Master Arminas's Revised Warlock for the Pathfinder RPG (Finished)


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This one has been a long time coming, my friends. It is the first class conversion that I began working on once I discovered Pathfinder, and it owes much to your suggestions, comments, and critiques. The original thread with all of the various design stages can be found here: warlock.

I would like to thank the following for their advice in converting the Warlock to Pathfinder; they all provided some insight or suggested a change that I later incorporated. They are, in no particular order SmiloDan, Deiros, Set, Aelryinth, Kyrt-ryder, Mergy, Lomar Sildrake, TheLichthatLies, and Drogan Tome.

If you have any questions or comments about the class, feel free to post them. Links to all of my other conversions are on my profile page. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my own humble attempt at brining the Warlock into Pathfinder.

The Pathfinder Warlock: The Final Conversion

Born with eldritch power coursing through their veins, Warlocks are a breed apart from more traditional wielders of arcane magic. They see things that no child should notice, and they know things that none of such an age should be aware of. From their childhood years onward, Warlocks are isolated, as their neighbors begin to sense the strange power within him. Eventually, all fledging Warlocks grow angry, and manifest their first eldritch blast, often with tragic consequences. For those who are not simply killed by frightened peasants or do not go mad over the results of their actions, it is the first step on a perilous career to harness the raw energy exuding from within them. Those few discover that they do not wield magic, they are magic: a living, breathing avatar of eldritch energy.
No one knows the source of a Warlock's powers, not sages, not mystics, not even the Warlock himself. Unlike a sorcerer who is born to a blood-heritage that influences his magic, many fledgling Warlocks have no history of such influences in their family tree. Nor does race seem to matter to the power that gifts a Warlock with their abilities. Every race has seen some of its children born with this precarious gift.
Because of the toll inflicted on a Warlock by the constant rejection and hostility that he faces, most are neutral in alignment--at best. A significant minority are completely evil in outlook, seeking to do unto others as they have done unto him. Although rare, good Warlocks do exist, seeking to harness the eldritch powers within them for a purpose and cause higher than one’s own self. Sadly, even these few are shunned by those who become aware of what they are, for the stories of evil wrought by more malevolent Warlocks are the common fare of bards and commoners.
To be a Warlock is to be alone, a being never fully trusted by anyone who fears what unknown forces might well be granting these perilous powers to a mere mortal.

Role: Warlocks, while no true substitute for a sorcerer or wizard, are an excellent supplement to them. While their spells lack those which cause damage, for that purpose the class possesses eldritch blast, and there are many battlefield control and utility spells on their list. They also gain more skills than more traditional arcane casters, and their proficiency with arms and armor (and higher hit points) serves them well in melee. The versatility of effects that a warlock can bring to a party ensures that this class will always find a place and an opportunity to shine.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Base Attack Bonus: Medium

Good Saving Throws: Will

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The warlock is proficient with all simple weapons. He is proficient with light armor, but not with medium or heavy armor, or with shields of any type. The warlock can cast warlock spells (but not arcane spells gained from other classes) in light armor without incurring the normal chance of arcane spell failure. While wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a shield, a warlock suffers the normal chance of spell failure.


Eldritch Blast (Su): A warlock gains a supernatural ability known as the eldritch blast; this ability allow the warlock to focus his eldritch arcane energy into a damaging blast of dark energies able to wound, or even kill, his opponents. As a standard action a warlock can make a ranged touch attack against an opponent within 60 feet, dealing 1d8 points of damage (the damage results from pure arcane energy and does not possess an energy type, therefore energy resistances and immunities offer no protection). The target of the eldritch blast receives no saving throw. Although the eldritch blast itself does not provoke an attack of opportunity, it should be noted that all ranged touch attacks in Pathfinder do provoke an attack of opportunity when the to-hit roll is made.
At 2nd level, and every two warlock levels gained thereafter, the damage inflicted by an eldritch blast increases by 1d8 to a maximum of 11d8 at 20th level.
An eldritch blast is not subject to spell resistance.
An eldritch blast deals half damage to objects.
For the purposes of the spells globe of invulnerability, lesser globe of invulnerability, and similar powers and effects, a 1st level warlock’s eldritch blast has an effective spell level equal to a 1st-level spell. At each odd-numbered warlock level gained thereafter, the eldritch blast strength increases by one level, to an effective spell of 9th-level at warlock level 17.

Invocations (Su): Warlocks learn a number of magic tricks, called invocations, which he can apply to his eldritch blast. At 1st level, a warlock gains one of the following minor invocations of his choice. He gains an additional invocation at 2nd level and for every 2 levels attained after 2nd level. A warlock cannot select an individual invocation more than once.
Unless otherwise noted, invocations are part of the same standard action a warlock uses to unleash his eldritch blast. The save (if any) to resist an invocation is equal to 10 + ½ the warlock’s level + the warlock’s Charisma modifier.
A warlock can apply only one invocation to any given eldritch blast.

Minor Invocations (Su):

Beshadowed Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become blinded for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is instead dazzled for 1 round. A warlock must be at least 6th level to select this invocation.

Boreal Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict cold damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +1d8; this extra damage applies only to the boreal blast.

Eldritch Spear (Su): The warlock can use his eldritch blast at medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) instead of the standard 60-foot range.

