Way of the Monsters (WotW Variant)

Game Master Diamondust

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Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Ok everyone. Here we are again. Please let me know what loot, if any, you got from Branderscar.

You are level 2 now after your escape and I am putting the build rules in the campaign tab for easy reference.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric 9 (separatist) max hp 57, AC , Fort +9 Ret +6, W +13 darkvision thru any darkness

Long sword, 2x kukri, bow with 40 arrows, rope 50 foot, chainmail armor, large shield is the loot I got

Ogre wizard 1 HP: 19/19 | AC: 15 (19) T: 12 FF: 13 (17)| Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will:+5| Init:+3 | Perception: +4

I don't recall off hand what all was got, but I do know I got the wardens ring, spellbook, and scrolls

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

I got things like Greatsword,chain shirt, longbow.

Female Medusa Hedgewitch 1

Longbow, uniform, some armor of some sort, and a bunch of trashy romance novels.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Did you take Blackerly's locked chest? Since he wasn't killed he still had the key but it could still be picked later.

I'll take no gear, in part as penance for my early departure, but mostly because I doubt anyone in the prison had any custom made dog armor lying around or anything. =p

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

We have a Cone of Shame+1 for you.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Well they had dogs so there was muzzles and leashes but yea. Nothing you would loot, or be able to "carry".

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Remember for ABP it is at +2. So you will get up to the level 4 bonuses right now. Because of this magic items will be rare and special. Such as the custom one I will give you.

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Totally forgot that

Ogre wizard 1 HP: 19/19 | AC: 15 (19) T: 12 FF: 13 (17)| Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will:+5| Init:+3 | Perception: +4

wizard 2
HP: 6+3=9
+1 will

Skills: 6

+2 spells known
+1 spell per day

ABP boni:
+1 armor , +1 weapon,

what spells were in the warden spellbook? the scrolls were a scroll of magic missile, a scroll of Invisibility, and a scroll of sleep

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Level 2

HP 12+3=+15
Bab +1
Fort +1
+2 Rage Rounds
Uncanny Dodge:
At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A barbarian with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.

If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

ABP bonuses
+1 Resistance
+1 Armor Attunement
+1 Weapon Attunement

+1 All skills

Rage Power: Animal Fury
While raging, the barbarian gains a bite attack. If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus –5. If the bite hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming the barbarian is Medium; 1d3 points of damage if Small) plus half the barbarian’s Strength modifier. A barbarian can make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is made. If the bite attack hits, any grapple checks made by the barbarian against the target this round are at a +2 bonus.

Just a question, do I get Greatsword+Bite or just one attack? Will change what power I get if I only get one

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

A full attack would be greatsword and bite for you.

Looks like we have Mei (Drider Warrior), Reginald (Ogre Wizard), Aggghhh (Orc Barbarian), Dahlia (Medusa Hedgewitch) and Fiain (Hound Stalker). I have messaged Tartarus' player to see if they are interested in continuing.

Now I originally had a plan for if we were going to have lots of players to split the groups. It looks like we don't need to do that. However, the plan was to send those that could disguise or blend in easily to Balentyne to open the gates, while those more monstrous looking would aid Sakkarot Fireaxe in gathering his army.

So I want to know what you guys think, stay with the AP and infiltrate Balentyne or go into the wild North? Either way, I have said that 10-15 of you monsters made it out of Branderscar prison alive, so whichever route you PC's go, the monster NPC's will go the other path of Thorn's 2 part plan.

Ogre wizard 1 HP: 19/19 | AC: 15 (19) T: 12 FF: 13 (17)| Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will:+5| Init:+3 | Perception: +4

hmmm. If you had planned to have different groups go to different areas, we could, and I am honestly a bit hesitant to suggest, have players play two separate PCs, if only for a time. (as there is no way aside from heavy magical manipulation for an Ogre, a drider, and a medusa to "blend" in with anything, even a traveling circus of freaks would give them a second glance haha).

obv the above would require steps from all involved, but in the likely event that it is out of the question, I would say we have to go north, as the second option just wouldn't make much sense haha.

