The Laughing Wolf Inn

Game Master Thomi Gallowshade

A meeting place for layabouts, brigands, sots, wenches and ne'er-do-wells of an adventurous nature, who are interested in placing themselves in great peril in return for the promise of loot and career advancement.

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Male Dasun (half-orc) Oracle 6

Nästród jumps down quicker than you would think possible with his bad leg and starts helping the elven cleric gather her scrolls.

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

Gezzo watches the Euraith arrive, stumble to the ground and a parade of party members running to her rescue. He arches his eyebrow to watch her for a moment, before turning back to Tago.

Don't worry for the boy, as you can see, we have many softer souls inclined to be care-givers. Oh, and Argyos is a professional wet-nurse!

With that, Gezzo bursts out in a loud belly laugh. After a moment, he settles down and wipes a tear from his eye.

I do have a couple more questions before you depart, is there someone in town that is running the trapping for the area? Perhaps a head trapper or maybe a guild?

And is there an inn still operating in town? I wouldn't mind a meal and bed for the night. Better then sleeping on the wagon again!

Once his questions are answered, he turns and walks back to the ruined shop, pausing half way to look back at Tago.

Just curious, where are you planning to head off to, now that your responsibilities to the temple are complete?

Sense Motive: Take 10+9=19

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener looks over at Gezzo, Careful Gezzo, with your stature, those ears, and that nervous hopping and making those shrill noises, Rudy is bound to mistake you for a Jack Rabbit.

I agree though, we should stay the night, investigate the area a bit, and then make our way
north tomorrow.

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

After Fener's comments, Gezzo peers warily at Rudy with suspiciously, squinted eyes and keeps a wide berth of the canine.

I don't know as I would refer to myself as a professional wet-nurse, but I could certainly mentor the lad. A little discipline, proper tutelage, and a lot of work to keep his mind off his father

Yes, that would be just the thing. Raise the lad proper. I could accept him as an apprentice, teach him the ways of the world. A staff is a commoners weapon though. If we'll need to find him something more appropriate if I am to care for him.

As Argyros talks to Gezzo, he walks over and takes a closer look at Cayden.

What do you say lad. Want to learn to be both a swordsman and a wizard? It is not an easy choice, and will require at least a decade of service, but it will leave you well prepared for life.

After a few moments he turns to address Euraith:

A new priest of Septimus you say. I trust you will find a willing flock. I fear I've been too long on the road of lately and have allowing my studies to slip.

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Rudy looks Gezzo's way, yawns , stretches, and appears to smile.

Gezzo and the others get a strong scent of that foul grog coming from the Canine.

Male Valgaardian Barbarian 5

I hand Argyros my morningstar.

A good beginners weapon will help get strength in his arms, let me know if you want me to show him how to use it.

I then join Gezzo at the ruined shop.

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener comments : That morning star weighs more then the boy

Fener hands the boy a dagger That dagger handle is made from the bone of Black Dragon I ran into in my travels. It was a hell of a fight but in the end I prevailed. I made this dagger as a memento to that horrendous beast and now pass it onto you. It name is black death.

The boy having worked in the shop clearly would recognize cheap antler and the common makers mark.

Male Valgaardian Human Possessed Oracle 6
Quick Reference:
[HP 50/54 | AC 16/11/15 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 (+7 against ench) | Init +1; Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)]

"...I will be with Sirena." Flug walks over to her and then starts staring at the sky.

Using Prophetic Visionary again! I want to know: Will Cayden be, ah, 'alright' if Flug leaves him to the others?

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Tago: No, there is nothing like a guild here. This area was always a place where you could enter the swamp and make a name for yourself without having a boss looking over your shoulder. You’re going to find most folk are very independent – self-reliant, instead of relying on others.

The inn was one of the first places to shut down. No customers hit them very hard. But, you don’t have to worry about a place to stay, the Temple has served not only as a place of worship, but as a place for healing the sick and injured. There are several rooms with beds and washstands, and a small kitchen to prepare food. Why, there is even good clean water in the kitchen, that you can pull from a cistern we dug some years ago! Mighty proud of that addition, I might say.

The only place that you probably won’t use is the crypt under the temple. It’s a place of rest for those who have passed on. It’s totally full, so no one goes down there anymore.

As for me, I’m heading to Kuturka. The main temple has a place in town for old folks like me to spend their final days. I look forward to it – going to write my memoirs, maybe leave behind a story that will help others of the faith find guidance and help.