Exsanguinating Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or suffer 1d6 points of bleed damage. On a successful save, the target is instead suffers 1 point of bleed damage. Regardless, the DC for a heal check to staunch the bleeding is equal to that of the invocation; a cure wounds spell of any level automatically staunches this effect. A warlock must be at least 4th level to select this invocation.

Frightful Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Will saving throw or become shaken for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target not affected. This is a mind-affecting, fear affect.

Hideous Blow (Su): The warlock infuses his melee weapon with the power of his eldritch blast. This invocation may be used as a standard action, and imbues one melee weapon which the warlock is currently wielding with the energy of his eldritch blast. As part of the invocation, the warlock may make a single melee attack roll with his weapon, gaining a bonus on the attack roll equal to the warlock’s Charisma modifier (if any). If the attack successful hits the warlock deals normal weapon damage plus the full damage of his eldritch blast. A successful critical hit (using the weapons critical threat range) multiplies the damage for both the weapon and the eldritch blast, with the damage for each figured separately and then added together if the critical multipliers are different. Since hideous blow is not a ranged touch attack, this is the only eldritch blast invocation that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A warlock must be at least 6th level to select this invocation.

Hindering Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Will saving throw or become slowed for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is not affected.

Inferno Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict fire damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +1d8; this extra damage applies only to the inferno blast.

Maelstrom Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict electricity damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +1d8; this extra damage applies only to the maelstrom blast.

Sickening Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become sickened for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is not affected.

Spells: A warlock casts arcane spells drawn from the warlock spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a warlock must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a warlock’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the warlock’s Charisma modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a warlock can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as that of the Bard class. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.
The warlock’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A warlock begins play know four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the warlock’s choice. At each new warlock level, he gains one or more new spells, as per the Bard spells known table. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a warlock knows is not affected by his Charisma score.)
Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third warlock level after that (8th, 11th, and so on), a warlock can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the warlock “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level warlock spell the warlock can cast. A warlock may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.
A warlock need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.

Cantrips (Su): Warlocks learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted under Spells Known (see above). These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Damage Reduction (Ex): At 3rd level, the warlock’s exposure to eldritch arcane energies begins to strengthen his body, providing protection from many attacks. He gains DR 2/cold iron. This increases by 1 at 5th level and every two levels gained thereafter, to a maximum of DR/10 cold iron at 19th level.

Energy Resistance (Ex): At 5th level, the warlock gains resistance 10 to two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, and fire. The warlock chooses which types of energy he becomes resistant to. At 11th level, both of these resistances increase to 20. At 17th level, the warlock’s energy resistances once again increase, this time to 30.

Eldritch Hands (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a warlock can use telekinesis, as per the spell except as stated below, as a standard action once each round. The warlock is limited to a maximum weight of 10 lbs per warlock level, and the maximum number of objects he is able to simultaneously manipulate with the violent thrust aspect ability is equal to one-half his warlock class level, rounded down (to a maximum of 10). The warlock may only this ability at medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) instead of the long range listed for the spell.

Eldritch Resilience (Su): At 7th level, the warlock can use his eldritch energy to reknit his tissues, sinews, and bones. The warlock can use a swift action to grant himself fast healing 1 for 20 rounds. At 10th level, and every three levels gained thereafter, the fast healing granted by eldritch resilience increases by 1 to a maximum of fast healing 5 at 18th level. The warlock can use this ability twice per day at 13th level and three times per day at 19th level.

Eldritch Aura (Su): At 8th level, a warlock’s eldritch power grows strong enough that he unconsciously releases damaging attacks on those who harm him. Any melee attack that damages the warlock for at least 1 point of lethal damage causes a backlash in eldritch energy. This backlash deals 1d8 points of damage to the attacker. This damage results from pure arcane energy and does not possess an energy type, therefore energy resistances, energy immunities, and damage reduction of any type offer no protection against it. It always deals lethal damage and is not under the conscious control of the warlock. Any melee attack that inflicts lethal damage to the warlock provokes the use of this ability.
At 12th level, and every four levels gained thereafter as a warlock, the damage inflicts by the warlock’s eldritch aura increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 4d8 at 20th level.

Eldritch Knowledge (Su): At 9th level, the warlock gains a 1st-level arcane spell of his choice that he may add to his list of spells known. He may select from any 1st-level bard, magus, sorcerer/wizard, or witch spell to add to his spells known as a warlock spell of the appropriate level. At 11th level, and every two levels gained thereafter, the warlock gains knowledge of another arcane spell, each time of a progressively higher level (2nd-level spell at 11th level, 3rd-level spell at 13th-level, etc.). At 19th level, when the warlock gains this ability, he may select a single 7th-level sorcerer/wizard or witch spell and add it to the list of his spells known as a 6th-level warlock spell.

Major Invocations (Su): Starting at 10th level, and every two levels thereafter, a warlock can choose one of the following major invocations whenever he could select a new invocation.

Bewitching Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become confused for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is dazed for 1 round.

Eldritch Bolt (Su): The warlock invokes his eldritch blast in a 120-foot line that is 5-feet wide and affects all creatures within the area. No attack roll is needed for this invocation, but all targets in the area of effect are allowed a Reflex save for one-half damage.

