Druid class variants

Product Discussion

Scarab Sages

What are some of the good druid variants out there, and how does the power level compare to the core class? Leaning towards something that does not include animal companions

You do know that with the core class, you can trade the animal companion for a spell Domain? That gives you one extra spell to cast per day per spell level.

Are you looking for something that uses the Druid spell list? I know that the Midgard setting by Kobold Press has their own Shaman class that does so. I do not know anything else about it.

The Exchange

If you want a fire blaster druid take a look on the Wildfire Druid from rhe Advanced Archetypes II book from Flaming Crab Games.

Must take the fire or sub domain, cast this insted SNA spontaneously and some other cool stuff without loosing a lot..

Liberty's Edge

Nohwear wrote:
Are you looking for something that uses the Druid spell list? I know that the Midgard setting by Kobold Press has their own Shaman class that does so. I do not know anything else about it.

An excellent recommendation! :)

The shaman class from Kobold Press is actually setting neutral (i.e. it's not actually tied to the Midgard setting)

The Shaman is essentially a spontaneous-casting druid, but with some interesting and flavorful differences. There are also three new archetypes:elemental shaman, primal shifter, and witch doctor, plus much more. You can learn more about the class here: New Paths #2: The Expanded Shaman

If you like, you can find out more about the Design of the Shaman

You can also get the shaman, along with many other popular classes from Kobold Press by picking up the New Paths Compendium

I completely forgot that the Shaman was in that book.

Interjection Games has the Herbalist, a "chaos druid" that gains different powers based on her environment - literally picking up plants each day that can be used to heal, buff, poison and attack. It's currently being targeted for expansion on a kickstarter.

And at its patreon, IG is developing a class that has 6th level druid spell-casting as a secondary system, with the primary being dances based on different aspects of nature, with passive and active powers for each dance and a "duration pool" that is fascinating.

As far as nature classes go, I can think of Forest Guardian Press' Savage, a barbarian/monk hybrid - nothing like a druid, but I like its primal flavor. And the company also has a druid archetype, the Ossuarite, with skeletal pets.

Scarab Sages

I do have several of the New Paths classes in the fold, including the Shaman. I will probably go the one domain route along with modifying the spell lists a bit. Kind of shooting for a more 1e/celtic flavor to it. I'll look into the Herbalist as well

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