Gashka |

Gashka just sits there for a moment as Derika hugs her and runs back up the stairs, "Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure she's at the apothecary shop. She was going to see if he had any night tea."

Gashka |

When we get back from this trip, I think Anyka should really try to get to know Ryota better.
"If it's alright, can we just wait here for Anyka? If she's busy or whatever, I don't want to interrupt her. I'm sure she'll be home soon." She says, looking from Chris to Vaeri.

Anyka Talia |

Having had a wonderful time, dining, flirting and otherwise enjoying Ryota’s company, Anyka takes the doses, listening to the handsome apothecary’s instruction. "Thanks, for everything. We may be headed out of town for a day or two in a bit but I’ll definitely swing by when we get back….I think I’d like to…continue this.”

Vishanti |

Laying back and savoring the view of her beautiful fiancée as she gets out of bed, Vishanti sighs happily, getting up eventually as Gashka heads downstairs, and making her way to the bathroom to get the bath started. The shamaness was still quite giddy, a smile playing across her lips as her mind flashed back to the overwhelming sensation of being in Gashka’s arms, the deep soulfulness of their lovemaking, unlike anything she had ever experienced in her life.
As she turns off the water, the steam rising and filling the room, she hears her love coming back upstairs, turning towards the door expectantly.

Derika |
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Derika stops at the linen closet to get them a couple of towels and washcloths before entering the bathroom. Seeing her love standing there in the steam, she has to stop herself from taking her all over again.
Setting the towels down on the bench, Gashka starts getting ready for their bath. Looking up at Vishanti as she's getting ready, "Chris and Gashka are downstairs. She asked if we would come with them to our parent's house for supper, and I told her we would.....so, we're not going to be able to take as much time up here as I'd like, but at least we get to have a bath before we have to head out tomorrow."
Having folded up her clothes and laid them on the bench, Derika steps up to Vishanti and wraps her arms around her. Stretching up, she gives her love another deep kiss before pulling back and looking in her beautiful eyes, "We had better hurry and get that bath, or else....." Derika leaves her words hanging in the air as she steps into thed tub of wonderfully warm water, and holds her hand out to Vishanti to help her in once she has sat down in the tub.

Vishanti |

Left slightly breathless at the kiss, she smiles, taking her love's hand as she joins her in the tub, settling into the steaming water with a sigh. "Then we probably shouldn't keep them waiting....we'll have time for or else later." she stays with a coy smile and a little shiver.

Derika |
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Derika smiles as she leans forward to kiss the back of Vishanti's neck, "Yes ma'am, and I plan on making later last for as long as possible. I guess we really should hurry though." Deika says, sounding sighing a little as she lathers up a cloth and starts washing Vishanti's back.

Gashka |

Gashka smiles as Anyka comes in. It didn't take a genius to see how happy she looked. She hadn't seen her smile so much in a long time.
Setting her glass down, she gets up and goes to her sister. Giving her a hug she says, "My you look happy. So, how did it go? Did he have the night tea? Oh, and while Papa was helping us move a few pieces of furniture in, he asked usz over for dinner and said there would be plenty if you wanted to come." She asks, looking as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She didn't understand why she felt so nervous, she just did.

Vishanti |
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Sighing happily as her love washes her back, Vishanti savors the moment, taking another washcloth and lathering it up to wash the front of her body. Once done, she turns around in the tub, switching places to wash Derika's back, taking a moment to sneak a few kisses at the back of her neck, but restraining herself from doing more...for now.

Anyka Talia |

"He actually had something better. Apparently night tea’s been illegal for over a century here….as crazy as that sounds. Instead he brewed a concoction we’d only have to take once a month to have the same effect, and apparently less dangerous.” Anyka says reaching into her belt pouch and handing her sister one of the vials.

Derika |
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Derika shivers slightly as her love kisses her neck, "Mmmm....that feels so nice, but you're making me want to do things to you that we don't have the time for at the moment. You are so tender, loving, beautiful....you are sacred to me. I have never known anyone that makes me feel the things that you do." Derika finishes washing herself and holds onto the sides of the tub to restrain herself from doing something that they really didn't have the time to get involved in right now.
Finishing up, Derika takes a deep breath as she stands and gets out of the tub. Holding out her hand for her love, she holds her gaze with a look of absolute desire and need. Giving her a slight smirk she says, "If you're naughty and tempt me too much, I'm going to have to make you pay for it later. Now, be a good girl and lets get dressed so we can get back downstairs to the others. I know this night is important to Gashka....probably as important as spending some...quality time with you later is to me."
Derika admires Vishanti's form as they get out of the tub and start to dry off and get dressed.

Gashka |

Gashka's eyes get a little large, "Illegal? Really? Did he say why? We were drinking that stuff....pretty often, could it have done something bad to me...to us?"
Taking the vial from her sister with a somewhat skeptical look, "I mean...he seems to know what he's talking about and everything...I just...I can't believe we didn't know about any of that stuff. So...this stuff will really work, and we only have to take it once?"
It was hard for her to wrap her head around the fact that the stuff they had been using for the last couple of years to keep from getting pregnant, had been dangerous. She just hoped that she was okay, and didn't do any kind of long lasting damage to herself.