Eldritch Cone (Su): The warlock invokes his eldritch blast in a 60-foot cone that affects all creatures within the area. No attack roll is needed for this invocation, but all targets in the area of effect are allowed a Reflex save for one-half damage.

Entropic Blast (Su): This invocation can only be used against objects weighing no more than 10 pounds per warlock level. The object takes full damage (not half) from the eldritch blast, and has its hardness reduced by one-half. This is an instantaneous effect. Any single object can only have its hardness reduced once by this invocation. Magical or attended objects are allowed a Will save to negate the hardness reduction and reduce the damage to one-half the amount rolled; non-magical unattended objects do not receive a saving throw and suffer the listed effects of this invocation.

Fatiguing Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become fatigued. On a successful save, the target is not affected. This invocation does not stack with itself. If a creature fails it’s save against this invocation twice, he remains fatigued and does not become exhausted.

Noxious Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become nauseated for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is sickened for 1 round.

Repelling Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Will saving throw or be moved 5 feet in a direction directly away from the warlock for every 5 points of damage he suffers. If the target strikes an immobile, solid object (such as wall) while still having movement remaining, he suffers an additional 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet of movement remaining. While moving in such a fashion, the target provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful save negates the repelling effect.

Thundering Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict sonic damage. Unlike other invocations that alter the energy of his eldritch blast no additional damage dice are gained.

Vitriolic Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict acid damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +2d8; this extra damage applies only to the vitriolic blast.

Weakening Bolt (Su): Any creature damaged by the warlock’s eldritch bolt must make a Will save or take 2 points of Strength damage. On a successful save, the target only takes 1 point of Strength damage.

Empower Invocation (Su): At 11th level, a warlock may empower (as per the feat Empower Spell) his eldritch blast or any invocation that he knows. He may use this ability once per day. At 13th level, and every two warlock levels gained thereafter, a warlock gains one daily use of this ability, to a maximum of five times per day at 19th level.

Greater Invocation (Su): Starting at 18th level, and every two levels thereafter, a warlock can choose of one of the following greater invocations whenever he could select a new invocation.

Banishing Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage. If the target is an outsider or a creature otherwise summoned or called through a spell-effect (such as a creature summoned by any summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell) it must make a Will saving throw or suffer the effects of dismissal (as per the spell) if the target is an outsider. If the target has merely been summoned via a spell but is not an outsider, this invocation ends that spell for the targeted creature if the creature fails to make his Will saving throw, immediately sending it back to where it was summoned from.

Eldritch Doom (Su): The warlock invokes his eldritch blast in a 20-foot radius spread with a range of 60-feet that affects all creatures within the area. No attack roll is needed for this invocation, but all targets in the area of effect are allowed a Reflex save for one-half damage.

Exhausting Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become exhausted. On a successful save, the target is fatigued instead. This invocation does not stack with itself. If a creature successfully saves against this invocation twice, he remains fatigued and does not become exhausted.

Horrific Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Will saving throw or be stunned for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is staggered for 1 round.

Mirror Blast (Su): The warlock can select two targets within range of his eldritch blast, so long as both targets are within 30 feet of each other. He makes a melee touch attack against both targets, and each suffers the full damage from his eldritch blast if his attack rolls are successful.

Utterdark Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or gain 2 negative levels. On a successful save, the target does not gain any negative levels. Undead creatures suffer no damage and gain no benefit from this invocation.

Warlock Supreme (Su): At 20th level, the warlock undergoes an eldritch apotheosis that is the culmination of all that he has strived to achieve. His two energy resistances improve to immunities and he gains resistance 10 against the two energy types he did not select. Five times per day, but no more than once per round, he may use his eldritch blast, and any applied invocations, as a swift action instead of a standard action. His damage reduction increases to DR 10/cold iron and magic. The warlock can also select one 8th-level sorcerer/wizard or witch spell of his choice and add it to his spells known as a 6th-level warlock spell.

Warlock Spell List

0-level Spells: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance

1st-level Spells: Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Jump, Magic Aura, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism

2nd-level Spells: Arcane Lock, Bear’s Endurance, Blindness/Deafness, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Darkvision, Darkness, Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Scare, See Invisibility, Shatter, Spider Climb, Summon Swarm, Web

3rd-level Spells: Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Fly, Gaseous Form, Greater Magic Weapon, Major Image, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, Tongues, Vampiric Touch

4th-level Spells: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Dimension Door, Enervation, Fear, Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Solid Fog

5th-level Spells: Baleful Polymorph, Blight, Cloudkill, Dominate Person, Dream, Feeblemind, Mind Fog, Mirage Arcana, Nightmare, Overland Flight, Passwall, Shadow Evocation, Teleport, Waves of Fatigue

6th-level Spells: Acid Fog, Circle of Death, Contingency, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Suggestion, Mislead, Shadow Walk, True Seeing

Warlocks and Meta- Feats: Warlocks are not eligible for feats such as Empower Spell-Like Ability or Quicken Spell-Like Ability. The eldritch blast and various invocations are classified as supernatural abilities, and there is sufficient difference between the two that the warlock is unable to use these monster feats. In much the same fashion, a warlock cannot apply a metamagic feat to his eldritch blast or to his various invocations (although he can apply such feats to his spells as normal).

