the end and returning it.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about these favors you want us to carry out? Or the area you wish us to research? I remember what we found last time, but what else are you expecting to find?" Tari flutters her eyelashes at the giant.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Kōlēfō wrote:
"So what makes the morsels so felicitous? Is this like, really good food, where I'll want to add a chapter that is just a recipe blog entry to my next book? Or... well, I don't really do romance novels, but you never know."

”I don’t know anything about the food or the tavern itself. It’s in Sicantro,” she says as if that would explain it all, and you recall that the Sicantro district is generally not sized for giants, but mostly for mediums.

”Azzirm T'sash” wrote:
"And what can you tell us about Gyli and Chireet? Just so that we know who we are trying to talk to, and not be fooled by anybody attempting to be them?"

”Ms. Bakmor is a hill giant, former marine, and widely respected retired NCO of the Pholskar Frontier Forces. Now she runs an outfitters equipping those that want to brave the authorized wilds of the surface. Wilds that you yourselves survived en route to your first expedition. Mz. Zrill is a strix, and I have reason to believe that she has contacts that I would like to make use of.” Her hard stare makes it clear that she will not expound on who those contacts might be or what purpose they might serve.

She pauses and then sighs. ”Yes, these errands are political, and they could bring attention to you and thereby to me. However, I doubt any of my political opponents will move against you directly. But since this is politics, I suspect they may try to trip you up publicly to embarrass or discredit you, and by extension, me. As such, I fully expect that you will be surveilled and perhaps followed. Shopping at Expedition Emporium and visiting Felicitous Morsels should provide adequate cover, though.”

Tarifa Moulin wrote:
"Is there anything else you can tell us about these favors you want us to carry out? Or the area you wish us to research? I remember what we found last time, but what else are you expecting to find?" Tari flutters her eyelashes at the giant.

Elthel clearly notices Tarifa’s flirtatios gesture, and being the professional diplomat and bureaucrat that she is doesn’t react but waits to see where the little human will take it next.

”I don’t want the previous team’s experiences or discoveries to color your exploration of site 649D. Best to go in without bias - all of you,” she says with a sweeping glance across the half of the team that did the first expedition. ”See what you uncover and report it honestly. No one has explored site 649D before, so it’s hard to tell. Most of the ruins are submerged, but I’m sure you have sufficient equipment to deal with that. There’s no telling what lies in the depths of Talgradur. Natural hazards, collapsing structures, and even aquatic predators are all possibilities. Be mindful of any seaquakes while you’re out there—the ruins continue to settle after all these years, and you could become trapped. I’d hate for that to happen to you, of course,” she concludes with direct eye-contact with Tarifa.


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

Yith looks at the group.
"Well, This is my first time here and I defer to the experienced beings but making sure we're well equipped does sound high on the priority list."

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm nods at Ethel's comment about the ruse on the cover. "Well...I probably could use a few trailblazer fusions to most of my weapons....thank you Ethel on telling us about a respectable shop owner to go buy the equipment that will help us"

I figure that will use most of my available to go check on seeing if I have to take fusions off. And while doing that, look around at any new 'items' in sourcebooks that would help with underwater tasks.

"Seaquakes...oh what fun. Maybe I should look at another armor upgrade real quick..."

Azzirm waits for the rest of the team to be ready...not at all paying attention to the flirting going on, as he is already going through his custom rig on equipment that might be of use.


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

"Yeah, picking up some hydrojets seems like a good idea, so an outfitting shop is useful. And...I could eat," he says, patting his stomach. "And I do like my morsels felicitous."

"That means they're made out of cats, right?" he asks the group once they are away from Elthel.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

Tari blinks slowly and her smile grows a little more as she meets the giant's eyes. "We can deal with politics. Just leave it to me."

No more questions.

Once the group is away, Tari nods in response to Azara. "Yes, cats. Complete with fur." You aren't entirely certain if she's being serious or not.

"On a more serious note, if we need to keep anything secret, let me do the talking. I'm happy to provide a distraction if we need to talk with anyone discreetly."

FYI, GM, I forgot to mention that Tari can automatically try to overhear any telepathic conversations within 30 feet of her. Intercepting Ears mk I, Perception DC 25

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Azzirm wrote:
”I could probably use a few trailblazer fusions to most of my weapons…”

”Ah, Mr. T’sash. Thank you for reminding me,” Elthel says as she breaks eye contact with Tarifa, giving a hint of a smile as she does, and by the looks of it she doesn’t smile often. She taps her comms and the main doors open admitting Roros who carries a small (in her hands) duffle bag. ”I made arrangements for these, though I’m sorry if there’s not enough to go around,” Elthel states as Roros sets the bag down on Azara’s chair (well, who did you expect she’d give it to?) The literally smoking hot fire giant smiles to the lashunta and then steps back out to the open door awaiting the team’s departure. The duffle contains two hydrojet armor upgrades and two trailblazer fusion seals (14th level seals).

