Your Game room And... describe your DREAM game room

Gamer Life General Discussion

Not sure if this the proper place for this post.

Curious: What/where is your "game" room. Where does your group play?
Dining room table? Basement with card table?

And... wishful thinking
Pretend you (or your group) wins a Makeover (think home improvement tv show)

How would you create your perfect Dream gaming room? What would you have in it? Besides the obvious large collection of books/materials
What else?
I think big basement "man cave" large collection of D&D and Pathfinder materials. Nice projection screen to display images/maps

What else would you want?

Dark Archive

Maps on every wall. Maps of fantasy continents from role-playing and online games and old historical maps stolen from National Geographic. Maps, maps and more maps. Maps of Tenochtitlan and Azeroth and Middle-Earth and Zakhara and the Holy Roman Empire and Golarion and Albion/Midgard/Hibernia. Oh yes.

Gaming stuff, a table, and a nearby room that has a mini-fridge, too.

No TV. Nyet!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would have soft carpet, comfortable air conditioning, sturdy chairs, and THIS.

Ravingdork: Like that link, that is pretty cool
Set: Like the maps ideas, LOTS of maps

I will add: No TV! AND NO Cell phones, esp NO Texting during game time

Liberty's Edge

A "phone-dead" zone, big tables, ads and such for pathfinder products we would find useful. Pencil/Dice dispenser, as well as an encyclopedic collection of any book remotely useful. Shelves chock full of maps, and a full-on fridge and mini-kitchen. Coatrack, and HEATING. And a doorknob.

Placing bets on where this ends up: I think either gamer life or off-topic discussions.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A magnetic whiteboard wall and a projector. Playing in a university lecture theatre spoiled me.

Pretty much any room in my own house. Unfortunately I'm the guy who lives 50 miles out of town so we always game at someone else's house, meaning I have to haul all kinds of stuff back and forth...

Well, for my dream game room, it’d do something along the lines of the following:

A spacious room with a nice thick carpet on the floor, a dimmer switch to adjust the lighting as desired, and several outlets for laptops and the like.

In the center, a solid hard wood rectangular table that has plenty of room for everyone and comfortable chairs.

Along the outer wall, waist high bookshelves running the length filled with all the appropriate books with a large tinted window that has a nice view and a thick curtain that can cut off all nearly all the light from the window when closed.

Along the inner wall, the door people come in and a large white board with dry erase markers, erasers, and magnetic clips for maps, etc.

Along the DM’s side, a projector in the corner, and a walk in closet with materials, minis, flip mats, etc. that are nice to have on hand but not necessarily always out.

Finally, along the wall opposite the GM, a mini fridge and small table for drinks, snacks, and other goodies, like pizza, maybe even a small microwave for reheating the pizza later in the evening.


Not that I’ve ever thought of this before of course, this is all just off the top of my head and all *cough* ;P

As for where I actually play, in the past it’s been the living room or dining room, usually at someone else’s house or my room on my computer when playing online with some of my friends who have moved away, assuming we can get our schedules to match up.

Ravingdork wrote:
I would have soft carpet, comfortable air conditioning, sturdy chairs, and THIS.

You've just made my savings account very uneasy, Ravingdork.

If I could get that Sultan but with a digital surface I would probably offer a lobe of my lung for it.

Liberty's Edge

Currently I have a nice large room with a fireplace and a pool table. On the pool table I have a large removable board that acts as a cover. On it I have about a roll of gaming paper under plexiglass, held on by clamps on all sides.

It works pretty well, you can seat 8 people around in comfortably (except hitting your knees occasionally) and everyone has room for their own little space on the plexiglass, in addition the to the game map.

At some point I'm going to build a more formal game table in the house, probably in one of the rooms downstairs where I can also set up a bar area I can lock the kids away from. That table will be about the same size, but it will come with pull out stations with cup holders where you can put your sheets and laptops without being on the game surface.

And more leg room

If I am really ambitious I may also set up a projector, but I'm weighing the pros and cons of that option.