Warlocks and Ability Focus: Warlocks may take the feat Ability Focus, applied a single invocation of his choice. A warlock can select this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different invocation. The feat must be taken for a specific invocation that requires a saving throw and does not apply to any other invocation that the warlock knows or invokes.

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I can see a lot of potential for this class kinda miss the only school patrons but whatever its still kool.

I can see a Spellfire wielder archetype for the forgotten realms.

The wording of the fluffy bits lends cadence to a possible warlock bloodline.

Well, I am glad that you enjoyed it; if I am deciphering your statement correctly!

Master Arminas

Ha ha yeah i liked it.

Lemme see if I can't dig up the post I dropped in the other thread:

This is coming from a large fan of the Warlock of 3.5, especially given that my favorite way of explaining the three 'Main Mage Classes' was "Wizard is a really expensive Swiss army knife, Sorc is like a good set of Ginsu knives, and the Warlock is like an army-quality k-bar with a compass on the hilt". I like this conversion, but it removes a lot of what I liked.

A: Warlocks had a DAMN GOOD REASON why the Alignment was Chaotic or Evil Only. It was because, be it due to heritage, or directly sacrificing goats and children to an evil being, a LARGE majority of 'locks were fighting off VERY evil and not Lawful urges. The ability of them to take such feats as the "Fae/Demonic Heritage" series supported this. CG 'locks were supposed to have a little bit of an issue with trying not to back stab friends/give into the evil/generally not nice source of their power/burn down the orphanage, and the CE ones were able to do that just because they wanted to. You didn't see Lawful ones on that entire reason of "Oh god, if I let up just once, I could end up kidnapping children for my fae ancestors/burning down villages in the name of Krom"

B: I LOVED the fact that I had no spells. The entire point was that the Warlock was supposed to be the Energizer bunny of the magic classes. Sure, a Wizard or Sorc or (insert magic class here) may have been able to flatten a city in one spell, but they had a LIMITED amount of spells due to having to exert themselves in molding the energies required. Warlocks, on the other spell, had a direct connection to the mana flow (or whathave you in your campaign world), allowing near limitless use of power (Ala Edritch blast) but they had little ability to form or shape it into anything much more, outside of empowering themselves in a few ways. It made them play different, and to this day one of my favorite combinations is Warlock/Rogue, because Sneak Blast.

C: I'm not sure about the Eldritch Intensity one. If you straight up build the 'lock as a Charisma monkey (Unless you changed his primary stat) the xd8+Cha Mod Blast was pretty deadly was it was. Granted, a meat tank is still going to laugh at the damage, but that's the point of making a character like that. You're just making the ability MORE DAMAGING then it really needs to be. I mean, the ability goes from Long Sword (I believe) To well past the damage of some siege weapons, if I remember right. (This could likely be completely out of my rear. The Intensity was the last thing that jumped out at me, and I don't remember my 3.5 'lock nearly as well as I would love to.)

All in all, it's a great conversion, just nothing I'm likely to use, due to the extra spells that this class really doesn't need, and it DIDN"T need it back in 3.5 either.

Agreed on the Eldritch Intensity, KylenPhylar; that why I dropped it in the final version.

Master Arminas

Slowed isn't a Pathfinder condition. What do you mean by that?

CaspianM: Slowed, the opposite of hasted. As per the spell slow, except that if affects only the target of the hindering blast, has a maximum range of the eldritch blast, inflicts normal eldritch blast damage, and only lasts for 2 rounds, if the target fails his Will save.

Master Arminas

I figured you meant the spell, but that seemed really powerful as I was reading it. Fair enough.

Liberty's Edge

Is the blast at-will? I assume it is.

I don't think it should be (Su), because it counts as a spell for effects related to spell-level which is unnessesary if it were (Su) as it would not be a spell and not be subject to those effects anyway.

Also overcoming SR is a bit much for a ranged touch attack. I know Alchemist Bombs do and are AoE but they only get so many in a day.

Otherwise it seems like a decent conversion.

Thats all for now.

The blast is at will. The full discussion is on the second page of the original discussion (here: Warlock the First). I originally had eldritch blast as a spell-like ability. I was convinced to change it to a supernatural ability because it is far more supernatural than spell-like. Now, Su abilities are not normally blocked by things like globe of invulnerability, but I wanted eldritch blast not able to just cut through all defenses. So I put that back in as an exception to normal Su rules for the ability. It still bypasses spell resistance, however, reflecting the strange nature of the warlock's signature magic.

And secondly, I wanted to restrict the Warlock from taking the meta-SLA feats. Making it supernatural prevents a crafy optimizer from stacking those feats on.

I have seen this class played by one of my players for almost three months now. Mechanically speaking, the fairly low average damage for EB stings most creatures, but it doesn't drop them in and of itself. So far, I haven't seen a problem with it.

Well, I'll take decent. Was hoping for fun, enjoyable, and (pun alert) . . . a blast to play (warned you!), but I'll take decent. :)

Master Arminas

It's interesting, and worth some play testing. Though the last time I played a warlock in 3.5, I got bored pretty quickly, as the answer to pretty much any situation was "eldritch blast", for better or worse. Maybe the spells will mix it up a bit, though they do change the flavor of the class considerably.

