GM Silbeg's 5-00 Siege of the Diamond City (14-15) (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Next update by 08:00 CST 5 February 2019 (UDT-6)

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Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Please reply to the post with the following information.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Starting XP:
Starting Fame:
Starting Prestige:
Starting Gold:
Day job (roll):

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

* Please have your full character sheet posted to your profile (really far easier than having to follow links, etc., for me. Saves a lot of time.) This is a requirement to play

* Please make sure you have your tagline up to date, and keep it up to date. I will be using that to check ACs, saves, etc. My preferred tagline Template. If you are not using this tagline template, please include all of the information here, and please keep it up to date.

* I will be putting up a google presentation for maps, handouts and such. One of the first slides will have areas for you all to template out many of your skill checks, initiative rolls, and saves. Please update this so that I can just grab skill check rolls when needed (example, I will make all of the knowledge checks at the beginning of an encounter, and spoiler what each character knows)

* In combat, I will post a combat tracker, typically in a spoiler, with the active characters listed above it. This will also keep track of statuses, damage, etc... please review it on occasion (especially if your character has been hurt) to verify accuracy. Mistakes happen.

Dark Archive

M Male N Chelish Human Wissard (Thassilonian Specialist Sloth) 15 | HP: 152/137 | AC: 16 (12 tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +8 CMD: 17 (Freedom of movement) | F: +19, R: +16, W: +18 (Beyond Morality/Mind Blanc/Life Bubble) | Init: +7 | Perc: +18(See Invis/See in Darkness/Blindsight 40)SM: +2 | Speed 30, Fly 40 | Spells: 1: 6/9 2:4/9 3: 5/8 4: 3/8 5: 5/8 6: 4/7 7: 3/5 8: 1/4 | Active conditions: MA, EE, DV, SI, AB, Heroism, Overland Flight, Mind Blanc, LB, AMA | Coin Reroll (+5) 0/1 Arcane Bond 0/1

Player Name: Alexander Lenz
Character Name: Venture Captain Elric
PFS#: 779-2
Faction: Dark Archive
Starting XP: 44
Starting Fame: 86
Starting Prestige: 37
Starting Gold: 16516 (pending further purchases)
Day job (roll): None

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

Player Name: Lawrence Smith 2
Character Name: Slimjim Son House Shady
PFS#: 67083-8
Faction: Grand Lodge
Starting XP: 39.5
Starting Fame: 54
Starting Prestige: 22
Starting Gold: 9697gp, 2sp, 2cp
Day job (roll): Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (14) + 30 = 44

The Concordance

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 15 | HP: 301/301 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +13 CMD: 29 | F: +26, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +19 (Darkvision 60) SM: +1 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: Sickened | Non-Lethal: 165 | DR 15/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 0/2 | 55% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 11 (max 15)

Player Name: Saashaa
Character Name: Obsidian
PFS#: 78886-14
Faction Concordance
Starting XP: 42
Starting Fame:71
Starting Prestige: 23
Starting Gold: 20654
Day job (roll): N/A

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

With Z...D... dropping out of our party, is there an alternate on a wait list who can step in?

Ready to help find a replacement, if you'd like, GM.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

I think we've got a player joining us (a bloodrager)... though we may be losing another player due to scheduling problem not allowing him to reach 14th level.

Slimjim, if you have ideas, I am open.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

I'll reach out to a couple of folks and see if they'd be available, if needed.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

I’ve also got a possible back up.

Still waiting to hear from our other player (Ben.johnson) as well.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

Bloodrager here, I'll get my character description together over the next couple of days.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

Player Name: pjrogers (Peter Rogers)
Character Name: Candi Payne
PFS#: 226993-1
Faction: Liberty's Education
Starting XP: 39
Starting Fame: 75
Starting Prestige: 6
Starting Gold: 469.5
Day job (roll): Profession (barmaid): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

I tried to follow the links to images of your PC and familiar, but I couldn't get them to open.
Also, can you give us a sense of feats, traits, and equipment? (Didn't see it yet on your Character Sheet.)

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1
Slimjim Son House Shady wrote:


I tried to follow the links to images of your PC and familiar, but I couldn't get them to open.
Also, can you give us a sense of feats, traits, and equipment? (Didn't see it yet on your Character Sheet.)