Shadow Lodge

I like my setup pretty good as it is. I built a custom table for myself that isn't the prettiest, but does the job very well. It's got a slight recess in the surface for me to put maps in, with a layer of acrylic over it that works as a clear wet-erase board. Also has cup-holders and wall sockets all around the table, and raise-up sides for paperwork and dice. Nearby is the widescreen TV with HDMI hooking into my laptop for whatever projections or video clips I need.


A little over a year ago, I saw the Sultan and the rest of that product line, and got very inspired. I also looked at my budget and went no way. But, I decided to take some ideas from it and see what I could do.

Using some materials from an urban recylclery, and some new stuff, I managed to make mine for about $100.

Have to take into account the rest of the furniture, and the habits of the group. I have a large round chair that I use, a long couch, a short couch, and some slightly higher folding chairs. I also have players who prefer to pace while gaming instead of sitting down. With all this, I couldn't do a standard rectangular table. Will put up better pictures later, but this is what I came up with.


I need a cupholder for the GM's area though. And a bigger room for more players.

I have a computer gaming table already. So does another GM in our group. Lately though I've been more and more using 3D terrain that I've built from styrene, Hirst Arts blocks or poly clay (or all three).

If I could manage to get my house sold and move into town where I can have games happen at my house here is what I would want to have in my game room:

1. An adjacent bathroom.
2. Refrigerator and microwave in the corner.
3. Storage and display for all my terrain and miniatures.
4. An expanded digital table and a wall projection system, with comfy chairs.
5. Individual storage/play space for each player.
6. Wifi and high-speed internet access
7. Stereo system connected to my laptop
8. Climate control and ventilation.
9. Individual plugs for players' laptops/phones so I don't have wires all across the floor.
10. Snack and drink receptacles to keep spills off the table.

I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's a start.

Ravingdork wrote:
I would have soft carpet, comfortable air conditioning, sturdy chairs, and THIS.

You guys are all too old school, my Wish Table would look something more like this: /

Thought if I had my way I would have an old school table too, because in my dream world I would be less lazy and have all sorts of crazy dungeon setups and 3-D models.

Shadow Lodge

DeathBecomesus wrote:

Not sure if this the proper place for this post.

Curious: What/where is your "game" room. Where does your group play?
Dining room table? Basement with card table?

Dining room table adorned with a big vinyl dry-erase hex map, bookshelf full of rule books and miniatures, and an outlet for my laptop. Nothing fancy.


How would you create your perfect Dream gaming room? What would you have in it? Besides the obvious large collection of books/materials

What else?

Same as above, but Kate Upton is there.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Pretty much any room in my own house. Unfortunately I'm the guy who lives 50 miles out of town so we always game at someone else's house, meaning I have to haul all kinds of stuff back and forth...

This for me...

I've gamed with the same group of people for about 15 years now and we pretty much always game at our DM's house. Now in that time he has moved three times and each time he ended up farther away. (Wonder if they're trying to tell me something..?)

Currently I'm gaming exclusively online. So I'm here in my comfy-ish desk chair at my pretty okay desk with my laptop in front of me and my TV on the back of my desk hooked up to my laptop (put the VTT up on the big screen, use the bottom screen for PDFs and the SRD).

Ideally I'd have a room with a nice, soft carpet (I don't wear shoes or socks when I can get away with it), a bunch of comfortable chairs around something like-

Ravingdork wrote:

Excuse me while I get some new pants.

Anyway another must would be for some kind of teleportation system because my players live all over everywhere, with the closest being in Georgia (I'm in Florida). We're all in the same time zone at least though.

Our game room is perfect. DM's basement, fold out chairs, a card table and a minifridge. Minis are kept in organized drawers, except for PC and recurring NPCs who are on display (along with the epic minis that are just awesome to see). There are some Pathfinder/Golarion maps and such, mats, tiles, etc... are on a workbench and in bookshelves. White boards around the room for note taking and tracking stuff

We have ourselves a baker who runs us snacks, convenience store around the corner to facilitate manufactured snack runs, grocery store down the road if we're feeling peckish, and a pizza place nearby.

Also conveniently, since it's in the basement we don't get much cell reception and it's pretty well temperature controlled (cool in the summer, warm in the winter).