Cayden: Gosh, thanks so much Mister Fener! Wow, my own knife! When can you show me how to use it? He looks at the Morningstar… That other thing is as tall as I am. I don’t think I could lift it very easy. Why don’t you hang onto it until I am stronger?


Tago: Well, I guess that about does it. There is still some daylight left, so I am heading out…get a few miles underway before I have to stop for the night. Good luck to you all! Tago climbs aboard his wagon and flicks the reins. Let’s go, babe! The dun mare puts her shoulder to the collar, and you watch as Tago and the wagon slowly make their way out the gate and down the trail toward Kuturka.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif waves good'bye to the kind elder and shouts good lucks and blessings before turning to the group. Hearing the little boy gives her an idea Receiving presents are we, she comments as she kneels before the child and removes one of her wooden symbols and attempts to hand it to the child Cayden was it? My name is Celif, and this is a powerful weapon indeed. Light weight but full of divine purpose. May it serve you in the journey to come as it has myself. Patting the child on the head she turns to the temple running the key in her hand through her fingers.

I guess this is where you will all be staying tonight, forgive me for not knowing the architecture, I was not give anything to study on the city, only its whereabouts.

Celif walks to the front door of the stone temple and attempts to open the main door with her key to take a look inside and familiarize herself.

I don't know if i need to do a perception check or not

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

A reply to Celif's OOC is in the discussion area. And you can look at the OOC, so that you can see what I am replying to.

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener turns to the boy

My advice to you is stick em with the pointy end.

You may want to get some advice from some of the others here on the more finer points of training. Argyros & Thorgrim are both very capable with weapons. Gezzo is as well and is almost as tall as you with those boots he's wearing.

He then says to the group:

I am famished. I hope they have some grub around here. We can hunt, but after what Serina brought back last time, we better send more back up

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

Ho! Ho! Don't listen to them, boy! Their heads are in the clouds and barely can see the danger at there feet. But, I would do away with that butter knife and get a real weapon.

Gezzo says while pulling out his Svarog sized great sword with a flourish. He pauses to allow the sun catch his profile before returning it to it's sheath.

He walks over to the ruined shop and peers inside, looking for any clues to help understand the attack.

Perception: Take 10+11=21

Cleric Celif, I would say your flock has all but abandoned your paddock. I would suggest you go back to Kuturka or where ever it was you came from and ask for re-assignment.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif pauses during turning the key as she hears Gezzo's comment, she grows an expressing of pain before rolling it into determination. Turning to Gezzo she says I can't just abandon these people... this blight inflicting the land... I can't leave... even if I wanted to... she sighs dropping her shoulders slightly and looking toward the ground before continuing,I know its seems.... overwhelming? But I know I can do my duty, and with your help, i'd be that much closer right? she says this leading her hand in a motion signaling approval with her signature awkward smile with a hint of nervous.

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Sirena: No hunting today, we have plenty of food on the wagon. Let's go see what is in the kitchen in the temple, Celif. We haven't eaten since early this morning, and I am famished!

For those entering the Temple:

A small open reception area is immediately at the entrance. Straight ahead are double doors leading to the worship area. Hallways lead left and right. The worship area is spacious, with a 20 foot ceiling. Rows of stone benches flank a central walkway leading to an altar at the far end. On the altar are objects which are covered with a white cloth. Several oil lanterns hang from the ceiling in spots designed to illuminate the room.

The left hallway leads to a series of rooms along the outer wall, comprising an office, a store room, and several meeting rooms. At the end is a doorway leading outside.

The right hallway leads to a series of rooms along the outer wall, comprised of small healing rooms. Each contains a bed, a washstand with pitcher and basin, and a wood closet. At the far end is a kitchen, a door leading outside, and a stairway leading down to a closed door with the symbol of Septimus carved into it.

For those examining the collapsed building:

From the manner in which the building's structure is situated, it almost seems that the exterior walls collapsed, and then the roof fell straight down on the pile. In fact, the roof is still almost in one piece and covers the pile of wreckage underneath. Scattered amid the pile of wood are remnants of the contents - broken shelves and furniture, etc. You are not the first people to examine the rubble. It appears that others have been here and picked through the contents.