Liberty's Edge

I say decent because I liked Warlock Thematically but it was full of holes mechanically. Theres only so much a person can do to fix it. or convert it.

I also haven't fully read it yet, busy at work need to skim. >.>

Since it would auto qualify as a spell equal to 1+1/odd level you would be unable to Quicken SLA and Empower SLA anyway. So it could be (Sp) and you could have an Invocation ignore SR like 3.5 did. The Acid one I believe.

Liberty's Edge

blahpers wrote:
It's interesting, and worth some play testing. Though the last time I played a warlock in 3.5, I got bored pretty quickly, as the answer to pretty much any situation was "eldritch blast", for better or worse. Maybe the spells will mix it up a bit, though they do change the flavor of the class considerably.

Last time i played one I was NE and we were using the fumble & crit deck's, there is a card in them that attacks every creature within 30ft. Hit my allies many a time with it.

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Thank you, blahpers. Thank you kindly. I know that a good portion of my group complained bitterly over having the 0-6 spellcasting and spells known at first, instead of the at-will utility invocations . . . then they played the class. Lo and behold, they are now all converts. Instead of 12 invocations at 12th level (I increased my 3.5 warlocks to one invocation per class level), now they actually had options. It was shocking just how fast they came around. Especially since their favorite invocations were replicated in the spell list.

All of them finally said that it was a 'better' Warlock and that they had more fun with it as well. And my keeping the eldritch blast at will meant that they still had that on-call once-a-round every-round black bolt of death at their fingertips.

On a secondary level, my players would almost never take an Eldritch Essence or Blast Shape invocation (vitriolic blast being the major exception) because they wanted the utility stuff. They loved the options that I gave them in keeping invocations focused on things that altered the eldritch blast. Loved it.

I hope that your players or your group has a similar reaction.

Master Arminas

Flashohol wrote:

I say decent because I liked Warlock Thematically but it was full of holes mechanically. Theres only so much a person can do to fix it. or convert it.

I also haven't fully read it yet, busy at work need to skim. >.>

Since it would auto qualify as a spell equal to 1+1/odd level you would be unable to Quicken SLA and Empower SLA anyway. So it could be (Sp) and you could have an Invocation ignore SR like 3.5 did. The Acid one I believe.

True, and I just trying to make a funny response. Sometimes that doesn't carry well. Give it a good read, flashohol--a lot of changes are very subtle and are easy to overlook. And by all means feel free to take it out for a test-drive. Just let us know how it performed!

Master Arminas

Liberty's Edge

I just hope it doesn't end up like the last thing I test drove. Still paying that one off.

Master Arminas, I'm curious as to why you didn't do a conversion of the Deceive Item ability. I can understand leaving Imbue Item alone, since the warlock in your conversion is now a spell caster and they don't need an ability to take item creation feats. But why not Deceive Item, especially since Use Magic Device is still a skill that normally doesn't allow a character to take 10?

The way that skill work in Pathfinder, he still has a pretty good chance to activate any magic item using UMD. Especially since he is actually a caster and doesn't have to UMD to use items on his spell list. Take 10 is relatively rare in Pathfinder, and this version of the Warlock gets enough that I felt I could leave it out with no major problems.

Really, he doesn't need it. And I wanted to make room for more thematic abilities that tied into his 'strange magic' motif; not so much as a trickster who coerces magic items into working for him. If that makes sense.

Master Arminas

Flashohol wrote:

I say decent because I liked Warlock Thematically but it was full of holes mechanically. Theres only so much a person can do to fix it. or convert it.

I also haven't fully read it yet, busy at work need to skim. >.>

Since it would auto qualify as a spell equal to 1+1/odd level you would be unable to Quicken SLA and Empower SLA anyway. So it could be (Sp) and you could have an Invocation ignore SR like 3.5 did. The Acid one I believe.

IIRC it was even better than that because the acid cut through SR and then if the target was immune to acid the damage swapped back to normal eldritch blast damage.

Ahorsewithnoname wrote:
Flashohol wrote:

I say decent because I liked Warlock Thematically but it was full of holes mechanically. Theres only so much a person can do to fix it. or convert it.

I also haven't fully read it yet, busy at work need to skim. >.>

Since it would auto qualify as a spell equal to 1+1/odd level you would be unable to Quicken SLA and Empower SLA anyway. So it could be (Sp) and you could have an Invocation ignore SR like 3.5 did. The Acid one I believe.

IIRC it was even better than that because the acid cut through SR and then if the target was immune to acid the damage swapped back to normal eldritch blast damage.

That is not the way I remember vitriolic blast; clay golems in particular were almost impossible for a warlock to fight because of their immunity to magic (including eldritch blast) and immunity to acid.

Master Arminas

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I brought your warlock conversion up to my group yesterday, and you may have a convert. In case the gnome oracle dies, the player is now in hard deliberation between magus and your warlock for his replacement.

Personally, it is slowing growing on me but I may edit it for my tastes. Still the most solid conversion for warlock I've read; and in original form or retuned, it has a place at my table.

Well, thanks, Rev. I am just glad that you and your players are enjoying it.