It's nothing fancy, but it has everything we need, plus we're roughing it like TRUE adventurers. Would Valeros need a cushy armchair and oak tables?

For dream setups, you guys are thinking much too small.

I would probably start with a good floor with nice thick carpeting, walls painted a dark flat color (deep blue, most likely.) Then, as a centerpiece, us either the Sultan or (more likely for me) that version with the recessed TV screen. There would also need to be a GM station nearby, and this is where things go for "Pie in the sky"

The GM station would have several different types of controls, because I would want to wire up my ideal game room with a number of things. Variable and stage lighting, to enable highlighting particular seats, control ambient light levels from 'near dark' to 'fully illuminated.' Temperature ranging from "Keep drinks chilled without ice" to "sweltering summer day." Preferably good humidity control as well, although I could compromise on this one. Recessed speakers blending into the walls to play sounds and music to accompany the game, controllable from the PC running the whole thing.

Sovereign Court

Little surprised that carpet and AC are on this list for many. I must be living in the lap of luxury!

The Sultan is pretty neat though. Would work excellent in my man cave. One thing my game room could use is some good adventuring music on vinyl. I have some 80's metal for delving but there not much for any other type of game. I got MP3s and some other stuff but its just not the same. Oh maybe a keggerator to put my home brews in so they are nice and cold and carbonated for game day!

You need an overhead projector or a wide screen HD TV with an HDMI extension cable running to the GM station for easy display of graphics. A docking station for said laptop would also be important.

Also need a wireless network with a wireless printer for people who need to print out things. Going to need a built in surround sound system for music.

If you want to go crazy a system of headphones and microphones so you can talk to all or any of the people at the game separately. Great for the GM to be able to pass information on to a single player.

Currently my apartment with seating for 8 on a relatively large dining room table. I used to have a 12 foot long cherrywood conferenceroom table but dont have a house anymore so not enough room for it. Had to go. *sigh*. We used to use a battlemat but lately we've been using little ceramic tiles to create that 'fog of war' effect instead. Bring your own food.
Pretty basic stuff.

Dream game room? Thats a bit trickier... I agree with Chris Kenney. I've been thinking about this for a while.

So its a hostel in a rural area just outside of town so there's plenty of parking and lots of distance between it and 'the neighbors'... Two story log cabin or tudor looking chateau sort of feel to it. Main level is the 'tavern' decorated to period. We serve all manner of drinks and hot wings... Rooms upstairs fashioned so that visitors can stay up till the wee hours and not have to drive home afterwards and are also decorated to period. Those who wish to pay extra can game instead of in the tavern, in the 'immersion room'...

Unlike the rustic tavern the 'immersion room' is laced with technology. 5 ceiling projectors and surround sound replicate a moving vivid landscape and animated tabletop across all 4 walls to match whatever setting you prefer, from dimly lit stony caves to great silvan forests, to castles, from the elysian fields to the very volcanic depths of hell!

We offer a library including both published rules material and a large collection of well fleshed out random towns and encounters and npcs, a supervised kids room with a 'dice pit', bar wenches, and a neutral 3rd party veteran gm on staff to help resolve rule disputes. And a bard that recounts the tales of the adventures held within. Which are posted on the inn's website to inspire other raucous adventurers. The library also contains the litany of fallen heroes. A reckoning of those who have fallen within these halls. An artist on hand to create illustrations of your characters, a photographer to commemorate your stay, and a tattoo artist to help your guild cement their solidarity. A gift shop with steins with the inn's crest and period jewelry and various things madce of chain mail and other period appropriate craftwork and such. Maybe we could have some larpers on board to teach archery or swordfighting out back...

And we'd call it The Game Knight Inn... If someone in another state wasnt already using Game Knight as the name of their gaming store... *sigh*... I got the idea for this basically from my mothers father. He used to operate a dance camp in the colorado mountains near buffalo bills grave... You came up and stayed for a week so it was like summer camp for dancers. He made a summer camp for people who loved doing what he loved. He called it the 'Lighted Lantern"... Maybe I'd call it that.

Anyone wanna do a kickstarter to help me dream come true?