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

It is late afternoon, so you should be thinking about what your are going to do for the remainder of the day and through the night.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif looks up her hood falling back onto her shoulder comfortably, with better vision of her the others can see her vision must not be as well as theirs. She wears glasses covering her yellow eyes looping into a seemingly endless blonde waterfall cascading down into the scholar robes. It's getting dark, I would recommend we take Sir... Fener was it? His comment under advisement. We can discuss the matters you've found up til now, I would be THRILLED to record them for my personal documents. She seems to take a deep breath before a dim shimmering halo appears about her head lighting up a rough 20ft area, she peers at the light fixtures and tries to discover how to light up the area

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

In a corner you see a long slender pole with a brass "Y" on top. One arm on the Y contains a clip to hold a lighting taper, the other arm contains a hook to open and close the lantern doors. Pretty clever device, actually, as there is no need to use a ladder to light a ceiling lantern.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

After a moment Celif leaves the group her Halo bringing life to her shrouded surroundings, she approaches the Y device and looks for a way to light the taper. After its lit she takes her time moving from lantern to lantern opening them and lighting them, after she lights all the lanterns her halo begins to shimmer away into nothingness.

Taking a moment to soak in her surrounds she tries to look for any religious artifacts or drawings she enjoy recollecting over to the group.

Knowledge Religion: 10 + 7 = 17

After she takes a seat graciously in the front row of the worshiping area, lowering her head as she begins her evening prayers to Septimus.


I don't know if i can just take 10 to get the knowledge or not

Female Human Rogue 6

I have been observing all the goings on and listening to the various conversations after helping Celif. I make a mental note to keep an eye on Cayden as much as possible, and hope Argyros does decide to mentor him.

Realizing I am hungry myself, I grab some of the food and supplies from our wagon and follow the others into the temple. After looking around I decide to go down the hallway to the right and at the end find the kitchen and place the supplies on the table. I briefly look around and then return to the wagon for more supplies.

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Since you are unhurried and not distracted, you can take 10. Subtle hint - make sure you visit the office and supply room in the left hallway after your prayers.

Celif manages to light the lanterns in the chapel, and the room brightens in a warm glow. As she prays, the altar of Septimus begins to glow with a faint white light...then it emits a pulse of light illuminating her, and casting the Bless spell upon her. The spell will last for 24 hours! (+1 to attack rolls, +1 Will saves against Fear effects.)

Male Dasun (half-orc) Oracle 6

A flash of insight crosses Nästród's mind like it has so many times before.

"We have to find what it is wrong with this town," Nästród says with absolute conviction in his voice, "It is our destiny."

The way he said it was not as if he was stating a desire or preference, but with the certainty of fact as if he was talking about the hardness of diamonds.

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener walks into the temple and finds a place to kick up his feet.

He starts a conversation with Cayden about random things and then askes the boy : Cayden, I understand your father would take trips into the swamp to find things for the shop. Did you ever go with him? What can you tell me about those trips? I have knowledge of the wild and would like to hear about your experiences

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Cayden (to Fener):

Papa never took me with him into the swamp, said it was too dangerous. Whenever he left town, he would have me stay at the Inn, or sometimes I could sleep over in this temple. The only time he let me come with him was to go down to the lake or the river while he did some fishing. He usually got mad at me, though, 'cause he would try to fish, and I was throwing rocks into the water and scaring them away. I don't like fishing just sit there! What fun is that?

He didn't go into the swamp that often. Other people live in the swamp, and they bring stuff to him. Why go out when you can stay here and have others do the work for you? When he had enough stuff, he would load it on the wagon and take it into the big town to sell.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif continues to sit with her head lowered listening to the others after completing her nightly prayers to make mental notes of the others and to maybe get a sense of her new companions motives as well as personalities, this being one of her many constant uncontrollable tendencies.

No history lesson? :) Sorry I'm loving this too much lol, just a heads up I was gonna have her wake up in the middle of the night to do some writing, nothing big or life changing, just an engagement chance for others if they want. I enjoy the RP probably more then the actually combat lol, let me know if that's OK thanks.

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

Gezzo casually strolls the town square, looking for any resident to engage in conversation or anything suspicious in nature. He tries to act as non-threatening and be as inconspicuous as Svarog can, even whistling quietly as he walks. He doesn't walk far enough to be out of sight of the group at the temple.

If he doesn't find anyone or anything of interest in town, he follows the group into the temple and takes a look around.

Perception: Take 10+11=21; I will Take 10 for Perception rolls both in town and in the temple.