Master Arminas

I like your build. The only thing I would add would be an option to get a Familiar (and ultimately be able to take Improved Familiar for an Imp or Quasit). I always saw Warlocks as having one of those little buggers whispering in their ear lol.

Dragonamedrake wrote:
I like your build. The only thing I would add would be an option to get a Familiar (and ultimately be able to take Improved Familiar for an Imp or Quasit). I always saw Warlocks as having one of those little buggers whispering in their ear lol.

You can. Take Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) as a feat at 3rd level and gain Arcane Bond as a sorcerer of a level equal to your Warlock level -2. Choose the familiar option, and done. The Improved Familiar feat relies solely on arcane caster level, not your effective sorcerer or wizard level; and your arcane caster level as a Warlock is equal to your class level. You have to spend two feats, but it is totally doable by 5th or 7th level.

Master Arminas

Small Correction:

Under Eldritch Knowledge: Remove the phrase "At 19th level, when the warlock gains this ability, he may select a single 7th-level sorcerer/wizard or witch spell and add it to the list of his spells known as a 6th-level warlock spell." The warlock instead gains a 6th-level spell of his sorcerer/wizard or witch spell of his choice, as stated earlier in the ability.

Under Warlock Supreme: Change the phrase "The warlock can also select one 8th-level sorcerer/wizard or witch spell of his choice and add it to his spells known as a 6th-level warlock spell." to "The warlock can also select one 7th-level sorcerer/wizard or witch spell of his choice and add it to his spells known as a 6th-level warlock spell."

Master Arminas

master arminas wrote:
Dragonamedrake wrote:
I like your build. The only thing I would add would be an option to get a Familiar (and ultimately be able to take Improved Familiar for an Imp or Quasit). I always saw Warlocks as having one of those little buggers whispering in their ear lol.

You can. Take Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) as a feat at 3rd level and gain Arcane Bond as a sorcerer of a level equal to your Warlock level -2. Choose the familiar option, and done. The Improved Familiar feat relies solely on arcane caster level, not your effective sorcerer or wizard level; and your arcane caster level as a Warlock is equal to your class level. You have to spend two feats, but it is totally doable by 5th or 7th level.

Master Arminas

Yeah you can but your talking 3 feats...

Skill Focus: Knowledge (any one).
Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)
Improved Familiar

Thats 3 feats for what is mostly RP fluff. I know you wanted Invocations to be for Eldritch Blast but adding a Minor Invocation that gives you a Familiar would cut out 2 of the 3 feats if someone wanted an Imp or Quasit for RPing a guy who gains arcane power from the Underworld.

Just a thought. I really like the class you made. I just brought it up because the one time I played a Warlock in 3.5 I really enjoyed RPing my arguments with my Imp lol.

Forgot about the skill focus. Well, in my game, I would have absolutely no problem with someone spending a feat on the old 3.5 Obtain Familar.

Your idea of minor invocation to gain a familiar I can see as well.


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Here is the conversion of a couple of 3.5 magic items for the warlock, the chasuble of fell power and the warlock's scepter.

I changed them to fit within Pathfinder and I think they work and that the price is close to where it should be; but I would appreciate any suggestions if you have them.


Would you mind if I used some of this to create an alternate pathfinder Warlock update? I'd definitely cite, but I wanted to make sure not to step on toes.

Go ahead. Use what you want.


FLAH, how is that alternate Warlock coming along. I'd love to see it?


I was working on my own conversion not a month ago and I am astonished at how similar our versions turned out. I hadn't even SEEN yours till a few days ago..

Great minds etc.. :)

This completely defeats the purpose and fun of the warlock's invocations. Retrofitting him into a bard, magus, summoner or alchemist's 6th levels of spell per day casting mechanic renders him just an eldritch blast machine, and his spells become generic equivalents any other caster can wield. I'd use the warlock straight up from Complete Arcane, but include your DR update and grant him 2 sets of invocations as they go up in level, one to modify his eldritch blast, and the other to gain invocations drawn from both Complete Arcane and Complete Magic.

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stormcrow27 wrote:
This completely defeats the purpose and fun of the warlock's invocations. Retrofitting him into a bard, magus, summoner or alchemist's 6th levels of spell per day casting mechanic renders him just an eldritch blast machine, and his spells become generic equivalents any other caster can wield. I'd use the warlock straight up from Complete Arcane, but include your DR update and grant him 2 sets of invocations as they go up in level, one to modify his eldritch blast, and the other to gain invocations drawn from both Complete Arcane and Complete Magic.

I disagree. The main problem with the utility invocations of the 3.5 warlock was that so many DMs hated it. The secondary problem was that while the warlock could do what he picked an unlimited number of times per day, he was restricted to a very narrow range of effects.

This version can still use his eldritch blast all day long, once a round every round, without sleep or rest or even taking a break to relieve himself behind a fern!

But for the utility invocations he used to possess, he now has a finite resource in spells as a spontaneous caster.

Ask yourself this? If your warlock took any of the 24-hour duration invocations that only affected himself (devil sight, dark one's own luck, see the unseen, etc) how often did he go about invoking them? Once per day? Maybe twice if he got dispelled?

Fell flight and invisibility were used more often (fell flight almost continually in my campaign), but the duration on those invocations as spells means you really need just one casting per combat . . . maybe even one casting per two combats.