Working on all this and hope to everything up and running within the next couple of days.

EDIT: I think I have the image permissions set properly now.

The Concordance

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 15 | HP: 301/301 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +13 CMD: 29 | F: +26, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +19 (Darkvision 60) SM: +1 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: Sickened | Non-Lethal: 165 | DR 15/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 0/2 | 55% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 11 (max 15)

Worst case scenario, I think we should just continue on with out a dedicated healer. Hard Mode!

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

I'm OK without a dedicated healer. I just did #9-25: Betrayal in the Bounds at high tier with Candi still at 13th level without one. She did go down once and then popped back up with a Lesser Talisman of Life's Breath (which has since been replaced).

However, without a dedicated healer, I'm not so sure about hard mode. Is that an option for us here?

I'm still methodically putting together my profile. I think I've got everything needed in the tagline, and I've redone the image links again if anyone wants to check any of these.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

I'm not keen on hard mode. 'Normal' is fine with me.

I'm okay with a team that has no dedicated healer. If that how things shake out, Slim will need to make a couple more purchases.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

I think I've finished up Candi's profile except for links to her scanned chronicle sheets. I have a couple more to scan and add to the existing set, and I'll link them to her profile when that's done.

GM Silbeg, can you take a look at my profile and tagline to make sure that they contain everything you need in the proper format?

In terms of healing support, Candi does have a Scroll of Breath of Life if anyone is able to use it. I'm low on funds with only 469.5 gp, though I could get 178.5 gp by selling my now redundant Scroll of Water Breathing. I would make all of this available towards the purchase of First Aid Gloves (4,500 gp) for one of us to wear.

The Concordance

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 15 | HP: 301/301 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +13 CMD: 29 | F: +26, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +19 (Darkvision 60) SM: +1 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: Sickened | Non-Lethal: 165 | DR 15/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 0/2 | 55% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 11 (max 15)

I don't believe there is a "hard mode" in this scenario. I was merely speaking about going into a scenario without a healer as being 'hard mode'.

With as much non-lethal as he has on him on a regular basis, Obsidian will likely only ever go unconscious, and that is rare in itself.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

Slim could put the scroll of breath of life in his spring-loaded wrist sheath.

It's a level-5 spell, so the CL is 9 and the minimum Wisdom ability score is 15

The spell isn't on his bard or paladin spell list. His UMD modifier is +24, so he'd need to roll a 5 or better make the DC29 skill check to cast it.

His Wisdom is only a 10, so he'd also have to make a second UMD check to emulate an ability score. He'd have to roll another 5 or better to succeed at that UMD check as well.

Emulate an Ability Score:
To cast a spell from a scroll, you need a high score in the appropriate ability (Intelligence for wizard spells, Wisdom for divine spells, or Charisma for sorcerer or bard spells). Your effective ability score (appropriate to the class you’re emulating when you try to cast the spell from the scroll) is your Use Magic Device check result minus 15. If you already have a high enough score in the appropriate ability, you don’t need to make this check.

Failure is possible, but at least it wouldn't result in the loss of the scroll.

If necessary, Slim is willing to contribute, if everyone in the party wants to pitch in, for the purchase of first aid gloves. He has nothing equipped in his hands slot.

EDIT: With heroism or good hope active, Slim would enjoy a +2 morale bonus to his UMD modifier, meaning he'd need to roll a 3 or better to succeed at the two UMD checks to cast breath of life from a scroll.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

OK, sounds like a plan - scroll of breath of life to Slim.

There are some folks around here with level 14-15 PFS PCs. Want me to see if they'd be interested in joining us? I'll probably see a few of them tomorrow.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

There is no hard mode.

I will be going over character sheets and such this weekend.
I am not as worried about scanned chronicles and such at the moment.

The Concordance

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 15 | HP: 301/301 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +13 CMD: 29 | F: +26, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +19 (Darkvision 60) SM: +1 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: Sickened | Non-Lethal: 165 | DR 15/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 0/2 | 55% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 11 (max 15)

If you have any questions about kineticists I am more than happy to answer them. Obsidian starts the day accepting 9 points of burn. 8 to make his DR/adamantine equal to his level (Flesh to Stone), and 1 for Kinetic Form. 9 points burn means 135 unhealable non-lethal damage for the day.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

So, for sure, we are still short one.