Following Celif into the temple, Argyros retreats into the worship area until supper is ready, sitting on one of the cold stone benches, head bowed in silence.

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener to Cayden : Did your father ever speak of anything scary in the swamp? Did you hear any stories from the others? We will go into the forest tomorrow and want to know if we should be careful.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif lifts her chin slightly hearing someone entering the worship area, turning her head she catches a glimpse of Argyros. Prayer can be a strong ally in the journey to come, invaluable indeed. After a moment she gets another idea, with a sudden motion she removes her backpack laying it on the bench beside her and brings out a sheet of paper, an ink pen and an inkwell. Turning to Argyros she asks The time seems more appropriate to ask what you know of the blight stricken against these people, if wouldn't mind catching me up on the details, as well as who the child with Fener is? I missed most of the details before my arrival and would not like to be caught ill informed. She prepares to write any important notes down for later reflection, as she does this her stomach begins to growl. She jolts slightly before remembering she doesn't had a decent meal since leaving Kuturka, with all the knowledge she has tried to collect, simple cooking has evaded her.

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Perfect, actually. Thanks for the heads up, will keep me from jumping ahead too fast.

Gezzo notices that there are still some folks in the village, who seem to be going about their chores. Smoke is wafting from a few chimneys, so not everyone has left. He can hear the sound of someone pounding metal on an anvil in a building not too far away. There also seems to be smoke coming from the chimney of a building across the way, which has a sign over the door that has a picture of a tool bag and crossed daggers on it.

Argyros enters the chapel, bows his head and prays to Septimus. As he prays, the altar of Septimus begins to glow with a faint white light...then it emits a pulse of light illuminating him, and casting the Bless spell upon him. The spell will last for 24 hours! (+1 to attack rolls, +1 Will saves against Fear effects.)

Cayden to Fener: Oh yes, there are lots of scary things in the swamp...snakes...wild boars...wolves...bears...sometimes even a wildcat!

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

Gezzo ducks into the temple. He immediately approaches the alter and kneels, makes a quick hand gesture in respect and stands. Turning around, he walks towards Cayden and Fener.

Cayden, is that the blacksmith with the sign of the tools and daggers over its door? Do you know the owner of the shop?

Male Dasun (half-orc) Oracle 6

Nästród goes to Celif.

"If you have time, I would like to go the catacombs to pay respects to the dead there."

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Gezzo enters the chapel, approaches the altar, kneels, and gives his respect to Septimus. As he rises, the altar of Septimus begins to glow with a faint white light...then it emits a pulse of light illuminating him, and casting the Bless spell upon him. The spell will last for 24 hours! (+1 to attack rolls, +1 Will saves against Fear effects.)

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Cayden to Gezzo: Tools and Daggers is a hardware store, but they do have some knives and such for sale. It is run by the blacksmith's wife. The blacksmith shop is behind the store, and he makes a lot of the items sold in the store, plus he repairs wagons and other stuff. Their name is Mr. and Mrs. Da'gar.

Female Human Rogue 6

After bringing in the needed supplies, I familiarize myself with the kitchen and Sirena and I proceed to cobble together a meal for everyone.
When everything is ready, Sirena goes to let the rest of our group know. I quickly stash my belongings in the nearest healing room and close the door. Then I return to the kitchen and sit down and starting eating!

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener joins Imowen and starts to eat.

He watches the Dasun and Euraith walk towards the cript.

I prefer to stay amongst the living

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif nods to the Dasun before motioning for him to lead the way, her specialty being paper rather than flesh. Her face struggling to keep its composure as she leaves her belongs on the bench.

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Celif and Nastrod:
Descending to the bottom of the stairs leading to the crypt, you reach a landing. In front of you is a solid door made of heavy wood. The symbol of Septimus is carved into the door, and it appears to have a very faint glow surrounding it as if the rising sun rays are emitting a light. Aside from the carving, the surface of the door is smooth - there does not appear to be any latch or lever mechanism built into the door.

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

After reaching the landing she stands aside hesitant about approaching the crypt, looking at the carving of Septimus as a beacon of divine power in the room gives Celif some relief, in a calming reassurance of creepy dead bodies not raising up.