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Show up those punk bugbears!

I'm kind of curious RE: the Fireaxe route since it's brand new to me.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Yes well when i was deciding to let all the character's play (i think we had 12+ at the start) i realised making everyone do the infiltration of Balentyne would possibly not work as good as normal. So on the chance we had enough for several parties I came up with other objectives. It's not the AP so will be my own homebrew path but i think it fits a group of monstrous characters better anyway.

You would basically be given instructions from Sakkarot to aid the growth of his army, put down an upstart cheiftain here, gather support there, remove a threat somewhere else and at the end, be on the front lines of the battle for Balentyne with Sakkarot when the gates open.

Was going to combine how well you did helping Sakkarot with how well the group infiltrating Balentyne did to see how difficult the final battle would be.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

I'm still here! I was just away for the weekend.

We do have Blackerly's locked chest. My other loot is a dagger, crossbow, chain shirt, and we have the Warden's wardrobe.

As for continuing, Igor is obviously best suited to infiltration - he's a doppelganger, after all. That said, the majority of the remaining monsters are not particularly well-suited for the infiltration, barring powerful magic, so it may be best for the group if we go help the Fire-Axe.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

I have a question about this line from the intro post:

The feeling and effects of the collars they used on you are gone and you feel mostly yourself again.

Does this mean we regain monstrous abilities? Igor's shapeshifting is quite limited, currently, and I'd like for them to be able to expand it.

Level Up
HP: 9
BAB: +1
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1

Skills: 4 + 3 Int + 1 FCB = 8
Bluff +1
Disable Device +1
Disguise +1
Knowledge (arcana) +1
Knowledge (nature) +1
Perception +1
Sense Motive +1
Use Magic Device +1

Background Skills:
Craft (alchemy) +1
Linguistics +1

Class Features: Discovery (Preserve Organs), poison resistance +2, poison use, torturer's eye

Base Formulae Book: cure light wounds, disguise self, long arm, shield, true strike

New Formulae: comprehend languages, deathwatch (from torturer's eye)

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

That was just to say a general feeling of relief and freedom. If something changes mechanics i will definitely make that clear. As soon as the woman broke all the collars and chains at the start is when you had all the abilities that you created your character with.

Female Medusa Hedgewitch 1

Checked through my character sheet, the armor I'd picked up was a chain shirt and a heavy steel shield.

I was planning out a character build that would more or less be a ranged striker with some debuff capability. Do we have ANY healing capability right now? I can add that in to a limited extent pretty easily, but I still wouldn't plan on that being the primary character focus.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

With the GM's permission, I can add the Chirurgeon archetype onto my PC. It replaces Poison Use and some of the poison resistances, but it allows all of my cure extracts to be infusions, and eventually gives me breath of life as an extract.

I do get a few Remove X extract options, although no ability score restoring options.

I also have Use Magic Device and a decent Charisma, if we can acquire some wands.

You do get ability restoring stuff as an Alchemist, actually. Lesser/Restoration are on the Alchemist list.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric 9 (separatist) max hp 57, AC , Fort +9 Ret +6, W +13 darkvision thru any darkness

Hey we have a front line Hardy group I could go cleric which still fits with female drider and I do have stealth I just am also a huge spider lol

If we wanted to do the Balentyne mission though there are options. Thorn has some insane resources at his disposal, it probably wouldn't be beyond the pale to custom manufacture some magic items that Alter Self the user into a single specific humanoid form once per day.

It could provide some interesting conflict, as everyone in the party is highly disadvantaged by losing the benefits of their natural form, so it can create some interesting choices of having to either sandbag a fight or risk blowing our cover if things get too hot to settle in altered forms.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

...you know, I Ctrl-F’d restoration on Archives of Nethys earlier, and it didn’t show up. Yet I check again now, and sure enough, there they are. I guess if I grab the Chirurgeon archetype, I can handle a decent amount of things. Don’t Wizards get Break Enchantment as well?

Almost every caster does.