The biggest difference between the 3.5 Complete Arcane Warlock and this one being you cannot spam chilling tentacles all day long.

But that is actually good. This warlock is no longer a one trick pony . . . he has versatility and flexibility in his role that was formerly provided by his ungodly UMD stuff! And he still has blast shape and eldritch essence invocations which modify his eldritch blast.

Sure, some of my players miss being the spam-bot of D&D, but all agree that this version is very fun to play and it serves a role in the party that, in canon, the warlock was never quite able to fill back in 3.5.

Sorry that you don't like it, Stormcrow, but I believe you are wrong in that by giving the class more options in utility and attack, it becomes just an eldritch blast machine with 'generic' spells. No, this class has grown and now it gives a player more options besides I fly invisibily and catch the critters in chilling tentacles, then blast it until it is dead. Defeats the fun? Seriously? A 3.5 warlock is nifty and it is nice, but it quickly becomes a very niche character . . . and that gets old real fast. This one . . . not so much. And based on my own players reaction to this class, I would be hesitant before saying that it defeats the fun. I have seen more warlocks played in my game after this version than before. Because it is no longer a one-trick pony that spams 14,400 eldritch blasts a day.

In my opinion.


Thank you good Sir. I do so like your version of the Warlock i will be using it. keep up the great work.
Just need to figure out a way to print it.

First off I love your warlock class, but i do have a few questions.

1) when you cast eldritch blast as a ranged touch attack do you still use the standard ranged touch attack roll(d20+BAB+dex mod) or would it change for any reason? not that it matters for my warlock because dex and cha are equal at 20 (yay for lucky high rolls and human)
2) as it hits something be it a tree, a person, or a gnome (garden variety) do you add your charisma modifier to the damage? I got really worried when you removed the eldritch intensity because it felt like his damage was finally reaching decent levels then it was nerfed again.

So what's his spell list and for that matter spells known per lvl??

pensworth wrote:

First off I love your warlock class, but i do have a few questions.

1) when you cast eldritch blast as a ranged touch attack do you still use the standard ranged touch attack roll(d20+BAB+dex mod) or would it change for any reason? not that it matters for my warlock because dex and cha are equal at 20 (yay for lucky high rolls and human)
2) as it hits something be it a tree, a person, or a gnome (garden variety) do you add your charisma modifier to the damage? I got really worried when you removed the eldritch intensity because it felt like his damage was finally reaching decent levels then it was nerfed again.

1. Standard ranged touch attack. BAB plus Dexterity, plus the roll of a d20. Doesn't change.

2. I took it out because I already boosted the damage from d6s to d8s and they go up to 11. 11d8 each round, every round, at 20th level is fine. Same at lower levels (5th would be 3d8, 8th level would be 5d8, etc.).

Note that even though the eldritch blast is a Supernatural ability (which doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, unlike spell-like abilities), the act of making a ranged touch attack DOES provoke. So you still can trigger AoOs if you aren't careful.


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Varin Artusk Darkthane wrote:
So what's his spell list and for that matter spells known per lvl??

Post #1 at the top of page, but I will reprint them here for your convenience.

Warlock Spell List

0-level Spells: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance

1st-level Spells: Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Jump, Magic Aura, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism

2nd-level Spells: Arcane Lock, Bear’s Endurance, Blindness/Deafness, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Darkvision, Darkness, Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Scare, See Invisibility, Shatter, Spider Climb, Summon Swarm, Web

3rd-level Spells: Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Fly, Gaseous Form, Greater Magic Weapon, Major Image, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, Tongues, Vampiric Touch

4th-level Spells: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Dimension Door, Enervation, Fear, Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Solid Fog

5th-level Spells: Baleful Polymorph, Blight, Cloudkill, Dominate Person, Dream, Feeblemind, Mind Fog, Mirage Arcana, Nightmare, Overland Flight, Passwall, Shadow Evocation, Teleport, Waves of Fatigue

6th-level Spells: Acid Fog, Circle of Death, Contingency, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Suggestion, Mislead, Shadow Walk, True Seeing

Spells per day and spells known are the same as the bard. Reprinting here.

Warlock Spells per Day (1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th) (plus bonus spells based on Charisma)

1st: 1/-/-/-/-/-
2nd: 2/-/-/-/-/-
3rd: 3/-/-/-/-/-
4th: 3/1/-/-/-/-
5th: 4/2/-/-/-/-
6th: 4/3/-/-/-/-
7th: 4/3/1/-/-/-
8th: 4/4/2/-/-/-
9th: 5/4/3/-/-/-
10th: 5/4/3/1/-/-
11th: 5/4/4/2/-/-
12th: 5/5/4/3/-/-
13th: 5/5/4/3/1/-
14th: 5/5/4/4/2/-
15th: 5/5/5/4/3/-
16th: 5/5/5/4/3/1
17th: 5/5/5/4/4/2
18th: 5/5/5/5/4/3
19th: 5/5/5/5/5/4
20th: 5/5/5/5/5/5

Warlock Spells Known (0/1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th)