Her next battle in mind is the smell, never being around dead bodies on usual occasions she has only the memoirs of past adventures to take expectations from. Memoirs which may or may not be accurate to the real experience, staying quiet she begins to take in her surrounds Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15, then tries to see if there are any ways to open the door for the Dasun by routine methods she may have ran across in her studiesKnowledge Religion: 10 + 7 = 17

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

Gezzo nods as the boy talks about the blacksmith and his wife. He goes into the kitchen and hops on a chair, lifting a plate of food to his chest while standing on the seat, he shovels food into his mouth.

I am going to talk to the blacksmith. If anyone wants to join me, eat up, I am afraid its going to get too late, if we delay.

Gezzo quickly cleans his plate and tosses it into an adjacent bucket. He walks out briskly towards the front door of the temple.

Can we get a time check, please? I don't want to be banging on doors in the middle of the night.

Male Valgaardian Druid lvl4
Fener 40/40 HP Rudy 26/28 HP

Fener and Rudy each have a swig from the flask and fellow Gezzo out.

I will come along. I would like to hear what he has to say as well. We may run into some of the hunters and trappers in the area as well.

Male Valgaardian Barbarian 5

I eat quickly and join Gezzo and Fener at the blacksmiths

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

By the angle of the sun, you estimate there is about another hour or so of daylight left.

Celif and Nastrod:
You don't really see anything more than what was previously described. The only smell prominent is of dust, and it appears this stairway hasn't been used for quite awhile. Your training convinces you that the Septimus symbol has a glow because some sort of magic spell is present in it. I don't know what spells you have prepared, but a Detect Magic spell followed by a Spellcraft roll would give you more information.

At the Tools and Daggers Store:

The store is open, and when you enter a small bell hung over the doorway chimes to announce your presence.

You see a Dergatal woman working amid the store shelves. It appears she is removing items from the shelves and packing them into boxes. The sound of a blacksmith hammering is more pronounced inside the store, emanating from the rear of the building.

The woman quickly approaches to greet you:

Oh, my goodness! Customers? Come in, come in! This is your lucky day! We are preparing to shut the store down, and what you purchase I don't have to pack! Everything is on sale at 50% off the regular price! Is there anything in particular you are looking for?

Silver Crusade

Female Euraith Cleric Level 1

Celif closes her eyes and looks down slightly closing her eyes before releasing a deep breath and attempts to cast her Orision Detect Magic and follow it up withspellcraft: 10 + 6 = 16

Male Valgaardian Barbarian 5

You wouldn't happen to have a whetstone lying around?

Male Svarog Inquisitor 3/Cavalier 2/AC 18/ HP 24 (37); Lryhla's AC 21/ HP 19 (19)

Good Ma'am, pleasure to meet you. This is a fine shop, I am surprised you are shutting down. I know the town has probably seen better days, but you can't tell me this dry spell is permanent? Just an ill wind blowing through, better days ahead, eh?

Gezzo says to the lady as he walks around the shop, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He pauses with his back turned to her and casts Detect Magic on the shop.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
If he detects any magic: Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

You detect the aura of abjuration magic. As you concentrate, you realize the door emits a strong aura of Protection from Evil. Normally this is a spell that affects creatures, but someone has managed to cast it on the door, and make it permanent. Since the door has no visible handle, you surmise that some sort of pass phrase is used to open it. Maybe there is something elsewhere in the building that might give you a clue.

Shadow Lodge

Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid Level 36 Game Master

Mrs. Da'Gar:

To Thorgrim: A whetstone, you say? Why yes, we have some nice ones over here. Tell you what, you purchase something that needs sharpening, and I will throw in a whetstone for free. What do you say to that? That rack over there has several weapons you might be interested in. They are made by Mr. Da'Gar, and he is quite accomplished, as you will see.

To Gezzo: Well, that may be true, but we can't live on hopes and good intentions. Happiness is a positive cash flow, I always say. (She chuckles). If people settle this area again, maybe we'll be back some day. But for now, we're going to pack up and settle somewhere else. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?

Your Detect Magic spell picks up an assortment of auras, all being emitted from a tall wooden display case with glass doors. There is a lock on the case, and the doors are closed, but you can see through the glass. There are several arrows, some scrolls, some potion flasks, several books, some bottles, ceramic jars, powders, stones...lots of interesting things!

To Fener: My, that's an interesting dog you have. I just happen to have some treats it might like. She rummages around in a ceramic jar and brings forth something that looks like a cookie, and hands it to Rudy. Here you go! Good dog! She squints her eyes, looks hard at you, and sniffs... You have the essence of the outdoors about you. Is there anything we might have that would interest you?

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