
Playtest General Discussion

Flashlight wrote:

Flashlight: A flashlight sheds bright light.

A commercial flashlight emits light in a 30-foot emanation (and dim light in the next 30 feet).
A tactical flashlight emits its light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light in the next 60 feet) and is equipped with filters, which you can close to block or dim the light.
Activating the filters takes an Interact action

The Commercial flashlight says it's an emanation, which in Player Core is a 360 degree area from you.

The Tactical flashlight gives a radius instead.

Should those both be emanations? Should the commercial flashlight NOT be an emanation and be a cone or something (like a basic flashlight instead of a lantern)? What's going on here?

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As far as I can reason for the cone question, mostly it's an emanation because Pathfinder and Starfinder 2E don't really have heading mechanics for characters.

There is no behind the character to factor. And a character can attack two flanking enemies without penalty. So it's essentially an emanation because there's no rule saying the PC cannot just flag a whole 360 degree area with light, effectively being an emanation.

"Radius" has no inherent mechanical meaning in PF2e, and in fact is more often shorthand for emanations than bursts, so that's definitely a safe assumption. I do agree that flashlights should be cones though, we can have like, portable lanterns or whatever as a separate item that is an emanation.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i propose instead that flashlights have a range, and light up one square.

Now now, let's not get too hasty. Don't wanna make the flashlight so useless it's considered always a better option to get an oil lamp or an everlight crystal.


What happens when you point a flashlight at a disco ball?

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Driftbourne wrote:
What happens when you point a flashlight at a disco ball?

Everyone gets a +1 circumstance bonus to Performance checks to boogie down.

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Driftbourne wrote:
What happens when you point a flashlight at a disco ball?

What happens when you point a Solarian at a disco ball? :)


Foeclan wrote:
Driftbourne wrote:
What happens when you point a flashlight at a disco ball?
What happens when you point a Solarian at a disco ball? :)

Depends on if the Solarian is also doing a Performance check and if that stacks. These are the kinds of questions that really deserve their own playtest.

How about a Novian, Solarian, with Performance skills vs a skittermander holding 6 disco balls?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Driftbourne wrote:
a skittermander holding 6 disco balls?

lol what are we expected to believe that a small skittermander is able to hold a regulation size disco ball in each hand? you're obviously unserious about this discussion.


WatersLethe wrote:
Driftbourne wrote:
a skittermander holding 6 disco balls?
lol what are we expected to believe that a small skittermander is able to hold a regulation size disco ball in each hand? you're obviously unserious about this discussion.

I counter that claim by casting Ant Haul or Enlarge,

or! instead of using a skittermander use 1.5 Shobhads,

or!! a skittermander on a planet with 1/3 gravity,

or!!! A skittermander in a Disco Mech, AKA DISCOGEDDON! (Doomsday Dance)

How's that for getting serious...?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Driftbourne wrote:

A skittermander in a Disco Mech, AKA DISCOGEDDON! (Doomsday Dance)

How's that for getting serious...?

I like the implication that skittermanders would design mechs specifically to be better at holding disco balls. It really tracks.

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