If you know of someone, please let me know.

The Concordance

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 15 | HP: 301/301 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +13 CMD: 29 | F: +26, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +19 (Darkvision 60) SM: +1 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: Sickened | Non-Lethal: 165 | DR 15/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 0/2 | 55% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 11 (max 15)

Don't we have 4?

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Well, the 5th has not reported.
That is true.

So, at this time, we need two. I have a line on one, but for sure another would be good.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

The one person who responded to me said he doesn't have a PC in-tier.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

I'm chasing a couple of leads and should know more by the end of the day.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

So, quick question. Who has already GMed or played this?

The Concordance

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 15 | HP: 301/301 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +13 CMD: 29 | F: +26, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +19 (Darkvision 60) SM: +1 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: Sickened | Non-Lethal: 165 | DR 15/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 0/2 | 55% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 11 (max 15)

Neither for me.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

Also, neither for me.

Dark Archive

M Male N Chelish Human Wissard (Thassilonian Specialist Sloth) 15 | HP: 152/137 | AC: 16 (12 tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +8 CMD: 17 (Freedom of movement) | F: +19, R: +16, W: +18 (Beyond Morality/Mind Blanc/Life Bubble) | Init: +7 | Perc: +18(See Invis/See in Darkness/Blindsight 40)SM: +2 | Speed 30, Fly 40 | Spells: 1: 6/9 2:4/9 3: 5/8 4: 3/8 5: 5/8 6: 4/7 7: 3/5 8: 1/4 | Active conditions: MA, EE, DV, SI, AB, Heroism, Overland Flight, Mind Blanc, LB, AMA | Coin Reroll (+5) 0/1 Arcane Bond 0/1

Also neither for me.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

Never played, never GMed, never downloaded or read it.

Looking forward to the ride!

If the party doesn’t want to pitch in for first aid gloves, Slim will make some ‘first aid’purchases to meet his own needs.

If your PC needs Slim to heal him or her, just let me know what you’d like me to use, and where you keep it, if he’s got to find it on your unconscious body.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

Candi will sell the Scroll of Waterbreathing and give 648 gp to Slim to help cover cost of the First Aid Gloves. That puts her at 0 gp.

She has a Wand of Cure Light Wounds on her belt (also a Wand of Infernal Healing, but I suspect that's not a paladin-favorite magic item, and Infernal Healing is on the bloodrager spell list).

Candi has also given the Scroll of Breath of Life to Slim.

That's all the healing related stuff that I can think of at the moment.

So far, no luck finding additional members of the party, I'm waiting to hear back from one person.

The Exchange

Female Kitsune Bard14 HP 101/101 AC:30/TC:16/FF:26 Perc +7 F +10 R +17 W +15 CMD 28 Init +8 BP Rounds 25/36

Candi, let me know if it falls through. I can probably jump in.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1
Sister Ayako wrote:
Candi, let me know if it falls through. I can probably jump in.

Thanks for being able to join us. I never did hear back from the third and last person I was trying to contact.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Ben Johnson has yet to reply to any messages. If we do manage a sixth, we will bring them in when they show, but we may be at 5 this run.

The Exchange

Female Kitsune Bard14 HP 101/101 AC:30/TC:16/FF:26 Perc +7 F +10 R +17 W +15 CMD 28 Init +8 BP Rounds 25/36

First time playing this, but I think it accounts for almost half of my 10 specials towards 5 stars. It has been awhile since I ran it, so the fuzziness should help me keep things separate.

Ayako has picked up a scroll of overland flight, as well as finally upgrading her armor and buckler. Anything else the party might find useful?

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

Arghhh! The guy I hadn't heard from just emailed me and indicated that he is available. However, we now have a full party of six, correct?

The Exchange

Female Kitsune Bard14 HP 101/101 AC:30/TC:16/FF:26 Perc +7 F +10 R +17 W +15 CMD 28 Init +8 BP Rounds 25/36

Sounds good to me! Hope he rolls better on knowledges.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

Candi, if it is the person that posted in the recruitment thread, he will be in. We are actually only at 5... the 6th has never reported, so is dropped.

So, that would give us our 6!

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

That is indeed the person that I had contacted. It sounds like all is well (except for the pesky rift to the Abyss).