Chirurgeon is good, but you don't really NEED it if you're not enamored with it. You can just take Infusion (a great Discovery anyway) and lose out on Breath of Life.

Then again, you also don't lose out on much BY taking it since Poison resistance is neat, but ultimately niche in use. It's a good and simple archetype that way.

The only drawback is a bit of "feels bad" if you plan to take Infusion anyway, but if not yeah it's a great deal.

Female Medusa Hedgewitch 1

I can pick up the life sphere this level which gives me the equivalent of cure light and lesser restoration, plus a very minor temp hp ability, but the two useful abilities cost spell points which are in short supply now so I think they'd mostly be useful for end of day healing. The ability would push back my telekinetic plan by a level but I think the tradeoff is probably worth it for versatility.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Now is the time to be flexible and change aspects of your build if you find something is more suited to the party.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus


Warden's Scroll Pouch
Scroll of Magic Missile
Scroll of Invisibility
Scroll of Sleep

Warden's Spell Book/Formulae Book.
2nd – bull’s strength, flaming sphere, hideous laughter, invisibility
1st – alarm, charm person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, mage
armor, magic missile, mount, shield, sleep
0th – all cantrips in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

2nd - Lesser Restoration, Protection from Arrows, Fire Breath
1st - Keen Senses, Endure Elements, Bomber's Eye, Crafter's Fortune,
Cure Light Wounds, Heightened Awareness, Longshot, Targeted Bomb Admixture

Blackerly's Chest
Case of Fine Whiskey (250gp)
A dozen bags of coins (3,000gp all together)

Plus any weapons, armour, books, items that you personally carried off.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

I actually did not intend to take infusion, although looking at the description of Infused Curative, it only applies to cure spells and breath of life once I get it, so it would not apply to lesser restoration, restoration, or my various "Remove" extracts without GM approval.

I think I will take the Chirurgeon archetype. If the GM allows the Infused Curative ability to apply to lesser restoration, restoration, and remove X extracts, great. If not, then I'll take the infusion discovery down the line for those. This applies the below changes to my level up.

Level Up: Chirurgeon archetype
HP: 9
BAB: +1
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1

Skills: 4 + 3 Int + 1 FCB = 8
Bluff +1
Disable Device +1
Disguise +1
Knowledge (arcana) +1
Knowledge (nature) +1
Perception +1
Sense Motive +1
Use Magic Device +1

Background Skills:
Craft (alchemy) +1
Linguistics +1

Class Features: Discovery (Preserve Organs), poison resistance +2, [s]poison use[/b] infused curative, torturer's eye

Base Formulae Book: cure light wounds, disguise self, long arm, shield, true strike

New Formulae: comprehend languages, deathwatch (from torturer's eye)

Incidentally, vivisectionist gives me regenerate, so I should be able to make myself a decent single target healer. I just can't do AoE healing.

EDIT: I have a question about Automatic Bonus Progression. Does my weapon attunement apply to both claws if I choose claws, or just one?

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric 9 (separatist) max hp 57, AC , Fort +9 Ret +6, W +13 darkvision thru any darkness

I am still waiting to see what the group thinks about me dropping into more of a buffing healing roll?

If that's what you want. Eventually, all healing can be replaced by magic items, we just need to play a little smarter to avoid damage as much as possible.

Having a group with no healer is viable, but if you think it'd be fun, I'd say go for it.

If you wanted a buffer/healer that still fits your flavor as a mutationist, you could always play an Egoist Psion (Fleshbinder if the GM allows it is flavorful) and maybe go into the Metamorph Prestige Class. It's slow going but you essentially get around 3/4 BaB by the time you're done, so you can throw down pretty well.