Oh yeah, and if we see 'magic the gathering cards' we burn them. Because they are a travesty. So sayeth the innkeeper.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd like that nifty holographic device Tony Stark uses in Iron Man 2. ^^

We mostly game at my place. As the dining room chairs are uncompfortable as hell we use to game in the living room.
The pro is that it is compfortable, the con is that I sometimes fear for my oriental carpet when we eat while gaming.
My dream gaming room would be similar to my living room but with a fridge, more different modes of lighting a less expensive carpet and an additional couch to seat more players.

Or just other chairs for the dining room, but there's a woman wo doesn't want to give them away although she herself admits they are uncompfortable as hell. Style over substance.

Shadow Lodge

What is this "basement" of which you all speak? In my travels across California, I cannot think of anyone who has such a thing.

Currently my 'gaming room' is the deepest, darkest part of a pub called 'trotters' here in colchester.

So far as table space goes, it it lacking, but we have a good beer supply, food, comfortable seats and a relatively quiet setting where few people look at us like weirdos, which is an improvement on past pub games.

My ideal gaming room would be:

-10m(east/west) x 8m(north/south) x 5m, leading. With Windowless, sound proofing in walls, and two doors for entry and exit. Walls should be well insulated.

-Timber framed building, with exposed timber, rendered walls coloured a deep orangie-brown.

- Heavy Oak Doors

- Flooring should be oak floor boards with under floor heating. Room should have stable temperature pre-sets for night and day.(ideally heating should be provided by ground source heat pump and solar )

- Lighting should all be low energy/high lux LED, however the system should be highly controllable, allowing preprogrammed lighting conditions appropriate for different moods and activities. Preferably voice activated.

- Sound. There should be a high quality sound system built into the room, allowing a sound board to be used in running games with sound effects that take advantage of surround sound. There should also be good recording facilities.

[Ground floor]
-The south wall, should be dominated by a fireplace(this must have a modern venting system that means when not in use minimal heat escapes through it) with 'priest hole'.

- east wall is a gallery space for my and my girlfriends art collection (she already has original art from hellblazer and wolverine origins, while my collection is less geekdom focused)

- West wall is a workspace. Surface computing area for mood board and note taking while doing game prep.

- north wall is shelving. This is where I would keep my war gaming stuff. Armies and terrain. Additionally, this is where I would keep my 3D dungeon terrain and any physical gaming books I was using for a current game.

The mezzanine should be black painted steel, with a spiral stair case leading upto it in the south west corner.

-East and west walls, are physical library space.East wall is gaming material, plus comics, and fantasy and science fiction literature. West wall is reference materials and art books

- North wall is a work station for modelling and miniature painting.

My gaming dream is a separate building from the house, ideally some kind of winterised garden house shaped like a small hobbit hole (or better, built in-ground like a Hobbit hole), just big enough for a table for 6, permanent storage, a counter to serve food and drinks and a wood stove for winter gaming. I guess some king of porch or vestibule might be nice too, especially during winter. If electricity can be brought, all the better but not necessary. I'm rather old fashion as far a gaming aids go.


Currently our "gaming room" is mostly my friends studio flat. It is nice for 4 gamers but gets cramped for 5 or more gamers. One table that is just perfect for our needs but no other space for books or stuff than floor. He just bought a sofa in his flat so I don't know it will work now as gaming space.

My ideal gaming room would be large room with enough space for like 8 people. Magnetic whiteboard, maybe projector, enough shelf space for gaming books and things, room for different kinds on maps (magnetic whiteboard helps as you may change the map on it easily), fridge, microwave, adjustable lights and good set of speakers for music. That for starters. ;)

Hopefully in future when I get my "real" own flat (now living in shared apartment) I have enough room for good gaming space.

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Buri wrote:
If I could get that Sultan but with a digital surface I would probably offer a lobe of my lung for it.

You mean incorporating their Locus table into a Sultan? They already do digital multitouch surfaces. You could probably throw them a few extra grand to build the rest of a Sultan around one.

Mine has Jessica Alba naked in it..nothing else except maybe a bed. We can play games 24/7

I'm I doing this right? Because I'm pretty sure I win.

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