Thoughts on this supportive bard build and spell selection


Silver Crusade


Bard 13/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 Swashbuckler at level 3
Race: human
Traits: Maestro of the society, X
FCB: +3 Bardic Performance, +1 spell known
Ability scores
Str: 08
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 17 +3 (4, 8, 12)

1st- Spell focus (enchantment), extra performance
3rd- weapon finesse, weapon focus, fencing grace
5th- Arcane Strike
7th- Lingering Performance
9th- Bardic Masterpiece, Symphony of the Elysian Heart
11th- Bardic Masterpiece, Legato Piece on the Infernal Bargain
13th- Spell focus conjuration

Comprehend Languages
Hideous Laughter
Swapped for bardic Masterpiece (Triple Time)

Mirror Image
Detect Thoughts

Good Hope
Crushing Despair
Charm Monster
Dispel Magic

Freedom of Movement
Song of Healing
Break Enchantment
Dominate Person
Greater Invisibility OR mass charm person

Phantasmal Web
Ki Shout

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Seems a little heavy on the attack spells - both the 5th level spells and 1-2 of the 4th, plus a few lower level. Greater heroism and greater dispel magic are especially useful for support as is virtuoso performance, to say nothing of utility spells or dance of a hundred cuts as a possible personal buff.

Some 3rd level bard spells I've found useful are jester's jaunt, stolen light, contingent action and phantom steed.

Reinvigorating wind (bard 2) can serve much of the function of song of Kyonin/healing with a much lower level spell slot.

Silver Crusade

I like having Liberating Command on a spontaneous spellcaster.

Ki Shout is a good CC/dmg spell, but Song of Discord and Greater Dispel are nothing to sneeze at-- consider swapping these at your own preference. Displacement and Slow would round out your lvl 3 spells nicely. On 1st level spells, consider swapping Hideous Laughter for Tears to Wine, level 1 spells are hard to land at lvl 13 unless you're also taking Heighten, which you're not. Also, you could take CLW out and put Vanish or Liberating Command in there and instead get CLW on a wand for super cheap out of combat healing, and CMW can serve as your emergency in-combat heal. Other than that, looks pretty good ;)

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