Dark Archive

M Male N Chelish Human Wissard (Thassilonian Specialist Sloth) 15 | HP: 152/137 | AC: 16 (12 tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +8 CMD: 17 (Freedom of movement) | F: +19, R: +16, W: +18 (Beyond Morality/Mind Blanc/Life Bubble) | Init: +7 | Perc: +18(See Invis/See in Darkness/Blindsight 40)SM: +2 | Speed 30, Fly 40 | Spells: 1: 6/9 2:4/9 3: 5/8 4: 3/8 5: 5/8 6: 4/7 7: 3/5 8: 1/4 | Active conditions: MA, EE, DV, SI, AB, Heroism, Overland Flight, Mind Blanc, LB, AMA | Coin Reroll (+5) 0/1 Arcane Bond 0/1

Jack which slide should we fill out with the skills/saves?

Additionally how should we handle buffs while filling out?

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

Slim filled out saves/skills on Slides 2 and 3. Included bonuses for extended heroism and heightened awareness.

Slim will not drop the heightened awareness to boost initiative, unless he states it explicitly.

Slide 3 is a little crowded...

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

I am sure slide #3 will be crowded for you all... but we can always drop font sizes

I'll look at it later tonight.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Venture Captain Elric wrote:

Jack which slide should we fill out with the skills/saves?

Additionally how should we handle buffs while filling out?

Slide #2 for saves, etc., and #3 for skills.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

@Sister Ayako,
Are you wanting to do something other than inspire courage with your bardic performance? If so, I'll inspire courage (but only +2). (Sorry for misspelling your name in my post.)

Keep the 648gp. I'll forego the purchase of first aid gloves.
I'll only attempt to use the breath of life scroll on you, unless you give me an okay to use it on someone else.

The Exchange

Female Kitsune Bard14 HP 101/101 AC:30/TC:16/FF:26 Perc +7 F +10 R +17 W +15 CMD 28 Init +8 BP Rounds 25/36

I think it's going to be a play it by ear (ha!) kind of thing. The Sound Striker has been reduced from the insanity it used to be, so it's less imperitive to only bring it out in dire straits. Most of the time Ayako is fine to inspire courage, but if you can cover some fights, she can inspire greatness or do other things.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Half-elf Bard 9/Paladin (oath of vengeance) 5 | HP 107/107 | AC 36 / 21 T / 32 FF | CMD 35 | Perception +24, Low-Light Vision; Sense Motive +30 | Init +9 | Cond.: Images (5), Smite, Hero., Height. Aware. | Bardic Performance 18/26 | Bard Spells 1: 6/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 2/4 | Paladin Spells 1: 2/3 | Smite Evil 0/3 | Lay on Hands 8/10 | Fort +20, Reflex +22, Will +21; +1 vs extraordinary abilities of reptilian subtype humanoids, +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, sonic Immune sleep, disease, fear | Resist Fire 10

Slim has discordant voice, so that will add a d6 sonic damage to any allied melee attacks within 30ft of him while he's using a bardic performance (including inspire courage) and to allied ranged attacks as long as the targets are within 30ft of him.

The downside would be his inspire courage is only a +2 vs Ayako's +3.

As a level-9 bard, Slim's inspire greatness can only benefit one PC.

Liberty's Edge

M Female CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (Arcane) 14 | HP: 217/217 | AC: 34 (12 t, 31 f) | CMB +28 CMD 38 | F +27 (+2 poison or drugs (+4 alcohol) R +17 W +17 (+2 mind-affecting, +4 enchantment) (all saves: +1 insight vs. enchantment and evocation); DR 3/- | Init: +15 |P: +22 (dv (60 ft) SM: +4 | Speed 80/Fly 90 | Spells: BSkin, SInvis, SSkin (115/150), MVest, LBub, plus | Active: Blood-boil, Bguard | rage 9/42 | Sp 1:1/4, 2:3/3, 3:0/1, 4:0/1

Candi's pretty good with a cow bell if need arises.

Slimjim Son House Shady wrote:


Keep the 648gp. I'll forego the purchase of first aid gloves.
I'll only attempt to use the breath of life scroll on you, unless you give me an okay to use it on someone else.

Feel free to the use the scroll on anyone. Candi has a Lesser Talisman of Breath of Life.

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