Elthel thanks you again for your service and your expected discretion, then dismisses you to your tasks. Roros guides you through the Imperium office complex to the Chute, a room with a single entrance. She explains to the newbies that to use it, one simply enters the room, shuts the door, and waits a few seconds for transport before stepping out onto Pholskar’s surface. Of course, Azara elects to go last, giving him a private moment to bid Roros another - hopefully brief - farewell. Just outside the door, the Starfinders find themselves in Tronir, a portion of Anduwar filled with giant-size streets and shops.

Before you can even get your bearings, you’re reminded of the fact that you are indeed Starfinders. A cloud giant immediately approaches you and seems to want to chat with the aliens (that’d be you.)

“Offworlders? Coming down from Emproa? Why, you must be Starfinders, am I right? My name is Kurvasyr, and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Come, won’t you speak with me for a bit? I’d appreciate the company. I can provide you guidance or counsel. The streets of Anduwar must seem strange to you. Did you need directions?”

Kurvasyr is dressed in white linen robes that readily reveal a lean frame with sky-blue skin. They have billowing, cloud-like white hair and an easygoing manner. ”So, where are you headed? I’d be happy to act as a guide while we chat. It’s so rare to get offworlders, and I do love hearing about the great wide galaxy,” they exclaim in a voice both booming loud to your ears yet simultaneously softly sibilant.


Male CN Skittermander Spy Operative (Espionage Specialist) 11 | SP 99/99 HP 68/68 | RP 12/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33; DR 5/- | Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +8 (improved evasion, +2 vs. spells/SLAs) | Init: +11 | Perc: +18, SM: +8 | Speed 50 ft. , fly 60 ft. (average), swim 25 ft. | Hyper 1/1 Covert Expert 1/1 Holoclone 2/2 Master of Disguise 1/1 | 1 Reroll | Active conditions: None

Kōlēfō tries not to be suspicious of the giant who almost immediately latched on to them, though the best argument he can make is he could have squished us already.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Well, he could have squished us already. "Name's Kōlēfō,", the skittermander say, reaching a single hand as high as it goes - which is barely up to the creature's knee. "Indeed, myself and my associates are Starfinders, though many of us have visited before."


Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |

Azara doesn't look at the bag and almost forgets it while they're in the conference room. In fact, it's not until they pass through the Chute (something he does only a little later than is absolutely necessary) that he prepares to open it up.

He gives a contented yet longing sigh and is preparing to open the giant bag when Kurvasyr approaches. He quickly closes it back up, remembering Elthel's warning about politics.

"Oh, we're just looking for something to eat and for some supplies. We're heading on an excursion to the beach," he answers her. "But we've already got our recommendations on where to go from a friend."

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

CN (she/her) Human Outlaw Envoy 9/Soldier 1 || HP 65, SP 71, RP 10 || EAC 25, KAC 25 || F +8, R +11, W +9 +2 vs. spells; Res electricity 7, fire 7 || Perc +13 (darkvision)|| Stealth +18 Speed 30 || Active Conditions: none

Tari smiles up at the enormous creature, not suspicious of them at all. Nope.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 13 + (3) + 2 = 19

"Oh, a guide would probably be very useful. Can you direct us to the...hmmmm, what was the place called... Ah! the Expedition Emporium. We need a few supplies for our trip." She latches onto the giant and continues asking questions of the area, the city, their family, where they were born, who are their friends, and anything else she can find out.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm nods as Ethel ands him a bag of equipment. "Thank you. This will definitely come in use for some of us. I can make certain everything is installed into whichever of us needs them."

Walking into the Chute, Azzirm again marvels at the technomagical contraption. Truly something amazing.


Seeing somebody that immediately walks up to them....Azzirm does wonder about Ethel's comments.....

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

But seeing that they are likely of the same type of giant as Ethel, he seems to find them trustworthy.

Azzirm also holds out a hand in greeting, "Azzirm T'sash. And as my friends said, looking for grub and supplies."

[ooc] have to play the hand (err dice) you are dealt.....[/occ]


|Vesk Mystic 8 Soldier 1 |SP 64/64 HP 61/61 RP 8/8| Spd 40; EAC 28 KAC 30 ; Fort +6 ((+7 Currently)) Reflex +6 Will +12 | Perc +15 SM +12

Not really knowing the names and players here but being told that some will not be in favor of our mission, and also seeing a little unease in some of his party members, Yith also listens to the words and watches the body language of their new 'friend.'
sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Grump might as well see what he thinks about Kurvasyr.

SM: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

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