1st: 4/2/-/-/-/-/-
2nd: 5/3/-/-/-/-/-
3rd: 6/4/-/-/-/-/-
4th: 6/4/2/-/-/-/-
5th: 6/4/3/-/-/-/-
6th: 6/4/4/-/-/-/-
7th: 6/5/4/2/-/-/-
8th: 6/5/4/3/-/-/-
9th: 6/5/4/4/-/-/-
10th: 6/5/5/4/2/-/-
11th: 6/6/5/4/3/-/-
12th: 6/6/5/4/4/-/-
13th: 6/6/5/5/4/2/-
14th: 6/6/6/5/4/3/-
15th: 6/6/6/5/4/4/-
16th: 6/6/6/5/5/4/2
17th: 6/6/6/6/5/4/3
18th: 6/6/6/6/5/4/4
19th: 6/6/6/6/5/5/4
20th: 6/6/6/6/6/5/5


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Thank you for answering both my questions, I am very grateful!

But now I have another one...

back in your previous thread you said...

"Hmmm. A telekinesis effect? Doesn't duplicate his spell list and provides him with a little oomph and coolness factor, fitting in well with this levitation and flight. So . . .

Eldritch Hands (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a warlock can use telekinesis, as per the spell except as stated below, as a standard action once each round. The warlock is limited to a maximum weight of 15 lbs per warlock level, and the maximum number of objects he is able to simultaneously manipulate with the violent thrust aspect ability is equal to one-half his warlock class level, rounded down (to a maximum of 10). The warlock may only this ability at medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) instead of the long range listed for the spell."

What I was wondering is, why does it change to only 10 pounds per level? Is it to prevent someone like me to levitate my party, (one by one of course) using telekinesis out of an area?

Sorry title said final edit wasn't sure if it was different from what was in the other thread lol

@pensworth probably and because if it was like the spell with unlimited use he just flings 2ton rocks at people.

pensworth wrote:

Thank you for answering both my questions, I am very grateful!

But now I have another one...

back in your previous thread you said...

"Hmmm. A telekinesis effect? Doesn't duplicate his spell list and provides him with a little oomph and coolness factor, fitting in well with this levitation and flight. So . . .

Eldritch Hands (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a warlock can use telekinesis, as per the spell except as stated below, as a standard action once each round. The warlock is limited to a maximum weight of 15 lbs per warlock level, and the maximum number of objects he is able to simultaneously manipulate with the violent thrust aspect ability is equal to one-half his warlock class level, rounded down (to a maximum of 10). The warlock may only this ability at medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) instead of the long range listed for the spell."

What I was wondering is, why does it change to only 10 pounds per level? Is it to prevent someone like me to levitate my party, (one by one of course) using telekinesis out of an area?

At will telekinesis (even for just 1 round) is a pretty stellar ability. By cutting back the weight allowance (and the number of ojects he can manipulate) he just cannot do as much. But what he can do, he can do all day long. Remember TK maxes out at 15th level, so our warlock is limited to 150 lbs and 7 objects (instead of 375 lbs and 15 objects). And I cut the range back to medium instead of long. The full-bore spell is just too much; a ring of telekinesis costs 75,000 gp for caster level 9.

Sure, I could have given him full-bore TK 2 or 3 times a day, but this lesser version, usuable at will, fits more in the theme, I think. Never mind it lets you go all Darth Vadery on your gaming group.


Varin Artusk Darkthane wrote:
@pensworth probably and because if it was like the spell with unlimited use he just flings 2ton rocks at people.

Throwing 2 ton rocks at people? How barbaric! Why would I throw rocks at people at hurt the rocks feelings when I could just throw the gnome at the enemy!

I am completely sorry foralways being a burden but I have a question... again... but this time I am asking about the greater invocation mirror blast... I feel it is a bit under powered for a greater invocation. Hitting two poeple is ok but it is the same power of a minor invocation. A melee touch attack might not inflict a AoO but its still with a range of the normal eldritch blast so even if a ranged touch attack inflicts one that just means stay away from people. Mirror strike the spell does half damage to both but its a level one spell and eldritch blast gains levels with the warlock. All things point to that invocation should be a minor. But a minor with a level 8 requirement.

Mirror blast differs from the other multiple-target invocations (Eldritch Bolt, Eldritch Cone, and Eldritch Doom) in that it does not allow a saving throw. Sure, you have to make a ranged touch attack agaisnt each target, but that also gives you a chance to critical (which the AoE invocations do not). And the damage is not halved . . . both targets suffer full damage from your Mirror Blast.

Could it be a major invocation? Along with Eldritch Bolt and Eldritch Cone? It could because it is kind of on the edge with those, but the chance to crit and no Reflex save points me to making it a greater invocation.

To me it fits in that top tier, but your own mileage may vary.


I know crits are a good thing but they happen so rarely that they are more of an afterthought in the games we run. I think that it still could be a minor simply because you have a chance to miss both. If it was eldritch chain from 3.5where the number of targets depends on your level I would have it a major. But it only hits two. If I wlked into a camp of bandits/goblins I could destroy the whole camp with one eldritch cone cause it can't miss it only halves damage with a reflex save.

All I'm saying is its not very impressive to my eyes. Especially when you only get two greater invocations if you stop at twenty.

I might move it to major then. Let me give it some thought.


I'm really impressed by your work here, MA. Hopefully I'll get to try it someday :D

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