Female Medusa Hedgewitch 1

HP: +11
BAB: +1
WILL: +1

Skills: +6 class +2 BG +1 FCB
+1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Perception, Perform:Sing, Sense Motive, Stealth, Swim

Class Features: +1 Spell Point, CL1
Secret: Witch Hex - Prehensile Hair
+1 Sphere Talent: Life Sphere

Poison fort save dc +1 (10+lvl/2+3[con]+2[feat])=16

Mei, if you dont want to be a cleric then don't feel pressured into it, I think we can make it work either way. Or there's always warpriest if you want to have that spell utility backup but still want to completely wreck face.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

Mei, I think you should only switch to Cleric if you want to. As Dahlia said, Warpriest would give you the chance to maintain your position as melee fighter while giving you divine cleric utility options. A Warpriest is an incredibly effective fighter - I really enjoy playing them.

It also allows you keep your focus on kukri through Focus Weapon and being able to choose Fighter bonus feats.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

The chirurgeon can keep its limitation. You'll need infusion for the other stuff. Bonus progression applies to 1 attack until it upgrades to +1/+1 when you can apply it to 2 attacks.

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

I am planning on getting bite rage powers and chomp stuff while whacking with my sword

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric 9 (separatist) max hp 57, AC , Fort +9 Ret +6, W +13 darkvision thru any darkness

Never played a warpriest let me take a look quick

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

Okay. I'll take infusion down the line. Now, do I want Igor to be right handed or left handed, since I can only choose one claw. That or start going more of a weapon-based route.

How do monks replicate an amulet of might fists using ABP, I wonder?

Monks can just enchant their whole body. Unarmed Strike is a single weapon.

Natural Attackers need to buy an AoMF still.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

Really? You think they would have taken natural attacks into account for ABP, given Druid Wild Shape is a thing.

GM, will it be possible for me to, at some point, get an item I can choose as my weapon attunement that will act as an Amulet of Mighty Fists? That, or could I have natural attack types count as one weapon? For instance, both claws would be one weapon attunement, bite would be a separate weapon attunement?

Female Medusa Hedgewitch 1

There's this: Bodywrap of mighty strikes

Igoroskandrallanotly - “Igor” wrote:
Really? You think they would have taken natural attacks into account for ABP, given Druid Wild Shape is a thing.

I think they took it into account as a deliberate omission. It's the same reason Amulet of Mighty Fists was so exorbitantly expensive in Core until they lowered the price to "merely" double the cost and half the effectiveness of a similar weapon, and only RECENTLY provided an enchantable unarmed strike enhancing weapon you can enhance for the same cost as normal.

Basically you get one weapon as a freebie, and can buy an AoMF for the rest. Great deal for someone with at least 3 Natural Attacks still.

I personally think it's fair, given how strong natural attack builds can be. If you build it right you can get 6-8 attacks per round by like level 6 or so, most if not all at your full BaB.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

True - it is pretty easy to break a natural attack build. I usually don't go the natural attack route, but the chance to play with mutagens and their affect on a shape-shifting doppelganger was too good to pass up.

GM, please ignore the second question. I will have to hope I can find an AoMF for the rest of the attacks at some point, and will make my right claw the magic one for now.

If it makes you feel better, I'm in the same boat as you, unless I find it amusing to go full Sif or something. =)

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

I always wanted to do a dex based natural attacker with an agile AoMF...

What i might try is when you get an amulet of mighty fists, allow it to be attuned like a weapon at the dual weapon rate (+1/+1 at 6th) but apply to all natural attacks.

Another option is it could (without AoMF) apply to 2 natural attacks at +1/+1 and everytime your BAB would give you another iterative, allow the bonus to apply to another natural attack. Giving a max of 5 natural attacks that get the bonus.

Doppelganger Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 | Init +3 | Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft
Level 1: 3/3
; detect thoughts 1/1

I'm fine with both of those options. I'm only intending to max myself out at three natural attacks (feral mutagen + my claws), so the 5 attack limit is perfectly acceptable to me. I'm thinking about getting bone-spike mutagen as well, but those function as masterwork armor spikes, even though they're made of bone, so I'm not sure if they would count as natural weapons or not.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

No reply from Tararus yet so I'll update the gameplay this weekend and we'll start. They can jump back in if they return soon, otherwise it's just you guys for now.

Male Human High Priest of Asmodeus

Mei I have updated gameplay to the meeting with the Cardinal. Can you make a post?

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