Anyka Talia |

"Not to us, but apparently some people were tripling up on doses to end unwanted pregnancies, and that;s when there were problems, took too much too often." Anyka says with a shrug. "I guess it's one of those things... like alcohol, the right amount is a good time, too much is poison." she says with a shrug.

Vishanti |
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Biting her lip as she gazes up at her love's glistening wet body as she stands up in and steps out of the tub, Vishanti very much considers being naughty.
For more than a few seconds.
Giving a slightly exaggerated sigh, she takes Derika's hand and stands up, stepping out of the tub and for a moment pressing her own dripping body against that of her dragons. Holding the gaze as they both exercise an almost ungodly amount of restraint, she takes a step back with a little smile as she begins to towel off. "Then we really shouldn't keep her waiting."

Gashka |

Gashka nods solemnly, "Yeah, I can see that. Too much of anything really can be harmful to someone I guess. Well, here's to having a good time, the responsible way." Gashka holds up the vial as if in a toast before taking the dosage.
I was assuming it was a liquid of course.
Looking at her big sister she smiles, "You're always looking out for me. What would I do without you?" Gashka gives Anyka a hug before stepping back, "Well, like I said, you seem very happy. Ryota seems like a nice guy, but he better be good to you, or else." Gashka gives her sister a look that she knows all too well, "You deserve to be happy...and I want you to be happy. I sort of need to ask you something too. Well, besides going with us to Mama and Papa's house for dinner." Gashka takes a deep breath and let's it out slowly, "When Chris and I get married, will you be my maid of honor?" She nearly holds her breath as she waits to hear what her sister will say.

Derika |
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Derika bites her lower lip as Vishanti presses up against her, it was almost more than she could bear. As Vishanti pulls away from her to go dry off, Derika steps over to her and wraps her arms around her. Turning her around, Derika pulls her close and kisses her deeply and passionately before letting her go. Derika grabs a towel and starts drying herself off before starting to pull the clean change of clothes on.
While sitting on the little bench to put her boots on, Derika looks longingly up at her beloved, "You have no idea what you do to me, but if you do....then you're being very naughty. I need you, like I need the air to breath." Derika takes a few slow deep breaths to try and get her urges under control.
Standing up after putting on her boots, she holds out her hand to the one she loved above all others, "Are we ready to go then? We take too much longer and I'm notg going to be able to stop myself."

Gashka |

Gashka gives Chris a curious look, "What's wrong? We've talked about it...I just thought I'd ask her before we went gallivanting all over the country side." She explains, wondering why he seemed so shocked.

Gashka |

She nods, "I'm sorry...I know it's sudden, but I wanted to ask before we left and things got busy. It's super important to me and I didn't want to get caught up in other stuff and forget. That's why I thought I would ask now."

Vishanti |

A little shiver of sheer arousal passes through Vishanti, after Derika's kiss leaves her knees weak. Forcing herself to get dressed, the shamaness dons clean clothes, feeling her love's golden eyes on every curve and line on her body like a loving caress. Taking her hand she nods. "I'm every bit as ready as you are my love."

Gashka |

Gashka squeals as she puts her arms around Anyka in an enthusiastic, but gentle hug as she restrains herself from jumping up and down. Her eyes glistening with emotion, Gashka holds onto her sister a few moments longer. Finally letting her go and stepping back a bit she says, "I can't remember when I've been this happy, but...let's not say anything to Derika and Vishanti just yet. They're already planning on getting married after we get back, and I don't want to do anything that's going to take away anything from their special day....soooo, we'll just keep this between us for now okay?"

Derika |

Giving her love a smile, Derika goes with her downstairs.
Taking in the scene and seeing Gashka nearly in tears with a happy look on her face, she smiles. Unsure of what was going on, she offers a supportive smile as they approach. Looking from where Chris sits to her sister and Anyka, "So, what did we miss?"

Gashka |

Caught up in her own world. Gashka nearly jumps as she hears her sister's voice. Turning to face them she says, "Oh...nnothing, we were just chatting. Are you guys ready to go?"

Derika |
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Derika blushes and giggles, "It's been very....relaxing. It's nice to have an actual home." She says, deciding to leave her sister alone, for now. She was definitely up to something though.

Gashka |

Gashka gives her sister a grateful look, before turning her attention to her younger sister. She was glad that Derika had found someone that makes her so happy, and that they were able to have a home here.
Giving Derika a smile she says, "It's always nice to have a place and someone to come homed to. I'm really glad you're here too."

Gashka |

Before they leave, Gashka takes their glasses to the kitchen, and washes them quickly. Pausing by Vaeri as they leave, "You can come have dinner with us too if you want to, but it's totally up to you."

Gashka |

Stretching up on her toes, Gashka gives her Papa's cheek a kiss. Giving her Papa a big smile she says, "We're really glad we could make it too." Gashka goes into the house with Chris.